Effect of friction on cockroaches running in confined spaces

Meeting Abstract 93.3  Monday, Jan. 6 14:00  Effect of friction on cockroaches running in confined spaces JAYARAM, K*; GOLDMAN, D; FULL, R J; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Georgia Institute of Tech.; Univ. of California, Berkeley kaushikj@berkeley.edu Cockroaches, Periplaneta americana, run through confined spaces (4-12 mm) less than a third of their standing height using their compression exoskeleton. […]

The potential involvement of Rh proteins in the ammonia excretory system in Caenorhabditis elegans

Meeting Abstract 93.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:45  The potential involvement of Rh proteins in the ammonia excretory system in Caenorhabditis elegans ADLIMOGHADDAM, A.*; O’DONNELL, M.J.; WEIHRAUCH, D.; University of Manitoba; Mcmaster University; University of Manitoba umadlimo@umanitoba.ca Ammonia is the major product of cellular amino acid metabolism in animals. Due to the toxicity of ammonia, an efficient ammonia […]

Oxidative stress during disruption of gas exchange patterns in insects

Meeting Abstract 93.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:45  Oxidative stress during disruption of gas exchange patterns in insects HEINRICH, EH*; BRADLEY, TJ; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine eheinric@uci.edu Insects utilize an efficient gas exchange system made up of tracheal tubes which deliver oxygen directly to tissues. Since oxygen delivery bypasses the circulatory system and depends […]

Mitochondrial mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in marine bivalves

Meeting Abstract 93.7  Tuesday, Jan. 6 15:15  Mitochondrial mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in marine bivalves SOKOLOVA, I.M.*; IVANINA, A.V.; University of North Carolina at Charlotte; University of North Carolina at Charlotte isokolov@uncc.edu Estuarine bivalves are among the champions of hypoxia tolerance and are exposed to cyclic oxygen deficiency due to the tidal cycles and/or formation of the […]

Heat and oxidative stress synergize to reduce survival and inhibit expression of stress response genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Meeting Abstract 93.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:00  Heat and oxidative stress synergize to reduce survival and inhibit expression of stress response genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans CROMBIE, TA*; JULIAN, D; Univ. of Florida, Gainesville; Univ. of Florida, Gainesville tcrombie@ufl.edu Maintenance of homeostasis may be especially challenging in habitats characterized by large variations in external environmental parameters, […]

Connections between mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial phospholipid fatty acid composition, metabolic rate, and life history in temperate and tropical birds

Meeting Abstract 93.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:30  Connections between mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial phospholipid fatty acid composition, metabolic rate, and life history in temperate and tropical birds CALHOON, E.A.*; WILLIAMS, J.B.; Ohio State University; Ohio State University calhoon.18@osu.edu Temperate birds tend to have a fast pace of life, having short life-spans with high reproductive output and high metabolic […]

Cellular Physiological Asymmetries Between the Blind and Ocular Side Gills of Marine Flatfish

Meeting Abstract 93.8  Tuesday, Jan. 6 15:15  Cellular Physiological Asymmetries Between the Blind and Ocular Side Gills of Marine Flatfish YANAGITSURU, Y R*; GALLO, N D; TRESGUERRES, M; Scripps Institution of Oceanography yuzo.yanagitsuru@gmail.com Flatfishes likely experience a different chemical environment on each side of their bodies due to their lifestyle of lying on the sediment. However, there […]

A comparative study of the microvascularity of adipose in a variety of diving tetrapods and terrestrial mammals

Meeting Abstract 93.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:15  A comparative study of the microvascularity of adipose in a variety of diving tetrapods and terrestrial mammals GABLER, M.K.*; GAY, M.; WESTGATE, A.J.; KOOPMAN, H.N.; University of North Carolina Wilmington mkg5178@uncw.edu During dives, marine tetrapods experience physical changes in their surrounding environments, such as decreased temperature and increased pressure, which […]

Wing-body interaction and new lift enhancement mechanism in cicada’s free flight

Meeting Abstract 93-2  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:45  Wing-body interaction and new lift enhancement mechanism in cicada’s free flight LIU, G*; LI, C; REN, Y; BABU, N; DONG, H; Univ. of Virginia; Univ. of Virginia; Univ. of Virginia; Univ. of Virginia; Univ. of Virginia haibo.dong@virginia.edu In this work, a combined experimental and computational study is conducted to study […]

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