Immunomodulation by testosterone and corticosterone in toads experimental evidences from transdermal application

Meeting Abstract 91-1  Saturday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Immunomodulation by testosterone and corticosterone in toads: experimental evidences from transdermal application MADELAIRE, CB*; CASSETTARI, BO; GOMES, FR; University of São Paulo Testosterone (T) and corticosterone (CORT) are steroids that play important roles in vertebrate reproduction and display complex immunomodulatory function that can affect survival. We investigated […]

History of stress affects cell-mediated immunity in a lizard

Meeting Abstract 91-7  Saturday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45  History of stress affects cell-mediated immunity in a lizard SPRAYBERRY, K. M.*; TYLAN, C.; SHERIFF, M.; OWEN, D.; MACLEOD, K.; LANGKILDE, T.; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University Following exposure to stressors, energy resources are […]

A case-control study of immune related sequence polymorphism in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus

Meeting Abstract 91-6  Saturday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  A case-control study of immune related sequence polymorphism in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus SULLIVAN, TJ*; NEIGEL, JE; University of Arkansas; University of Louisiana at Lafayette Infectious diseases are a pervasive threat to marine populations and ecosystems. Identification of genes that contribute to variation in disease resistance […]

Volitional swimming kinematics of schooling blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in the wild

Meeting Abstract 91-7  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45  Volitional swimming kinematics of schooling blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in the wild RUDDY, BT*; PORTER, ME; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University Annually, populations of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) move along the coastline, forming dense aggregations at the southern terminus of their migratory route, where shallow clear […]

The morphology and performance of a mutant knifefish with a dorsal fin

Meeting Abstract 91-2  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  The morphology and performance of a mutant knifefish with a dorsal fin OUFIERO, CE*; ROCK, A; EISINGER, MB; LONGO, SJ; WAINWRIGHT, D; Towson Univ.; Towson Univ.; Towson Univ.; Duke Univ.; Harvard Univ. According to Dollo’s Law the evolutionary loss of a complex feature is irreversible, such […]

The hydrodynamics and control of prey pursuit in zebrafish

Meeting Abstract 91-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15  The hydrodynamics and control of prey pursuit in zebrafish SOTO, A*; MCHENRY, MJ; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine A fish predator’s survival depends on the ability to chase down prey. Many fish predators move in discrete, burst-and-coast bouts of activity. To understand the biomechanics […]

Swimming Kinematics Reveal Multiple Gait Transition Strategies Within Balistoid Fishes

Meeting Abstract 91-4  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00  Swimming Kinematics Reveal Multiple Gait Transition Strategies Within Balistoid Fishes GEORGE, AB*; OLSEN, AM; WESTNEAT, MW; University of Chicago; Brown University; University of Chicago Triggerfishes and filefishes in the superfamily Balistoidea power slow steady swimming using oscillations or undulations of their median dorsal and anal fins in […]

Sea Butterfly Swimming The effect of shell shape on pteropod kinematics and hydrodynamics

Meeting Abstract 91-1  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:00 – 10:15  Sea Butterfly Swimming: The effect of shell shape on pteropod kinematics and hydrodynamics KARAKAS, F*; MAAS, AE; MURPHY, DW; University of South Florida ; Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences; University of South Florida Sea butterflies, also called pteropods, are small, holoplanktonic marine snails with a shell composed […]

Fish median fin function studied using a simple robotic model

Meeting Abstract 91-3  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Fish median fin function studied using a simple robotic model MATTHEWS, DG*; LAUDER, GV; Harvard University; Harvard University One hallmark of fish diversity is the position, number, and structure of the median fins. The role of these fins in both thrust production and maneuverability has been […]

Fish Schooling Dynamic Shifts in School Structure with Swimming Speed and During Feeding

Meeting Abstract 91-6  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  Fish Schooling: Dynamic Shifts in School Structure with Swimming Speed and During Feeding DI SANTO, V*; LAUDER, GV; Harvard University; Harvard University Schooling is a prevalent collective behavior exhibited by about 80% of all known fish species during at least some phases of their life. School formations […]

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