Meeting Abstract 9.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 09:00 Hatching plasticity in a coral reef fish: causes and consequences of early hatching MAJORIS, J.E.*; FRANCISCO, F.; ATEMA, A.; BUSTON, P.M.; Boston University; Universität Konstanz; Boston University; Boston University In many taxa, embryos adjust the timing of hatching in response to intrinsic and extrinsic environmental cues. Here we investigated […]
sessions: Session 9
Effect of male feeding on female fecundity in hawk moth
Meeting Abstract 9.6 Sunday, Jan. 4 09:15 Effect of male feeding on female fecundity in hawk moth LEVIN, ERAN*; DAVIDOWITZ, GOGGY; Univ. of Arizona, Tucson Age and experience of some male Lepidoptera has an effect on female fecundity. In many insects males transfer energy resources to the females with the spermatophore, so it is assumed that […]
Dads save the day strategic adjustment of parental care in response to nestling begging calls
Meeting Abstract 9.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:45 Dads save the day: strategic adjustment of parental care in response to nestling begging calls. AKCAY, C*; LENDVAI, AZ; DOMALIK, AD; ST JOHN, P; STANBACK, MT; HAUSSMANN, MF; MOORE, IT; BONIER, F; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Queens Univ.; Queens Univ.; Davidson College; Bucknell Univ.; Virginia Tech; Queens Univ. […]
Total occlusal area rather than number of teeth as a constrained dental feature in Odobenus rosmarus
Meeting Abstract 9-1 Monday, Jan. 4 08:00 Total occlusal area rather than number of teeth as a constrained dental feature in Odobenus rosmarus MCLAUGHLIN, W.N.F.*; DAVIS, E.B.; HOPKINS, S.S.B.; University of Oregon; University of Oregon; University of Oregon In contrast to the high degree of complexity exhibited in most terrestrial mammals teeth, marine mammals have undergone […]
The role of morphology and behavior in prey capture by Hydromedusae
Meeting Abstract 9-3 Monday, Jan. 4 08:30 The role of morphology and behavior in prey capture by Hydromedusae CORRALES-UGALDE, M.*; SUTHERLAND, K. R.; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon The class Hydrozoa is the most diverse medusozoan class and includes species with a broad range of […]
The ecomorphology and biomechanics of crocodilians and odontocetes
Meeting Abstract 9-4 Monday, Jan. 4 08:45 The ecomorphology and biomechanics of crocodilians and odontocetes MCCURRY, M.R.*; EVANS, A.R.; FITZGERALD, M.G.; SHAW, M.; MCHENRY, C.R.; The National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; Monash University; Museum Victoria; The University of Newcastle ; Monash University Extant crocodilians and odontocetes exhibit a similar range of cranial morphology, including, […]
Skull Morphometrics and Feeding Biomechanics in a Global Clade of Wrasses
Meeting Abstract 9-2 Monday, Jan. 4 08:15 Skull Morphometrics and Feeding Biomechanics in a Global Clade of Wrasses MALONE, MA*; WESTNEAT, MW; Univ. of Illinois at Chicago; Univ. of Chicago A major aim in evolutionary biology is to explain the origin of morphological diversity. Many studies attribute morphological diversity to adaptations for particular ecological niches, with […]
Sexual dimorphism of bite-force performance in the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps)
Meeting Abstract 9-5 Monday, Jan. 4 09:00 Sexual dimorphism of bite-force performance in the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) JONES, M.E.H.; HUTCHINSON, M.N.; LAPPIN, A.K.*; The University of Adelaide; South Australian Museum and The University of Adelaide; California State Polytechnic University, Pomona The Agamidae include over 350 species of lizards that exhibit considerable morphological diversity. This […]
Scaling of cycle period in feeding and locomotion systems
Meeting Abstract 9-6 Monday, Jan. 4 09:15 Scaling of cycle period in feeding and locomotion systems ROSS, C.F.*; IRIARTE-DIAZ, J.; GERSTNER, G.E.; TAYLOR, A.B.; University of Chicago; University of Illinois, Chicago; University of Michigan; Duke University The relationship between inertial properties and the scaling of oscillation frequency has been studied in locomotor but not in feeding […]
Who Are the ‘Lazy’ Ants Inter-worker Variation Gives Insight into Potential Functions of Inactivity
Meeting Abstract 9-3 Thursday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45 Who Are the ‘Lazy’ Ants? Inter-worker Variation Gives Insight into Potential Functions of Inactivity CHARBONNEAU, D*; DORNHAUS, A; University of Arizona; University of Arizona Social insect colonies are commonly thought of as highly organized and efficient complex systems. And yet, social insects are also known to […]