Meeting Abstract 90.10 Thursday, Jan. 7 Scaling of bite-force performance in horned frogs, Ceratophrys LAPPIN, A.K.*; WILCOX, S.C.; California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona; California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona Of the nearly 6,000 extant frog species, most have weak jaws that play a minor role in prey capture. A notable exception is Ceratophrys, a genus of South […]
sessions: Session 90
Respiratory and Olfactory Turbinate Dimensions in Aquatic and Terrestrial Carnivorans
Meeting Abstract 90.5 Thursday, Jan. 7 Respiratory and Olfactory Turbinate Dimensions in Aquatic and Terrestrial Carnivorans VAN VALKENBURGH, Blaire*; SAMUELS, Josh/X; BIRD, Deborah; MEACHEN-SAMUELS, Julie; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles The mammalian nose contains an extensive set of scroll-like, paper-thin bones […]
Ontogeny and the biomechanics of feeding in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Developmental changes to muscle physiology contributes to niche transitions in a large-bodied vertebrate
Meeting Abstract 90.8 Thursday, Jan. 7 Ontogeny and the biomechanics of feeding in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis): Developmental changes to muscle physiology contributes to niche transitions in a large-bodied vertebrate GIGNAC, P.M.*; ERICKSON, G.M.; Florida State University; Florida State University The American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, undergoes a substantial resource shift to increasingly more durable prey […]
Multidimensional analysis of mandibular function in Alligator mississippiensis using geometric morphometrics and finite element modeling
Meeting Abstract 90.9 Thursday, Jan. 7 Multidimensional analysis of mandibular function in Alligator mississippiensis using geometric morphometrics and finite element modeling REED, D.A.*; PORRO, L.B.; HOLLIDAY, C.M.; LEMBERG, J.B.; METZGER, K.A.; ROSS, C.F.; The University of Chicago; The University of Chicago; The University of Missouri; The University of Chicago; Hofstra University; The University of Chicago Quantifying […]
Mechanisms of bite force production and their relationship with diet in Neotropical leaf-nosed bats
Meeting Abstract 90.7 Thursday, Jan. 7 Mechanisms of bite force production and their relationship with diet in Neotropical leaf-nosed bats SANTANA, S.E.*; DUMONT, E.R.; DAVIS, J.L.; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst In terms of cranial morphology and diet, Neotropical leaf-nosed bats (family Phyllostomidae) are one of the most diverse groups of mammals. This morphological diversity […]
Kinematic analysis of chewing in primates comparison of analytical methods on the analysis of jaw motion
Meeting Abstract 90.4 Thursday, Jan. 7 Kinematic analysis of chewing in primates: comparison of analytical methods on the analysis of jaw motion IRIARTE-DIAZ, J.*; ROSS, C.F.; University of Chicago; University of Chicago Chewing kinematics in mammals has been traditionally characterized and described by four phases: fast close (FC), slow close (SC), fast open (FO), and slow […]
Jaw kinematics in lepidosaurs and mammals and the evolution of amniote chewing
Meeting Abstract 90.1 Thursday, Jan. 7 Jaw kinematics in lepidosaurs and mammals and the evolution of amniote chewing. ROSS, C.F.*; HERREL, A.; METZGER, K.A.; REED, D.A.; SCHAERLAEKEN, V.; GEORGI, J.; BADEN, A.L.; WOLFF, M.S.; University of Chicago, IL; Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France; Hofstra University, NJ; University of Chicago, IL; University of Antwerp, Belgium; Midwestern University, AZ; […]
Unpredictable Food Availability as an Ethologically Relevant Chronic Stressor in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
Meeting Abstract 90.3 Friday, Jan. 7 Unpredictable Food Availability as an Ethologically Relevant Chronic Stressor in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) BAUER, C.B.*; GLASSMAN, L.G.; ROMERO, L.M.; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University Both the fight-or-flight and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis responses have been well studied in chronically stressed European starlings. In this study we attempted to characterize […]
The long-term developmental and physiological effects of larval environmental stressors are condition-dependent in wood frogs
Meeting Abstract 90.2 Friday, Jan. 7 The long-term developmental and physiological effects of larval environmental stressors are condition-dependent in wood frogs WARNE, R.W.*; CRESPI, E.J.; Vassar College Biology; Vassar College Biology Exposure to stressors during early development can impact physiological function, behavior, and fitness in adult life stages in vertebrates. However, the specific mechanisms that link […]
Stress begets stress elevated yolk corticosterone impacts oxidative stress in chicks
Meeting Abstract 90.5 Friday, Jan. 7 Stress begets stress: elevated yolk corticosterone impacts oxidative stress in chicks HAUSSMANN, M.F.*; BOWDEN, R.M.; Bucknell Univ.; Illinois State Univ. Early embryonic exposure to maternal glucocorticoids (GCs) can broadly impact physiology and behavior across phylogenetically diverse taxa. The transfer of maternal GCs to offspring may be an inevitable cost associated […]