Moderate UV-B Irradiation Increases Fecundity but Decreases Longevity in a Marine Copepod

Meeting Abstract 90-1  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Moderate UV-B Irradiation Increases Fecundity but Decreases Longevity in a Marine Copepod HEINE, KB*; POWERS, MJ; KALLENBERG, MC; TUCKER, VL; HOOD, WR; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL Mitochondria are thought to […]

Metabolic response to acute and repeated stress in the northern elephant seal

Meeting Abstract 90-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  Metabolic response to acute and repeated stress in the northern elephant seal CHAMPAGNE, CD*; KHUDYAKOV, JI; MCCORMLEY, MC; DEYARMIN, JS; HOUSER, DS; CROCKER, DE; National Marine Mammal Foundation; Univ. of the Pacific; Univ. of the Pacific; Univ. of the Pacific; National Marine Mammal Foundation; Sonoma State University […]

Genetic Variance in Cold Tolerance and its Molecular Underpinnings

Meeting Abstract 90-6  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45  Genetic Variance in Cold Tolerance and its Molecular Underpinnings GARCIA, MJ*; SRIRAM, A; LITTLER, A; TEETS, NM; Univ. of Kentucky; Univ. of Kentucky; Univ. of Kentucky; Univ. of Kentucky The ability to rapidly respond to low temperature is critical for insects and other ectotherms living in thermally […]

Early Stress Priming and Maintenance of a Sexually-selected Trait and Oxidative Status

Meeting Abstract 90-2  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Early Stress Priming and Maintenance of a Sexually-selected Trait and Oxidative Status HOFFMAN, AJ*; FINGER , JW; WADA, H; Auburn University Developmental stressors have been classically seen as maladaptive. However, at a certain magnitude and duration, such stressors can result in adaptive phenotypic adjustments, allowing the organism […]

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