Using correlated patterns of behavioral and molecular variation to understand individual variation

Meeting Abstract 91-3  Monday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00  Using correlated patterns of behavioral and molecular variation to understand individual variation FRIESEN, CN*; HAN, J; YOUNG, RL; HOFMANN, HA; UT Austin; UT Austin; UT Austin; UT Austin Members of social groups often show tremendous variation that can be understood by classifying individuals according to their […]

The Effect of Neurotransmitters on Life History Strategy How do Increased Dopamine Levels Influence Aggression in Black Widow Spiders

Meeting Abstract 91-5  Monday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  The Effect of Neurotransmitters on Life History Strategy: How do Increased Dopamine Levels Influence Aggression in Black Widow Spiders? OLENSKI, M/S*; BILBREY, C; DIRIENZO, N; DORNHAUS, A; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona, School of Information; University of Arizona, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology […]

Hunger state modulates the decision of a nudibranch to pursue or evade hazardous prey

Meeting Abstract 91-4  Monday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15  Hunger state modulates the decision of a nudibranch to pursue or evade hazardous prey OTTER, K*; KATZ, P S; University of Massachusetts Amherst Predators constantly make decisions about whether to pursue or evade prey, especially when their prey has the capacity to injure them. The nudibranch mollusc, […]

Evaluating Evasion Strategies in Zebrafish Larvae

Meeting Abstract 91-1  Monday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Evaluating Evasion Strategies in Zebrafish Larvae JIAO, Y*; COLVERT, B; MAN, Y; MCHENRY, M; KANSO, E; University of Southern California; University of California, San Diego; University of Southern California; University of California, Irvine; University of Southern California Predation is a primal interaction between species, yet it is […]

Chemical Landscapes of Fear Crayfish can Determine the Degree of Predatory Threat by Olfaction Alone

Meeting Abstract 91-2  Monday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Chemical Landscapes of Fear: Crayfish can Determine the Degree of Predatory Threat by Olfaction Alone WOOD, T/C*; MOORE, P/A; Bowling Green State University and University of Michigan Biological Station; Bowling Green State University and University of Michigan Biological Station Encounters between predators and prey lead to capture […]

Biochemical Warfare The Coevolution of Rattlesnake Venom and Venom Resistance in Prey Species

Meeting Abstract 91-7  Monday, Jan. 6 11:45 – 12:00  Biochemical Warfare: The Coevolution of Rattlesnake Venom and Venom Resistance in Prey Species ROBINSON, KE; HOLDING, ML; CLARK, RW*; San Diego State University; Florida State University; San Diego State University Many animals use toxic chemicals to defend themselves or immobilize prey. The use of such compounds […]

Voluntary motor activity contributes to the increase in body temperature caused by menthol application to the skin of gerbils

Meeting Abstract 91.7  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Voluntary motor activity contributes to the increase in body temperature caused by menthol application to the skin of gerbils BOILY, P.; Western Connecitcut State University In mammals, the perception of innocuous cold temperatures is partly mediated by the activation of TRPM8 ion channels found on the membrane of some sensory […]

The Influence of Habitat Variation on Snake Body Temperature and Behavior on Konza Prairie

Meeting Abstract 91.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7  The Influence of Habitat Variation on Snake Body Temperature and Behavior on Konza Prairie FILL, J.F.**; KLUG, P.; SANDERCOCK, B.K.; University of Massachusetts Amherst; Kansas State University; Kansas State University An understanding of how snake behavior is influenced by tallgrass prairie management (burning and grazing) is critical in understanding how […]

Testing models of behavioral thermoregulation in a spatially-explicit context a large-scale field experiment

Meeting Abstract 91.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Testing models of behavioral thermoregulation in a spatially-explicit context: a large-scale field experiment ANGILLETTA, M.J.*; SEARS, M.W.; SCHULER, M.S.; RUSCH, T.W.; MITCHELL, W.A.; Indiana State Univ., Terre Haute; Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale; Indiana State Univ., Terre Haute; Univ. of Wisconsin, Stevens Point ; Indiana State Univ., Terre Haute More than […]

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