Fungal pressures within and surrounding nests of the arboreal termite species Nasutitermes acajutlae

Meeting Abstract 93.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Fungal pressures within and surrounding nests of the arboreal termite species Nasutitermes acajutlae POSTAVA-DAVIGNON, Marielle A.*; FULLER, Claire A.; STILLER, John W.; WADDLE, Erica; ROSENGAUS, Rebeca B.; Northeastern University; Murray State University; East Carolina University; East Carolina University; Northeastern University Samples were collected from nests of Nasutitermes acajutlae in St. […]

Effects of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Infections on Larval Foraging Performance

Meeting Abstract 93.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Effects of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Infections on Larval Foraging Performance VENESKY, M.D.*; PARRIS, M.J.; The University of Memphis There is evidence of pathogen induced modifications in host behavior, including alterations in foraging behavior or foraging efficiency, which may compromise host fitness indirectly by reducing growth and development. Chytridiomycosis is an infectious […]

Non-consumptive effects in a marine food chain with both native and invasive species

Meeting Abstract 93.4  Thursday, Jan. 7  Non-consumptive effects in a marine food chain with both native and invasive species. GRASON, Emily*; MINER, Benjamin/G; Western Washington University; Western Washington University Top-down effects by predators are important in structuring marine ecosystems, and predators control prey densities and distributions via consumptive and non-consumptive effects. However, in food chains with […]

Krill Schooling Defining the Structure of Antarctic Krill Schools and Swarms

Meeting Abstract 93.2  Thursday, Jan. 7  Krill Schooling: Defining the Structure of Antarctic Krill Schools and Swarms MURPHY, D. W.*; WEBSTER, D. R.; KAWAGUCHI, S.; KING, R.; OSBORN, J.; YEN, J.; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Tasmania; Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Tasmania; University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania; Georgia […]

How to Produce a Chemical Defense Sea Hares Manufacture Antipredatory Chemicals from Diet-Derived Red Algal Photosynthetic Pigments

Meeting Abstract 93.6  Thursday, Jan. 7  How to Produce a Chemical Defense: Sea Hares Manufacture Antipredatory Chemicals from Diet-Derived Red Algal Photosynthetic Pigments KAMIO, Michiya; NUSNBAUM, Matthew; AGGIO, Juan; GRIMES, Tiphani; DERBY, Charles*; Georgia State University In defense against predators, sea hares use an ink secretion composed of purple ink and white opaline. This colored secretion […]

Genetic analysis of variation in schooling behavior among threespine stickleback populations

Meeting Abstract 93.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Genetic analysis of variation in schooling behavior among threespine stickleback populations WARK*, A.R.*; GREENWOOD, A.K.; PEICHEL, C.L.; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle and University of Washington, Seattle; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle and University of Washington, Seattle Threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) adapted […]

Fish lateral system is required for accurate control of shoaling behaviour

Meeting Abstract 93.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  Fish lateral system is required for accurate control of shoaling behaviour FAUCHER,, K.*; PARMENTIER,, E.; BECCO,, C.; VANDEWALLE,, N.; VANDEWALLE,, P.; Univ. of Liège, Belgium In teleost fishes, the lateral system is assumed to contribute, among other roles, to maintaining schooling behaviour. Sight is also assumed to play a role […]

Chemical Communication, Keystone Molecules, and Forces Structuring Natural Communities

Meeting Abstract 93.5  Thursday, Jan. 7  Chemical Communication, Keystone Molecules, and Forces Structuring Natural Communities FERRIER, G.A.*; ZIMMER, C.A.; ZIMMER, R.K.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Sensory systems provide critical filters that enable organisms to detect and recognize valuable resources. Trophic cascades, structuring populations and communities, […]

Panther chameleons behaviorally regulate optimal UV exposure depending on dietary vitamin Dsub3sub status

Meeting Abstract 93.5  Friday, Jan. 7  Panther chameleons behaviorally regulate optimal UV exposure depending on dietary vitamin D3 status KARSTEN, K.B.*; FERGUSON, G.W.; CHEN, T.C.; HOLICK, M.F.; Texas Christian University; Texas Christian University; Boston University Medical Center; Boston University Medical Center Reptiles may bask for reasons other than thermoregulation. One alternative is to regulate homeostasis of […]

Nutritional and chemical factors shaping the “foodscape” of a dietary specialist herbivore, the pygmy rabbit

Meeting Abstract 93.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Nutritional and chemical factors shaping the “foodscape” of a dietary specialist herbivore, the pygmy rabbit ULAPPA, A.C.*; SHIPLEY, L.A.; RACHLOW, J.L.; FORBEY, J.S.; Boise State Univeristy, ID; Washington State University, Pullman; University of Idaho, Moscow; Boise State University, ID Herbivory is a foraging strategy that poses special challenges, which can […]

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