Meeting Abstract 89.1 Friday, Jan. 6 Extensible tissues and their contribution to macrostomy in snakes CLOSE, M T*; CUNDALL, D L; Lehigh University; Lehigh University Snakes swallow by passing whole prey between their mandibles. In three species of macrostomatan snakes we examined, the intermandibular soft tissues stretch five to eight times their resting distance during feeding […]
sessions: Session 89
Diversity of cranial morphology and jaw biomechanics in tetraodontiform fishes
Meeting Abstract 89.5 Friday, Jan. 6 Diversity of cranial morphology and jaw biomechanics in tetraodontiform fishes MCCORD, CHARLENE, L.; Univ. of Chicago The multiply subdivided adductor mandibulae muscles of tetraodontiform fishes provide an excellent model upon which to explore the biomechanical consequences of differential morphology. This work describes and compares the diversification of cranial shape, macro-architecture […]
Diet-Based Biomechanical Plasticity in Mouse Mandibles
Meeting Abstract 89.4 Friday, Jan. 6 Diet-Based Biomechanical Plasticity in Mouse Mandibles ANDERSON, P*; RAYFIELD, EJ; RENAUD, S; Univ. Bristol, UK; Univ. Bristol, UK; Univ. Lyon, France The functional consequences of morphological variation is a major field of inquiry in modern biology. The relationship between form and function can be complex, and this is especially true […]
Biomechanical properties of the intermandibulo-cervical integument of alligators Implications for a more accurate understanding of the alligator feeding mechanism
Meeting Abstract 89.2 Friday, Jan. 6 Biomechanical properties of the intermandibulo-cervical integument of alligators: Implications for a more accurate understanding of the alligator feeding mechanism DUBANSKY, Brooke H.*; HOMBERGER, Dominique G.; Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge; Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge Alligators do not use their tongues to transport food from their oral cavity into their […]
A putative sensory organ in the mandibular symphysis of rorqual whales (Balaenopteridae)
Meeting Abstract 89.3 Friday, Jan. 6 A putative sensory organ in the mandibular symphysis of rorqual whales (Balaenopteridae) PYENSON, N.D.*; GOLDBOGEN, J.A.; VOGL, A.W.; SZATHMARY, G.; DRAKE, R.; SHADWICK, R.E.; Smithsonian Institution; Cascadia Research Collective; University of British Columbia; FPinnovations; Cleveland Clinic; University of British Columbia Marine vertebrates have evolved multiple solutions to the challenges of […]
Unique movements of Ursidae kinematics of the forelimb in walking grizzly bears
Meeting Abstract 89.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Unique movements of Ursidae: kinematics of the forelimb in walking grizzly bears. SHINE, C*; MCGOWAN, C; ROBBINS, C; NELSON, L; University of Idaho, Moscow; University of Idaho, Moscow; Washington State University, Pullman; Washington State University, Pullman Bears (family Ursidae) are large, quadrupedal, plantigrade animals and represent an unusual evolutionary branch; […]
Terrestrial Locomotor Mimicry at the Kinematic Level Does the ant-mimicking jumping spider Myrmarachne formicaria walk like an ant
Meeting Abstract 89.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Terrestrial Locomotor Mimicry at the Kinematic Level: Does the ant-mimicking jumping spider Myrmarachne formicaria walk like an ant? SHAMBLE, P.S.*; BEATUS, T.; COHEN, I.; HOY, R.; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University Most studies of mimicry have focused on phenotypically static traits, such as color pattern and body […]
Running in confined spaces by the American cockroach
Meeting Abstract 89.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 Running in confined spaces by the American cockroach JAYARAM, K*; SPRINGTHORPE, D; HALDANE, D; MCKINLEY, S; DIROCCO, A; FULL, R.J; University of California Berkeley; University of California Berkeley; University of California Berkeley; University of California Berkeley; University of California Berkeley; University of California Berkeley A composite exoskeletal system with an […]
Effects of limb autotomy on locomotor performance of ghost crabs
Meeting Abstract 89.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 Effects of limb autotomy on locomotor performance of ghost crabs PFEIFFENBERGER, JA*; HSIEH, ST; Temple University; Temple University Autotomy, or limb loss, is a mechanism frequently used in response to aggressive inter- and intra-specific interactions, despite the possibility of negatively impacting fitness by hampering an animal’s ability to run, walk, […]
Dynamics of high speed locomotion and hunting in free ranging cheetah
Meeting Abstract 89.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Dynamics of high speed locomotion and hunting in free ranging cheetah WILSON, AM*; ROSKILLY, K; LOWE, J; HUDSON, P; GOLABEK, K; MCNUTT, J; RVC, London; RVC, London; RVC, London; RVC, London; BPCT, Botswana; BPCT, Botswana Studies of maximum performance are limited by subject motivation and attempts by ourselves and others […]