Ontogeny of locomotor performance in a ground bird

Meeting Abstract 90.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Ontogeny of locomotor performance in a ground bird JACKSON, B.E.*; DIAL, K.P.; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana brandon.jackson@mso.umt.edu Due to post-natal predation pressure many juvenile animals face a developmental tradeoff between escape ability and investment in other systems. In birds these tradeoffs are unique because birds transition through hindlimb- to […]

Ontogenetic convergence in ventral skull shape between males and females of a sexually dimorphic antelope

Meeting Abstract 90.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Ontogenetic convergence in ventral skull shape between males and females of a sexually dimorphic antelope BRAKORA, Katherine*; KHUC, Kim; University of California, Berkeley kbrakora@berkeley.edu Although antelope provide many classic examples of sexual dimorphism among mammals, their morphology has not been systematically quantified in terms of sexual differences in size, shape or […]


Meeting Abstract 90.7  Wednesday, Jan. 7  ONTOGENETIC ALLOMETRY OF LONG BONES IN MAMMALS AND DINOSAURS AND ITS USE AS A PREDICTOR OF LIFE HISTORY TRAITS KILBOURNE, BM; University of Chicago bmkilbou@uchicago.edu In addition to providing insight into the ontogenetic development of the locomotor system, ontogenetic limb bone allometry may reflect other aspects of an organism’s life history, […]

Non-invasive histological comparison of bone growth patterns among fossil and extant neonatal elephantids using synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography

Meeting Abstract 90.8  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Non-invasive histological comparison of bone growth patterns among fossil and extant neonatal elephantids using synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography CURTIN, A.J.*; MACDOWELL, A.A.; SCHAIBLE, E.G.; ROTH, V.L.; Duke Univ.; Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.; Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.; Duke Univ. amanda.curtin@duke.edu How is bone growth modified in […]

Effects of exercise on skeletal growth and bone microstructure of the American alligator with and without the cardiac shunt

Meeting Abstract 90.9  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Effects of exercise on skeletal growth and bone microstructure of the American alligator with and without the cardiac shunt OWERKOWICZ, T.*; TSAI, H.P.; BLANK, J.M.; EME, J.; GWALTHNEY, J.W.; HICKS, J.W.; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine towerkow@uci.edu Exercise can affect the vertebrate skeleton via […]

Development of a functional complex Ontogeny of the zebrafish pharyngeal jaw apparatus

Meeting Abstract 90.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Development of a functional complex: Ontogeny of the zebrafish pharyngeal jaw apparatus O’QUIN, C.T.*; HERNANDEZ, L.P.; The George Washington University; The George Washington University ctoquin@gwu.edu The pharyngeal jaw apparatus of teleosts has long been of interest to both functional and descriptive morphologists alike. However, little to no work has been done […]

Tooth Root Surface Area as an Indicator of Bite Force

Meeting Abstract 90.11  Thursday, Jan. 7  Tooth Root Surface Area as an Indicator of Bite Force SELF, CJ; University of Washington, Seattle cjself@u.washington.edu The tooth root provides attachment area for the periodontal ligament and an increase in root area may be advantageous for subsisting on harder food or having a larger bite force. The goal of this […]

The mechanical loading environment of the jaw during ingestive and rumination chewing in goats

Meeting Abstract 90.2  Thursday, Jan. 7  The mechanical loading environment of the jaw during ingestive and rumination chewing in goats WILLIAMS, S.H.*; SIDOTE, J.; STOVER, K.K.; DAVIS, J.S.; Ohio University, Athens; Ohio University, Athens; College of Charleston, Charleston; Ohio University, Athens willias7@ohio.edu Chewing mechanically breaks down food to facilitate chemical digestion in and passage through the digestive […]

The Effect of Occlusion on Alveolar Bone Biomechanics in the Miniature Pig, Sus scrofa

Meeting Abstract 90.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  The Effect of Occlusion on Alveolar Bone Biomechanics in the Miniature Pig, Sus scrofa YEH, K.D.; POPOWICS, T.*; RAFFERTY, K.; HERRING, S.; University of Washington, Seattle popowics@u.washington.edu This study investigated the role of occlusion in the biomechanical properties of alveolar bone in the miniature pig, Sus scrofa. The hypothesis tested was […]

Skull development, functional integration and feeding performance in a top North American carnivore, Canis latrans

Meeting Abstract 90.6  Thursday, Jan. 7  Skull development, functional integration and feeding performance in a top North American carnivore, Canis latrans LA CROIX, S.*; ZELDITCH, M.L.; SHIVIK, J.A.; LUNDRIGAN, B.L.; HOLEKAMP, K.E.; Michigan State Univ., East Lansing; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; USDA Wildlife Services National Wildlife Research Center & Utah State University, Logan; Michigan State Univ., […]

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