Why are male rattlesnakes larger than females

TAYLOR, E.N.; DENARDO, D.F.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University: Why are male rattlesnakes larger than females? In most rattlesnake species, adult males are heavier and longer (snout-vent length) than females. The predominant hypothesis for this sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is sexual selection for large males, since male rattlesnakes fight for access to females. Another […]

Susceptibility of Mice with Chronically Elevated Plasma Corticosterone to a Parasitic Nematode Infection

BUNKERS, J.L.*; KELLY, S.A.; BHANVADIA, A.; BLANK, K.M.; PLATZER, E.G.; GARLAND, T., JR.; Univ. of California, Riverside: Susceptibility of Mice with Chronically Elevated Plasma Corticosterone to a Parasitic Nematode Infection Chronically elevated plasma glucocorticoid levels can have suppressive effects on immune function in mammals. House mice (Mus domesticus) that have been selectively bred for high-voluntary […]

Resting Metabolic Rate Determines the Size of Blood Flow Responses Required During Activity Why Aerobic Factorial Scope is Around Ten in Vertebrates

KROSNIUNAS, Egle H.; GERSTNER, Geoffrey G.; Univ. of Wisconsin, Barron County; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Resting Metabolic Rate Determines the Size of Blood Flow Responses Required During Activity: Why Aerobic Factorial Scope is Around Ten in Vertebrates How levels of resting metabolism affect activity metabolism is not well understood. The aerobic capacity model proposes […]

Physiological Capacity Correlates with Diving Behavior Among Sea Lions and Fur seals

COSTA, D*; WEISE, M; KUHN, K; SHAFFER, S; ARNOULD, J; STERLING, J; CROCKER, D; BURNS, J; UC Santa Cruz; UC Santa Cruz; UC Santa Cruz; UC Santa Cruz; Deakin University Australia; NMFS Seattle; Sonoma State University; Univ Alaska Anchorage: Physiological Capacity Correlates with Diving Behavior Among Sea Lions and Fur seals Foraging strategies of air-breathing […]

Parallel evolution of embryonic growth and development in the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus)

OUFIERO, C.E.*; ANGILLETTA, M.J.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Indiana State University: Parallel evolution of embryonic growth and development in the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) Geographically widespread ectotherms encounter thermal gradients that generate variation in behavior, physiology and life-history. Because rates of physiological processes are very sensitive to temperature, cold environments are thought to favor […]

Osmoregulation in Fiddler Crabs A Review

THURMAN, Carl ; Univ. Northern Iowa: Osmoregulation in Fiddler Crabs: A Review Fiddler crabs are common in coastal habitats that differ greatly in salinity. To study water balance physiology in the genus Uca, thirteen species were collected from 86 locations ranging from 14 to 2080 mOsm along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico as […]

Can the cost of diet switching explain the evolution of herbivory in reptiles

ANDRES, D.L.; MACKIE, R.I.; SECOR, S.M.; ESPINOZA, R.E.; California State Univ., Northridge; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; California State Univ., Northridge: Can the cost of diet switching explain the evolution of herbivory in reptiles? Herbivory is rare in reptiles and speculation on why herbivory has evolved spans more than 40 years. When […]

Allometry, antilog transformations, and the perils of prediction on the original scale

HAYES, JP; SHONKWILER, JS; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno: Allometry, antilog transformations, and the perils of prediction on the original scale Allometric equations in the form of power functions, Y = aM b, have been used in thousands of papers. Important uses of allometric equations include predicting Y for species or individuals […]

Temperature and metabolic rate embryonic birds depart from an Arrhenius relationship

OLSON, Christopher R.*; VLECK, Carol M.; VLECK, David; Iowa State University, Ames: Temperature and metabolic rate: embryonic birds depart from an Arrhenius relationship Temperature has a direct effect on metabolism and growth. This effect is of particular importance to organisms that naturally experience a range of body temperatures induced by environmental or behavioral changes. We […]

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