Meeting Abstract 94.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 The evolution of fish barbels by the co-option of fin developmental mechanisms HAWKINS, M.B.*; JANDZIK, D.; CRUZ, A.; STOCK, D.W.; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; University of Colorado, Boulder Barbels are sensory projections from the head that are found in 27 of the 62 orders of fishes, ranging from hagfishes to […]
sessions: Session 94
Lateral Line Morphogenesis in Chondrichthyan vs Osteichthyan Fishes New Perspectives on an Old Problem
Meeting Abstract 94.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Lateral Line Morphogenesis in Chondrichthyan vs. Osteichthyan Fishes: New Perspectives on an Old Problem WEBB, JF*; GILLIS, JA; University of Rhode Island and MBL, Woods Hole; Dalhousie University and MBL, Woods Hole The morphology of the lateral line system (LL) differs significantly in chondrichthyan and osteichthyan fishes, so we hypothesized […]
Genetic and morphological vestiges of lost lungs in plethodontid salamanders
Meeting Abstract 94.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Genetic and morphological vestiges of lost lungs in plethodontid salamanders LEWIS, Z*; KERNEY, R; DORANTES, J; HANKEN, J; Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA; Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA; Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA; Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA Vestigial structures and rudiments provide windows into the evolutionary history of animals. Common examples are the […]
Evolutionary and Developmental Modularity in the Digits of Vertebrates
Meeting Abstract 94.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 Evolutionary and Developmental Modularity in the Digits of Vertebrates KAVANAGH, KD*; WINSLOW, B; LEARY, B; Univ. of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Univ. of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Univ. of Massachusetts Dartmouth The toe bones of most tetrapods include the metatarsal followed by a series of phalanges bones. In the embryos, these bones develop in […]
Testosterone pleiotropically regulates sexual dimorphism in multiple traits
Meeting Abstract 94.4 Monday, Jan. 6 14:15 Testosterone pleiotropically regulates sexual dimorphism in multiple traits COX, C. L.*; HANNINEN, A. F.; REEDY, A. M.; COX, R. M.; The University of Virginia; The University of Virginia; The University of Virginia; The University of Virginia Sexual dimorphism is predicted to evolve slowly as genetic correlations are gradually eroded. […]
Sexually dimorphic learning in a butterfly learning biases, mate choice, and sexually dimorphic ornamentation
Meeting Abstract 94.2 Monday, Jan. 6 13:45 Sexually dimorphic learning in a butterfly: learning biases, mate choice, and sexually dimorphic ornamentation WESTERMAN, E.L.*; MONTEIRO, M.; University of Chicago; National University of Singapore Mate preferences are learned in a wide variety of taxa with sexually dimorphic ornamentation. However, it is unclear what role sexual dimorphism in mate […]
Effects of domestication on sexual dichromatism in the island canary
Meeting Abstract 94.1 Monday, Jan. 6 13:30 Effects of domestication on sexual dichromatism in the island canary KOCH, R.E.*; HILL, G.E.; Auburn University; Auburn University In many songbird species, males exhibit flashier and more colorful plumage than females. This sexual dichromatism is commonly accepted to arise through sexual selection, though research on the topic is heavily […]
Developmental erosion of between-sex genetic correlations in a sexually dimorphic lizard
Meeting Abstract 94.3 Monday, Jan. 6 14:00 Developmental erosion of between-sex genetic correlations in a sexually dimorphic lizard COX, R.M.*; MCGLOTHLIN, J.W.; University of Virginia; Virginia Tech Selection often favors dramatically different phenotypes in males and females, but quantitative-genetic theory predicts that the subsequent evolution of sexual dimorphism is potentially constrained by between-sex genetic correlations for […]
The spiralian missing link – Lobatocerebromorpha
Meeting Abstract 94.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:30 The spiralian missing link – Lobatocerebromorpha KERBL, A; BEKKOUCHE, N; STERRER, W; LAUMER, C; GIRIBET, G; WORSAAE, K*; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Bermuda Aquarium,Museum and Zoo, Bermuda; Harvard University, USA; Harvard University, USA; University of Copenhagen, Denmark Still unplaced, Lobatocerebrum (Lobatocerebridae, Spiralia incertae sedis) […]
The anatomic distribution of Crassicauda within the pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps)
Meeting Abstract 94.6 Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:45 The anatomic distribution of Crassicauda within the pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) BATEMAN, T.F.*; MCLELLAN, W.A.; COSTIDIS, A.M.; HARMS, C.A.; ROTSTEIN, D.S.; PABST, D.A.; Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington; Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington; Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington; North Carolina State Univ.; Marine Mammal Pathology Services; Univ. of North […]