Meeting Abstract 91-3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:45 Coevolution between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes HAVIRD, J.C.*; SLOAN, D.B.; Colorado State University; Colorado State University A mitochondrial genome is retained in all eukaryotes with a functional electron transport chain. However, in order for the mitochondria to meet the energy needs of eukaryotic cells, genetic products from the […]
sessions: Session 91
Uncoupling Proteins and Thermal Acclimation and Adaptation in Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus
Meeting Abstract 91-2 Saturday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00 Uncoupling Proteins and Thermal Acclimation and Adaptation in Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus BRYANT, HJ*; SCHULTE, PM; University of British Columbia, Vancouver; University of British Columbia, Vancouver Mitochondria are a critical component of an animal’s response to environmental stressors such as temperature, as they are the primary site […]
Testing the Microclimate Hypothesis Thermal Physiology Does Not Explain Population Declines of Understory Birds in Neotropical Forests
Meeting Abstract 91-4 Saturday, Jan. 7 11:15 – 11:30 Testing the Microclimate Hypothesis: Thermal Physiology Does Not Explain Population Declines of Understory Birds in Neotropical Forests POLLOCK, H/S*; BRAWN, J/D; CHEVIRON, Z/A; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Univ. of Montana Forest fragmentation is increasing in the Neotropics and has profound effects on bird […]
Linking Physiological Mechanisms to Thermally Driven Life History Outcomes in the Mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer
Meeting Abstract 91-5 Saturday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 11:45 Linking Physiological Mechanisms to Thermally Driven Life History Outcomes in the Mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer CHOU, H*; PATHMASIRI, W; SUMNER, S; BUCHWALTER, D; North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh; RTI International, Research Triangle Park; RTI International, Research Triangle Park; North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh Aquatic insects play critical roles […]
Influence of Thyroid Hormones on Development of Endothermy in the Precocial Pekin Duck
Meeting Abstract 91-1 Saturday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 10:45 Influence of Thyroid Hormones on Development of Endothermy in the Precocial Pekin Duck DZIALOWSKI, EM*; SIRSAT, TS; Univ. of North Texas At hatching, precocial Pekin ducks rapidly undergo physiological and metabolic changes associated with expression of an endothermic phenotype. Thyroid hormones (TH) are key regulators of avian […]
How to Minimize Accidental Leakage Cold-Acclimated Drosophila Have Reduced Intestinal Paracellular Permeability
Meeting Abstract 91-6 Saturday, Jan. 7 11:45 – 12:00 How to Minimize Accidental Leakage: Cold-Acclimated Drosophila Have Reduced Intestinal Paracellular Permeability MACMILLAN, HA*; KELLY, SP; BELOZEROV, VE; JONUSAITE, S; DONINI, A; York University, Toronto Chill susceptible insects, including the model species Drosophila melanogaster are incapacitated, injured, and killed by low temperature exposure before any freezing […]
Geographic patterns of thermal tolerance in a widespread lungless salamander
Meeting Abstract 91-3 Saturday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:15 Geographic patterns of thermal tolerance in a widespread lungless salamander NOVARRO, AJ; University of Maryland, College Park Thermal tolerance plays a major role in determining species distributions across space and time. By defining the range of temperatures in which a species can survive and reproduce, thermal […]
Transcriptomic Response to Immune Challenge in Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) using RNA-seq
Meeting Abstract 91-2 Saturday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45 Transcriptomic Response to Immune Challenge in Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) using RNA-seq SCALF, CS*; ASHLEY, NT; Western Kentucky Univ, Bowling Green, KY; Western Kentucky Univ, Bowling Green, KY Despite the convergence of rapid technological advances in genomics and the maturing field of ecoimmunology, our understanding of the […]
The Effects of Cutaneous Wax Esters, Triacyl- and Monoacylglycerols on the Susceptibility to White-nose Syndrome
Meeting Abstract 91-4 Saturday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15 The Effects of Cutaneous Wax Esters, Triacyl- and Monoacylglycerols on the Susceptibility to White-nose Syndrome FRANK, CL*; INGALA, MR; BEGLIN, LJ; HUDSON, AJ; NISHAT, N; Fordham Univ.; American Museum of Natural History; Fordham Univ.; Fordham Univ.; Fordham Univ. White-nose Syndrome is caused by cutaneous infection with the […]
Skin Secretions May Provide Bats with Innate Immune Defenses Against Pseudogymnoascus destructans
Meeting Abstract 91-3 Saturday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00 Skin Secretions May Provide Bats with Innate Immune Defenses Against Pseudogymnoascus destructans RIOS-SOTELO, G. R.*; NORTHUP, D.; BUECHER, D.; VOYLES, J. L.; Univ. of Nevada, Reno; Univ. of New Mexico; Univ. of Nevada, Reno White-nose Syndrome is an emerging infectious disease that has devastated bat populations […]