Meeting Abstract 91.2 Friday, Jan. 7 Getting around when you’re round: Quantitative analysis of the locomotion of the thick-spined brittlestar (Ophiocoma echinata). ASTLEY, H.C.; Brown University The gaits of bilaterally symmetrical animals have been extensively studied and show remarkable convergence, even between phyla which have evolved limbs independently (e.g. tetrapods & arthropods). However, little data exists […]
sessions: Session 91
Galloping cheetahs the challenges of high speed locomotion
Meeting Abstract 91.6 Friday, Jan. 7 Galloping cheetahs: the challenges of high speed locomotion HUDSON, P.E.*; CORR, S.A.; WILSON, A.M.; Royal Veterinary College, London; University of Nottingham; Royal Veterinary College, London Running at high speed presents quadrupeds with several challenges, not only with straight line speed but also when accelerating, decelerating and manoeuvring. There is much […]
Energetic cost of transitioning between trot and gallop and back in horses
Meeting Abstract 91.4 Friday, Jan. 7 Energetic cost of transitioning between trot and gallop and back in horses NAUWELAERTS, S.*; AERTS, P.; CLAYTON, H.M.; University of Antwerp/Michigan State University In their classic 1981 study, Hoyt and Taylor suggest that gait transitions in horses occur to reduce the metabolic cost of locomotion at a given speed. This […]
Activity of extrinsic forelimb and hindlimb muscles in dogs while walking, trotting and galloping
Meeting Abstract 91.5 Friday, Jan. 7 Activity of extrinsic forelimb and hindlimb muscles in dogs while walking, trotting and galloping DEBAN, S.M.*; SCHILLING, N.; CARRIER, D.R.; Univ. of South Florida, Tampa; Friedrich-Schiller Univ., Jena, Germany; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City To examine how locomotor muscle function changes with different gaits, the electromyographic activity of 23 […]
Propulsive force calculations of a frog jumping from the water’s surface
Meeting Abstract 91.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 Propulsive force calculations of a frog jumping from the water’s surface WILKINSON, Kit C.*; NISHIKAWA, Kiisa C.; UYENO, Theodore A.; LEE, David; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Valdosta State University; University of Nevada Las Vegas The juvenile North American bullfrog or Lithobates catesbeianus has a remarkable ability to generate […]
Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in phocid seals Importance of spinal flexion by an amphibious mammal
Meeting Abstract 91.4 Saturday, Jan. 7 Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in phocid seals: Importance of spinal flexion by an amphibious mammal GARRETT, J.N.*; FISH, F.E.; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania Pinnipeds are amphibious mammals that retain limbs to function on land and in water. The evolution of the limbs as flippers has placed […]
Force production by the forelimbs of salamanders and pectoral fins of mudskippers during terrestrial locomotion
Meeting Abstract 91.3 Saturday, Jan. 7 Force production by the forelimbs of salamanders and pectoral fins of mudskippers during terrestrial locomotion KAWANO, S.M.*; BLOB, R.W.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ. Salamanders are often used to model the locomotor capacities of early tetrapods due to postural and morphological similarities. The fossil record provides evidence that terrestrial adaptations began […]
Exposure to hypoxia impacts hexapedal locomotion in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun
Meeting Abstract 91.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Exposure to hypoxia impacts hexapedal locomotion in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun STOVER, KK*; BURNETT, LE; MCELROY, EJ; BURNETT, KG; College of Charleston; College of Charleston; College of Charleston; College of Charleston The Atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), is an important commercial and recreational fishing species that resides […]
Dynamics of hunting in free ranging cheetah
Meeting Abstract 91.5 Saturday, Jan. 7 Dynamics of hunting in free ranging cheetah WILSON, AM*; LOWE, J; HUDSON, PE; ROSKILLY, K; MCNUTT, JW; The Royal Veterinary College; The Royal Veterinary College; The Royal Veterinary College; The Royal Veterinary College; Botswana Predator Conservation Trust Studies of maximum performance are limited by subject motivation and attempts by ourselves […]
Acceleration mechanics in Desert Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys desertii)
Meeting Abstract 91.6 Saturday, Jan. 7 Acceleration mechanics in Desert Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys desertii) MCGOWAN, Craig; University of Idaho Wallabies are known for their ability to decouple metabolic cost from hopping speed, largely due to elastic energy recovery from long, thin ankle extensor tendons. Smaller species of bipedal hoppers, such as kangaroo rats, have relatively thicker […]