Meeting Abstract 9-6 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:15 – 09:30 The Formation of Honey Bee Swarms NAVE, GK*; TALLACKSON, H; PELEG, O; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Colorado, Boulder When a European honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony outgrows its nest, the colony divides in two, sending a queen and about half […]
sessions: Session 9
Panda Cub Climbing for Conservation
Meeting Abstract 9-3 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 08:45 Panda Cub Climbing for Conservation SCHULZ, AK*; AYALA, J; ZHAO, W; RONG, H; HU, DL; Georgia Institute of Technology School of Mechanical Engineering; Chengdu Panda Base for Giant Panda Breeding – Husbandry and Reproduction; Georgia Institute of Technology School of Mechanical Engineering; Chengdu Panda Base for Giant Panda […]
Mapping spatiotemporal changes of North American beaver (L Castor canadensis) damming complexes
Meeting Abstract 9-2 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:15 – 08:30 Mapping spatiotemporal changes of North American beaver (L. Castor canadensis) damming complexes KENNEDY, J.R*; MAHADEVAN, L; NAGPAL, R; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard Unisersity Beavers construct structurally complex and dynamic damming networks.In many cases, it is difficult to understand the building process of beavers because it […]
Honeybee swarms use a flow-mediated pheromone signaling scheme to coordinate aggregation
Meeting Abstract 9-5 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:00 – 09:15 Honeybee swarms use a flow-mediated pheromone signaling scheme to coordinate aggregation PETERS, JM*; PETERSEN, KH; Cornell University; Cornell University Reproductive honeybee swarms form when thousands of workers fly from the nest with a queen, land on a nearby surface and aggregate around the queen to form […]
From moments to months Multi-timescale tracking and analysis of songbird social interactions in a smart aviary
Meeting Abstract 9-1 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:15 From moments to months: Multi-timescale tracking and analysis of songbird social interactions in a smart aviary BADGER, MA*; PERKES, AD; PFROMMER, BG; WANG, Y; MODH, A; DANIILIDIS, K; SCHMIDT, MF; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania, […]
Chemical Cues Underly an Interspecies Symbiosis by Triggering a Modular Social-Behavioral Program
Meeting Abstract 9-7 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:30 – 09:45 Chemical Cues Underly an Interspecies Symbiosis by Triggering a Modular Social-Behavioral Program WAGNER, JM*; PARKER, J; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Interspecies social behaviors have traditionally been challenging to study because they are difficult to reconstitute in lab. Here, we demonstrate a […]
Variation in aerobic capacity within and among common-garden populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from different predation regimes
Odell, J.P.*; Chappell, M.A.: Variation in aerobic capacity within and among “common-garden” populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from different predation regimes. We measured maximal oxygen uptake rates (VO2max) in laboratory-reared F2 and F3 offspring of Trinidadian guppies from four different streams. These streams represent habitats that differ in predation intensity and flow characteristics, and […]
The Effect of Temperature and Stage of Development on Resting Metabolism in an Aquatic Environment
Wilmhoff, C. D.*; McClain, W. R.; Gutzke, W. H. N.: The Effect of Temperature and Stage of Development on Resting Metabolism in an Aquatic Environment Organisms capable of reducing maintenance costs are able to invest a greater amount of energy into growth, body reserves, and/or reproduction. In ectothermic organisms temperature has repeatedly been demonstrated to […]
Survivor The Energetics of Crayfish in Burrows
POWELL, M.L.*; WATTS, S.A.: Survivor: The Energetics of Crayfish in Burrows Procambarus clarkii (PC) and P. zonangulus (PZ) share overlapping ranges in the southeastern United States. Within this shared range the success of each species varies, possibly related to the ability to survive environmental challenges and extended periods of nutrient deprivation during the summer when […]
Seasonal differences in behavioral thermoregulation in the lobster, Homarus americanus
COOKE SCHREIBER, S.M.*; JURY, S.; WATSON, W.H.: Seasonal differences in behavioral thermoregulation in the lobster, Homarus americanus. Lobsters in the Great Bay estuary (NH) undergo a seasonal migration, possibly cued by changes in water temperature. Previous work on their thermal preference indicated that lobsters gravitate toward a final thermal preferendum slightly above normal summer conditions […]