Slow recovery or community shift Assessing the long-term effects of kelp canopy removal in the rocky intertidal zone

Meeting Abstract 9.3  Monday, Jan. 4  Slow recovery or community shift? Assessing the long-term effects of kelp canopy removal in the rocky intertidal zone. BURNAFORD, J.L.; California State University Fullerton Saccharina sessile is a stipeless canopy-forming kelp that forms extensive beds in the low rocky intertidal zone of the Pacific Northwest. In 1998, to evaluate the […]

How important are water developments to the Sonoran Desert bat community

Meeting Abstract 9.2  Monday, Jan. 4  How important are water developments to the Sonoran Desert bat community? ORR, T.J.*; HYDE, T.C.; WOLF, B.O.; University of California, Riverside; University of New Mexico The significant role water serves to desert vertebrates is intuitive, but in many cases remains to be fully quantified in the context of percent of […]

Community ecology, evolution, and molecules of keystone significance

Meeting Abstract 9.5  Monday, Jan. 4  Community ecology, evolution, and molecules of keystone significance FERRER, RP*; ZIMMER, RK; Seattle Pacific University; University of California, Los Angeles The keystone species concept is seminal in ecological theory. It involves species whose impacts on communities are far greater than would be predicted from their relative abundances or biomasses. Similarly, […]

Anchialine Cave Ecology A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Meeting Abstract 9.1  Monday, Jan. 4  Anchialine Cave Ecology: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach PAKES, M. J. *; WRIGHTON, K. C. ; THRASH, J. C.; SANTIS, T. D. ; ANDERSON, G. L. ; ILIFFE, T. M. ; COATES, J. C. ; LINDBERG, D. R. ; CALDWELL, R. L. ; Univ of California, Berkeley; Univ of California, Berkeley; Univ of […]

Vortexlet models of flapping flexible wings show tuning for force production and control

Meeting Abstract 9.4  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Vortexlet models of flapping flexible wings show tuning for force production and control MOUNTCASTLE, A.M.*; DANIEL, T.L.; Harvard University; University of Washington Insect wings are compliant structures that experience deformations during flight. Wing deformations have recently been shown to substantially affect induced flows, with appreciable consequences to flight forces. However, […]

Pitch perturbation recovery in free-flying hawkmoths

Meeting Abstract 9.3  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Pitch perturbation recovery in free-flying hawkmoths GREETER, JSM*; HEDRICK, TL; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The ability of flying animals to recover rapidly from apparently massive perturbations has long fascinated observers ranging from frolicking cats to jet-pilots. Recent animal flight studies highlighted the importance of passive mechanisms in […]

Aerial predation in dragonflies Environmental and mechanical determinants of a complex flight behavior

Meeting Abstract 9.1  Tuesday, Jan. 4  Aerial predation in dragonflies: Environmental and mechanical determinants of a complex flight behavior COMBES, S.A.*; CRALL, J.D.; RUNDLE, D.E.; IWASAKI, J.M.; HOLT, K.C.; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University Dragonfly aerial predation is a highly complex, three-dimensional flight behavior that is critical to fitness, yet the […]

A view of dragonfly and damselfly aerodynamics through high-speed stereo PIV

Meeting Abstract 9.2  Tuesday, Jan. 4  A view of dragonfly and damselfly aerodynamics through high-speed stereo PIV HENNINGSSON, P.*; BOMPHREY, R.J.; University of Oxford; University of Oxford Current research aimed at developing Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) has led to increasingly intricate mechanisms for driving wings through complex motions, and has also produced an array of sophisticated […]

Variation in immune responsiveness and tolerance of Mycoplasma infection between house finch populations

Meeting Abstract 9.1  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Variation in immune responsiveness and tolerance of Mycoplasma infection between house finch populations ADELMAN, JS*; HAWLEY, DM; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Revealing how population differences in immune defenses impact pathogen load and shedding will greatly improve predictive models of disease spread. However, such links remain poorly understood in natural systems. […]

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