Wingbeat frequency modulation to large lateral perturbations in hawkmoths

Meeting Abstract 87-3  Monday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Wingbeat frequency modulation to large lateral perturbations in hawkmoths GEMILERE, R*; LDS-VIP, ; GAU, JF; SPONBERG, S; Georgia Tech Like many synchronous and asynchronous flying insects, steady flight in Manduca sexta typically occurs in a narrow band of wingbeat frequencies. However context can modulate this range. Artificial […]

The aerial righting ability of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys

Meeting Abstract 87-1  Monday, Jan. 6 10:00 – 10:15  The aerial righting ability of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys. VAZQUEZ, S; PHAN, A; JOSEPH, M; PACE, CM*; Le Moyne College; Le Moyne College; Le Moyne College; Le Moyne College How an animal recovers from perturbations in stability, such as falling, can have consequences for […]

Template model reveals mechanism of wing and leg coordination during self-righting of a cockroach-inspired robot

Meeting Abstract 87-4  Monday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00  Template model reveals mechanism of wing and leg coordination during self-righting of a cockroach-inspired robot XUAN, Q*; LI, C; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University Self-righting is a critical ability that terrestrial animals must have to survive. The discoid cockroach can push its wings against the ground […]

Maximum Aerodynamic Force Production by the Wandering Glider Dragonfly (Pantala Flavescens, Libellulidae)

Meeting Abstract 87-2  Monday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Maximum Aerodynamic Force Production by the Wandering Glider Dragonfly (Pantala Flavescens, Libellulidae) SU, GT*; DUDLEY, R; PAN, TY; ZHENG, MZ; PENG, LS; LI, QS; Beihang University and University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley; Beihang University; Beihang University; Beihang University; Beihang University and Xihua University Maximum […]

Lateral line and visual systems in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) contribute to regaining stability in horizontal vortices

Meeting Abstract 87-7  Monday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45  Lateral line and visual systems in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) contribute to regaining stability in horizontal vortices STINSON, HM*; MUKHERJEE, R; TYTELL, ED; SCHWALBE, MAB; Lake Forest College; Tufts University Fish encounter complex hydrodynamic environments while swimming and probably rely on multiple sensory systems to adjust their […]

Kinematic responses to rolling perturbations during swimming in the bluegill sunfish

Meeting Abstract 87-6  Monday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  Kinematic responses to rolling perturbations during swimming in the bluegill sunfish FATH, M*; NASIMI, F; TYTELL, E ; Tufts University Many fishes are unstable in roll. Staying upright thus requires constant coordinated input from multiple fins. To quantify how fish maintain roll stability, we developed a miniature […]

Beyond the Kármán Gait Knifefish swimming responses to complex wakes shed by a free oscillating cylinder

Meeting Abstract 87-5  Monday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15  Beyond the Kármán Gait: Knifefish swimming responses to complex wakes shed by a free oscillating cylinder ORTEGA-JIMENEZ, VM*; SANFORD, CP; Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA; Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA Tropical fish such as knifefish are commonly challenged by unsteady flows associated with natural and artificial […]

Avian wing suspension for gust rejection

Meeting Abstract 87-8  Monday, Jan. 6 11:45 – 12:00  Avian wing suspension for gust rejection STEVENSON, JPJ*; CHENEY, JA; DURSTON, NE; USHERWOOD, JR; WINDSOR, SP; BOMPHREY, RJ; University of Bristol, UK; Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, UK; University of Bristol, UK; Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, UK; University of Bristol, UK; Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, UK Amid the […]

Plantigrade foot posture increases locomotor economy in walking but not in running humans

Meeting Abstract 87.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Plantigrade foot posture increases locomotor economy in walking but not in running humans. CUNNINGHAM, C; SCHILLING, N; ANDERS, C; CARRIER, D*; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City; Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena; Univ. Hospital Jena; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City Plantigrade foot posture, in which the heel (calcaneus) contacts the substrate during […]

Maximum accelerations during takeoff in the bumblebee (Bombus impatiens)

Meeting Abstract 87.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Maximum accelerations during takeoff in the bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) BUCHWALD, Robert*; DUDLEY, Robert; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley Limits to locomotor performance can vitally influence the outcome of diverse behavioral interactions (e.g., predation), but studies of maximum acceleration have received little attention, especially for flying animals. To […]

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