Circadian rhythms in free-living arctic ground squirrels

Meeting Abstract 94.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Circadian rhythms in free-living arctic ground squirrels. BARNES, BM; Univ of Alaska, Fairbanks The persistence and function of circadian rhythms in hibernators is controversial. Hibernating mammals withdraw from the environment and undergo profound changes in body temperature (Tb), yet individuals require and demonstrate precise seasonal timing. We are examining expression […]

A comparison of spatial and temporal habitat use by male and female migrating Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the eastern Pacific

Meeting Abstract 94.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7  A comparison of spatial and temporal habitat use by male and female migrating Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the eastern Pacific CHAPPLE, T.K.*; JORGENSEN, S.J.; ANDERSON, S.D.; VAN SOMMERAN, S.; KLIMLEY, A.P.; BOTSFORD, L.W.; BLOCK, B.A.; Univerisity of California, Davis; Stanford University; Inverness, CA; Pelagic Shark Research Foundation; University of […]

Variation in scale counts and body size in Sceloporus lizards in relation to latitude, temperature, and precipitation a phylogenetic perspective

Meeting Abstract 94.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Variation in scale counts and body size in Sceloporus lizards in relation to latitude, temperature, and precipitation: a phylogenetic perspective OUFIERO, C.E.*; ADOLPH, S.C.; GARTNER, G.E.A.; GARLAND, T.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Harvey Mudd College; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Variation in physical aspects of the environment […]

The Cephalopod Cornea Testing for Convergent Evolution using a Supermatrix Phylogeny

Meeting Abstract 94.4  Thursday, Jan. 7  The Cephalopod Cornea: Testing for Convergent Evolution using a Supermatrix Phylogeny LINDGREN, AR*; PANKEY, MS; OAKLEY, TH; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of California, Santa Barbara One leading edge question in evolutionary biology is how similar structures can evolve multiple times. Cephalopods possess camera-type […]

Resolving species identities in the Porifera Tree of Life a comparison of mitochondrial and nuclear barcodes

Meeting Abstract 94.6  Thursday, Jan. 7  Resolving species identities in the Porifera Tree of Life: a comparison of mitochondrial and nuclear barcodes REDMOND, N.E.*; COLLINS, A.G.; DIAZ, M.C.; THACKER, R.W.; Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC; National Systematics Laboratory of NOAA’s Fisheries Service and Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History; Museo Marino de […]

Hummingbird choices at artificial flowers made to resemble bird- versus bee-pollinated flowers

Meeting Abstract 94.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  Hummingbird choices at artificial flowers made to resemble bird- versus bee-pollinated flowers HALEY, W.A.*; WILSON, P.S.; California State University, Northridge; California State University, Northridge Certain floral characteristics are associated with specific pollinators. For example, hummingbird-pollinated flowers are usually red, lack a landing platform, lack color patterns on the perianth, and […]

Behavioral and molecular differentiation within a possible cryptic species complex, the canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor

Meeting Abstract 94.2  Thursday, Jan. 7  Behavioral and molecular differentiation within a possible cryptic species complex, the canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor KLYMUS, Katy *; HUMFELD, Sarah ; MARSHALL, Vince ; CANNATELLA, David ; GERHARDT, H. Carl; University of Missouri, Columbia Cryptic species, morphologically indistinguishable taxa, are commonly identified based on molecular data and/or non-visual mating signals. […]

Baikalian sponges as a model for the study of endemic speciation

Meeting Abstract 94.5  Thursday, Jan. 7  Baikalian sponges as a model for the study of endemic speciation LAVROV, D.V.*; BURLAKOVA, O.O.; ITSKOVICH, V.B.; WEINBERG, E.V.; BELIKOV, S.I.; Iowa State Unviersity; Limnological Institute, Irkutsk, Russia; Limnological Institute, Irkutsk, Russia; Limnological Institute, Irkutsk, Russia Speciation – the emergence of discrete entities (species) in the course of continuous biological […]

Timetree of vertebrate visual opsin genes suggests long cryptic history of metazoans

Meeting Abstract 94.1  Friday, Jan. 7  Timetree of vertebrate visual opsin genes suggests long cryptic history of metazoans SANTINI, F.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Vertebrate visual opsins are light-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors found in photoreceptor cells of the retina. Vertebrate visual opsin belong by five different groups: RH1, which is used in night vision and […]

The role of gene duplication and convergence in the molecular evolution of scallop opsins

Meeting Abstract 94.2  Friday, Jan. 7  The role of gene duplication and convergence in the molecular evolution of scallop opsins KRAUSE, AJ; PAIRETT, AN; SERB, JM*; Iowa State Univ. Vision is a tractable system in which to study adaptation since the visual process is initiated by a single protein, opsin. Scallops possess tens to hundreds of […]

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