Meeting Abstract 9-5 Thursday, Jan. 4 09:00 – 09:15 Metabolic Rate and Critical Thermal Limits across Male and Female Habronattus Jumping Spider Species BRANDT, EE*; ROBERTS, KT; ELIAS, DO; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Temperature can have wide-ranging and dramatic effects on poikilothermic animals across all levels of biological […]
sessions: Session 9
High Temperature, Oxygen, and Performance Insights from Reptiles and Amphibians
Meeting Abstract 9-1 Thursday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:15 High Temperature, Oxygen, and Performance: Insights from Reptiles and Amphibians TELEMECO, R.S.*; GANGLOFF, E.J.; California State University Fresno; Iowa State University Much recent theoretical and empirical work has sought to describe the physiological mechanisms underlying thermal tolerance in animals. Leading hypotheses can be summarized as either subcellular […]
Effect of lifelong versus acute hypoxia exposure on the critical thermal maximum of Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae
Meeting Abstract 9-4 Thursday, Jan. 4 08:45 – 09:00 Effect of lifelong versus acute hypoxia exposure on the critical thermal maximum of Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae REEMEYER, JE*; MCDONNELL, LH; CHAPMAN, LJ; University of New Orleans; McGill University ; McGill University Hypoxia is currently an increasingly pervasive occurrence in aquatic ecosystems. As oxygen is required on a […]
Differential Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Uptake in Hypoxia in Marine Fishes
Meeting Abstract 9-2 Thursday, Jan. 4 08:15 – 08:30 Differential Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Uptake in Hypoxia in Marine Fishes SOMO, DA*; MORRISON, PR; RICHARDS, JG; The University of British Columbia; The University of British Columbia; The University of British Columbia Temperature increases and hypoxia are two key factors associated with global climate change already affecting […]
Combined Effects of Temperature and Hypoxia on Anaerobic Metabolism and Development of Oxygen Debt in a Common Cyprinid
Meeting Abstract 9-3 Thursday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 08:45 Combined Effects of Temperature and Hypoxia on Anaerobic Metabolism and Development of Oxygen Debt in a Common Cyprinid GENZ, J*; GILBERT, C; SVENDSEN, JC; University of West Georgia; University of West Georgia; Technical University of Denmark The golden shiner, Notimigonus crysoleucas, is a common bait minnow that […]
The Effects of Torpor Inducing Temperatures on Temperature Fish Muscle
Meeting Abstract 9-5 Friday, Jan. 4 09:00 – 09:15 The Effects of Torpor Inducing Temperatures on Temperature Fish Muscle MORAN, C/J*; JEBB, K; YOUNG , C; GERRY, S/P; The Citadel; Fairfield University; Fairfield University; Fairfield University As non-migratory fishes, labrids from the Northwest Atlantic must be able to endure changes in temperature from 25 ° C […]
Temperature affects in vivo muscle mechanics in swimming Centrarchids
Meeting Abstract 9-4 Friday, Jan. 4 08:45 – 09:00 Temperature affects in vivo muscle mechanics in swimming Centrarchids JAHAN, I; MAIA, A*; Eastern Illinois University; Rhode Island College In vitro studies have shown that temperature can directly affect muscle mechanics. However, as climate changes, it is increasingly important to see how ectotherms physiology is impacted. Here […]
Shells in a changing ocean the impact of ocean acidification on mollusk vulnerability
Meeting Abstract 9-2 Friday, Jan. 4 08:15 – 08:30 Shells in a changing ocean: the impact of ocean acidification on mollusk vulnerability KRUPPERT, S*; TAYLOR, J; Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington; Scripps institution of oceanography Marine mollusks depend on their heavily calcified shells as body armor against a range of predators, including the formidable smashing […]
How bivalves fail fatigue and fracture of California mussel shells
Meeting Abstract 9-1 Friday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:15 How bivalves fail: fatigue and fracture of California mussel shells CRANE, RL*; DENNY, MW; Stanford University, CA; Stanford University, CA Bivalve shells provide protection from a variety of potentially lethal predatory and environmental threats. These threats range in frequency and magnitude from a single powerful predator strike […]
Effects of ocean acidification on Crepidula fornicata physiology and gene expression across two life history stages
Meeting Abstract 9-3 Friday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 08:45 Effects of ocean acidification on Crepidula fornicata physiology and gene expression across two life history stages REYES, CL*; BENSON, B; LEVY, M; PIRES, A; PECHENIK, JA; DAVIES, SW; Boston University; Boston University; Tufts University; Dickinson College; Tufts University; Boston University In addition to warmer ocean temperatures, increased […]