Meeting Abstract 91.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Virtual labs and activities: Tools for students and an opportunity to broaden your Broader Impacts HODIN, J.*; MILLER, P.; EPEL, D.; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove, CA USA; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove, CA USA; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove, CA USA Our team […]
sessions: Session 91
Sailing for Science Authentic Oceanographic Field Experience as the Core of Multiple Science Courses
Meeting Abstract 91.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Sailing for Science: Authentic Oceanographic Field Experience as the Core of Multiple Science Courses LOWERY, M.S.*; KAUFMANN, R.; GRAY, S.; BOUDRIAS, M.; TALLEY, D.; University of San Diego; University of San Diego; University of San Diego; University of San Diego; University of San Diego For over a decade, students at […]
Flight Artists An outreach project that enables the general public to film natural flight using the worlds most advanced high-speed camera
Meeting Abstract 91.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Flight Artists: An outreach project that enables the general public to film natural flight using the worlds most advanced high-speed camera. LENTINK, D*; FIAZ, A.W.; Stanford University; Wageningen University; Wageningen University In 2010-2011 we developed a world-unique outreach project “Flight Artists” with a large team of scientist, students, and support […]
The multi-functional properties of a cypriniform feeding novelty
Meeting Abstract 91.5 Monday, Jan. 6 14:30 The multi-functional properties of a cypriniform feeding novelty RADE, CM*; SANFORD, CP; HERNANDEZ, LP; The George Washington University; Hofstra University; The George Washington University The cypriniform palatal organ is a dorsally located, tongue-like muscular mass that spans the buccal roof and has various lateral connections to the branchial elements. […]
Ontogenetic transitions from cleaning behavior are associated with shifts in cranial morphology in Thalassoma wrasses
Meeting Abstract 91.2 Monday, Jan. 6 13:45 Ontogenetic transitions from cleaning behavior are associated with shifts in cranial morphology in Thalassoma wrasses BALIGA, V.B.*; MEHTA, R.S.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz In fishes, cleaning is a mutualistic behavior wherein a species will remove and consume ectoparasites or damaged tissues from other […]
Modulating growth trajectories of the feeding mechanism in sympatric species may contribute to functional morphological diversity in teleost fishes
Meeting Abstract 91.4 Monday, Jan. 6 14:15 Modulating growth trajectories of the feeding mechanism in sympatric species may contribute to functional morphological diversity in teleost fishes TURINGAN, R.G.*; KENYON, J.E.; SHENKER, J.M.; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne The quest into the advancement of our understanding of […]
Hydrodynamic starvation in first-feeding larval fishes
Meeting Abstract 91.1 Monday, Jan. 6 13:30 Hydrodynamic starvation in first-feeding larval fishes HOLZMAN, RH*; CHINA, V; ZILKA, M; YANIV, S; ELAD, D; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv University Larval fishes suffer prodigious mortality rates, typically eliminating 99% of the brood within a few days after first […]
Does cavitation limit the speed of mantis shrimp
Meeting Abstract 91.6 Monday, Jan. 6 14:45 Does cavitation limit the speed of mantis shrimp? COX, S.M.*; PATEK, S.N.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Duke University With one of the fastest feeding strikes in the animal kingdom, mantis shrimp strike prey with a raptorial appendage that can reach velocities of 30 m/s with accelerations of 1×105 m/s2 […]
Come on baby, let’s do the twist the kinematics of killing in Loggerhead Shrikes (Passeriformes Laniidae)
Meeting Abstract 91.3 Monday, Jan. 6 14:00 Come on baby, let’s do the twist: the kinematics of killing in Loggerhead Shrikes (Passeriformes: Laniidae) SUSTAITA, D.*; RUBEGA, M. A.; FARABAUGH, S. M.; Brown University; University of Connecticut; San Diego Zoo Global Shrikes use their beaks for procuring and processing their arthropod and vertebrate prey. Their distinctive hooked […]
Understanding bat flight as a model for bio-inspired aircraft designs
Meeting Abstract 91.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:45 Understanding bat flight as a model for bio-inspired aircraft designs FULLER, NW*; THERIAULT, DH; KONG, Z; WANG, S; BETKE, M; BAILLIEUL, J; Boston University; Boston University; Boston University; Boston University; Boston University; Boston University Flight behaviors of bats provide an extraordinary study system for scientists to understand collective […]