Computational methods to determine the instantaneous respiratory patterns of animals from respirometry data

Meeting Abstract 90.6  Monday, Jan. 6 14:45  Computational methods to determine the instantaneous respiratory patterns of animals from respirometry data PENDAR, H*; SOCHA, JJ; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Flow-through respirometry is a commonly used technique to record gas exchange patterns of CO2 and O2. This powerful technique has yielded great insight into animal physiology, but the […]

Piecing together the cnidocyte gene regulatory network

Meeting Abstract 90.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:00  Piecing together the cnidocyte gene regulatory network BABONIS, LS*; MARTINDALE, MQ; Whitney Lab, Univ of Florida; Whitney Lab, Univ of Florida Understanding the mechanisms that generate new/novel cell types remains a fundamental challenge in the advancement of cell biology. Because they are among the few clearly novel cell types, […]

Mitotic membrane turnover coordinates differential induction of the heart progenitor lineage

Meeting Abstract 90.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:30  Mitotic membrane turnover coordinates differential induction of the heart progenitor lineage COTA, C. D.; DAVIDSON, B. J.*; Swarthmore College; Swarthmore College Embryonic cells use adhesion to interpret microenvironmental cues, forming signaling compartments along adherent membranes that influence cell survival and developmental patterning. While it is known that dividing cells […]

Inputs of BMP signaling in to the cnidarian endomesoderm GRN

Meeting Abstract 90.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 02:15  Inputs of BMP signaling in to the cnidarian endomesoderm GRN WIJESENA, N.M.*; SIMMONS, D.; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; University of Florida; University of Florida; Unversity of Florida The genesis of gastrulation was arguably a key evolutionary innovation that enabled metazoan diversification, leading to the formation of distinct germ layers that gives […]

Expression of Kruppel-like factors during embryonic development of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi

Meeting Abstract 90.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:45  Expression of Kruppel-like factors during embryonic development of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi PRESNELL, J.S.*; BROWNE, W.E.; Univ. of Miami; Univ. of Miami The Kruppel-like factor (Klf) gene family consists of two closely related groups of transcription factors, Klf and Sp factors. Klf/Sp proteins are defined by a highly […]

Demosponges in disguise Formation of new syncytial tissue in a glass sponge, Aphrocallistes vastus

Meeting Abstract 90.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:30  Demosponges in disguise: Formation of new syncytial tissue in a glass sponge, Aphrocallistes vastus KAHN, AS*; LEYS, SP; University of Alberta, Edmonton; University of Alberta, Edmonton Within the Phylum Porifera, glass sponges (Class Hexactinellida) are an anomaly. As a group, they are almost completely restricted to the deep sea, […]

Tracheophones revisited The three sound source syrinx

Meeting Abstract 90-6  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:15  Tracheophones revisited: The three sound source syrinx GARCIA, S.M.*; KOPUCHIAN, C.; FUXJAGER, M.J.; MINDLIN, G.B.; GOLLER, F.; University of Utah; CECOAL-CONICET; Wakeforest University; FCEN-Universidad de Buenos Aires; University of Utah Avian vocalizations are highly diverse, and arise from an interplay between morphology, aerodynamics and neuromuscular control. Although variation in […]

The yellow stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis, has a magnetic sense but can it use the geomagnetic field to derive a sense of location

Meeting Abstract 90-2  Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:15  The yellow stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis, has a magnetic sense but can it use the geomagnetic field to derive a sense of location NEWTON, KC*; KAJIURA, SM; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University The strength and inclination angle of the geomagnetic field vary predictably with latitude and magnetically sensitive animals […]

Sex differences in spatial memory, hippocampal volume, and oxytocin receptor density in prairie voles Microtus ochrogaster

Meeting Abstract 90-7  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:30  Sex differences in spatial memory, hippocampal volume, and oxytocin receptor density in prairie voles Microtus ochrogaster. RICE, M.A*; HOBBS, L.E.; WALLACE, K.J.; OPHIR, A.G.; Cornell University; University of Massachusetts Amherst; Cornell University; Cornell University Sex differences in brain and behavior are well documented in many species. Conventional thought is […]

Mechanisms of wing stiffening during fast swimming in a pteropod mollusc

Meeting Abstract 90-5  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:00  Mechanisms of wing stiffening during fast swimming in a pteropod mollusc SATTERLIE, RA; University of North Carolina Wimington Acceleration from slow to fast swimming in the Pteropod Mollusc Clione limacina includes two biomechanical changes in wing activities: a change in angle of attack and wing stiffening. In our search […]

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