Meeting Abstract 91.2 Thursday, Jan. 7 Evolutionarily conserved expression of genes involved in the differentiation of anterior neural tissues within the larva of the articulate brachiopod, Terebratalia transversa. SANTAGATA, S.**; RESH, C.; HEJNOL, A.; PASSAMANECK, Y.; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus; Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii; Kewalo […]
sessions: Session 91
Embryonic and post-embryonic development of the polyclad flatworm Maritigrella crozieri, and the homology of lophotrochozoan larval characters
Meeting Abstract 91.3 Thursday, Jan. 7 Embryonic and post-embryonic development of the polyclad flatworm Maritigrella crozieri, and the homology of lophotrochozoan larval characters RAWLINSON, Kate A; Smithsonian Marine Station There is a patchy distribution of ciliated planktonic (“larval”) stages across the Lophotrochozoa, and these stages share many morphological characters. This broad distribution of larval characters can […]
Comparative Anatomy of Planuliform Nemertean Larvae
Meeting Abstract 91.10 Thursday, Jan. 7 Comparative Anatomy of Planuliform Nemertean Larvae GAVELIS, Gregory*; MASLAKOVA, Svetlana; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Nemertean developmental studies have focused primarily on the pilidium larva of the pilidiophoran group, with little attention to the planuliform larvae of the palaeonemertans or hoplonemerteans. Morphogenesis of the proboscis, cerebral organs, and digestive system […]
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain development in the annelid Capitella teleta
Meeting Abstract 91.1 Thursday, Jan. 7 Cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain development in the annelid Capitella teleta MEYER, NP*; SEAVER, EC; Kewalo Marine Lab, PBRC, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI Capitella teleta (formerly Capitella sp. I) is a polychaete annelid whose central nervous system (CNS) consists of a dorsal, anterior brain, circumesophageal connectives and a […]
Bringing Lophotrochozoa into Studies of Comparative Eye Development and Eye Evolution
Meeting Abstract 91.11 Thursday, Jan. 7 Bringing Lophotrochozoa into Studies of Comparative Eye Development and Eye Evolution WEVER, JM*; HENRY, JJ; NEWMARK, PA; U Illinois – Urbana; U Illinois – Urbana; U Illinois – Urbana Metazoan eyes have marveled both developmental and evolutionary biologists since Darwin wrote in Origin of Species, “to suppose that the eye […]
Axes and organs in nemertean larvae Development of a hoplonemertean
Meeting Abstract 91.7 Thursday, Jan. 7 Axes and organs in nemertean larvae: Development of a hoplonemertean HIEBERT, Laurel/S*; MASLAKOVA, Svetlana/A; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Nemerteans display two major modes of larval development: via a juvenile-like planuliform larva, found in the paleonemerteans and hoplonemerteans, and via the unique planktotrophic pilidium larva, […]
Asymmetric RNA segregation as a patterning mechanism in Ilyanassa
Meeting Abstract 91.4 Thursday, Jan. 7 Asymmetric RNA segregation as a patterning mechanism in Ilyanassa RABINOWITZ, J.S.*; LAMBERT, J.D.; University of Rochester Asymmetric cell divisions are required by multicellular organisms to generate tissue diversity during early development. Spiral cleaving embryos undergo highly stereotyped divisions where large macromeres divide asymmetrically to produce several small micromeres with specified […]
A Secondary Embryonic Axis Induced by Transplanted D-quadrant Micromeres in an Oligochaete Annelid
Meeting Abstract 91.6 Thursday, Jan. 7 A Secondary Embryonic Axis Induced by Transplanted D-quadrant Micromeres in an Oligochaete Annelid NAKAMOTO, A.*; SHIMIZU, T.; Univ. of Arizona; Hokkaido Univ. In many animals, a specific region in the early embryo has a remarkable potential to act as an organizer. For example, the Spemann and Mangold’s organizer not only […]
Subtle differences in gaits the perspective of data driven Floquet analysis
Meeting Abstract 91.3 Friday, Jan. 7 Subtle differences in gaits: the perspective of data driven Floquet analysis REVZEN, s*; GUCKENHEIMER, j/m; FULL, r/j; University of Pennsylvania; Cornell University; University of California at Berkeley Most rapid forms of animal locomotion involve producing a gait – a rhythmic sequence of body motions that propels the body through space […]
Roll with it how tarantulas turn over
Meeting Abstract 91.1 Friday, Jan. 7 Roll with it: how tarantulas turn over MCBRIDE, JA; CHADWELL, BA; ASHLEY-ROSS, MA*; Wake Forest University Like all arthropods, tarantulas (large spiders of the family Theraphosidae) must shed their exoskeletons in order to grow. When ready to molt, tarantulas roll onto their backs and laboriously “shrug” out of the old […]