Oxidative damage reduces reproductive output in the cooperatively breeding Florida Scrub-Jay

Meeting Abstract 88.5  Friday, Jan. 7  Oxidative damage reduces reproductive output in the cooperatively breeding Florida Scrub-Jay HEISS, Rebecca S. *; SCHOECH, Stephan, J. ; University of Memphis rsheiss@memphis.edu Oxidative damage results from the inability of an organism to cope with reactive oxygen species, formed as byproducts of metabolism. The resulting damage to various classes of biomolecules […]

Multiple Mating and Sperm Allocation in an Exploited Decapod Crustacean

Meeting Abstract 88.1  Friday, Jan. 7  Multiple Mating and Sperm Allocation in an Exploited Decapod Crustacean WELLS, S.L.*; MCCONAUGHA, J.R.; HORTH, L.A.; Old Dominion University; Old Dominion University; Old Dominion University swells@odu.edu The Chesapeake Bay ecosystem has suffered in recent years due to pollution, overharvesting of resources, and habitat destruction. The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, population suffered […]

First test of the protandric hypothesis in the bopyrid isopod hyperparasite Cabirops sp

Meeting Abstract 88.3  Friday, Jan. 7  First test of the protandric hypothesis in the bopyrid isopod hyperparasite Cabirops sp. CONNER, S.L.*; BAUER, R.T.; Univ. of Louisiana, Lafayette; Univ. of Louisiana, Lafayette saraelaporte@yahoo.com Macrobrachium ohione was found to be infected by Probopyrus pandalicola which in turn was parasitized by another isopod, the rare hyperparasite Cabirops sp. The hyperparasite […]

Calcium Placentotrophy in a Lizard with Prolonged Uterine Egg Retention

Meeting Abstract 88.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Calcium Placentotrophy in a Lizard with Prolonged Uterine Egg Retention STEWART, J.R.*; ECAY, T.W.; THOMPSON, M.B.; East TN State Univ, Johnson City; East TN State Univ, Johnson City; Univ Sydney stewarjr@etsu.edu The eggshell of oviparous lizards consists of a thick matrix of organic fibers, overlain by calcium carbonate, secreted by the […]

Variation in the Glucocorticoid Stress Response and Behavior along a Gradient of Invasive House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)

Meeting Abstract 88.2  Friday, Jan. 6  Variation in the Glucocorticoid Stress Response and Behavior along a Gradient of Invasive House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) LIEBL, A.L*; GARRINGER, A.R.; WILEY, D.D; SIERRA, A.S.; MARTIN, L.B.; Univ. of S. Florida, Tampa, FL aliebl@mail.usf.edu Many invasive species show extensive phenotypic variation among populations of different ages. With the short time in […]

The genetic architecture of the bold-shy continuum in zebrafish, Danio rerio

Meeting Abstract 88.5  Friday, Jan. 6  The genetic architecture of the bold-shy continuum in zebrafish, Danio rerio SINGER, M.L.*; OSWALD, M.E.; WIEDEBACK, B.D.; ROBISON, B.D.; Univ. of Idaho; Univ. of Notre Dame; Univ. of Idaho; Univ. of Idaho matt@mineral2.com Adaptation to captivity causes behavioral divergence among wild and captive populations. This divergence often occurs in a suite […]

Personality across ontogeny in an amphibian

Meeting Abstract 88.4  Friday, Jan. 6  Personality across ontogeny in an amphibian CARLSON, BE*; LANGKILDE, T; Penn State University; Penn State University bec169@psu.edu Animals often exhibit consistent individual differences in behavior (“personalities”) but the evolution of such diversity is poorly understood despite the importance of personality in behavioral ecology. Constrained behavioral flexibility across time may create tradeoffs […]

Opposites attract Lobsters prefer to share dens with opposite behavioral phenotypes

Meeting Abstract 88.1  Friday, Jan. 6  Opposites attract: Lobsters prefer to share dens with opposite behavioral phenotypes CHILDRESS, M.J.*; HELDT, K.A.; MCCLELLAN, K.L.; Clemson University; Clemson University; Clemson University mchildr@clemson.edu Caribbean spiny lobsters are known to be gregarious and are often found sharing dens with conspecifics. Previous work has found that gregarious lobsters may benefit from a […]

Badges of personality Neophobia, corticosterone, and bib size in house sparrows Passer domesticus

Meeting Abstract 88.3  Friday, Jan. 6  Badges of personality? Neophobia, corticosterone, and bib size in house sparrows Passer domesticus FOX, RA*; WILLIAMS, RN; Transylvania University; Transylvania University rfox@transy.edu In nonhuman animals, “personality” refers to individual variation in behavior that is consistent across time and/or context. Neophobia (i.e., reactivity to novel objects in a familiar environment) is a […]

Regional pressure changes in the digital cushion under vertical load in elephants and horses

Meeting Abstract 88.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Regional pressure changes in the digital cushion under vertical load in elephants and horses. WARNER, S E*; HENRY, V; HUTCHINSON, J R; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College swarner@rvc.ac.uk It is difficult to determine how externally applied locomotor loads affect internal foot mechanics, however the digital cushion (DC) […]

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