Comparison between hopping on solid and sand substrates

Meeting Abstract 85-2  Saturday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Comparison between hopping on solid and sand substrates HALL, JK; MCGOWAN, CP; LIN, DC*; Washington State University; University of Idaho; Washington State University Different surface substrates change the ability of an animal to generate the ground contact forces that propel locomotion. Thus, the overall behavior of the […]

Body vibrations induced by legged locomotion help traverse complex 3-D obstacles

Meeting Abstract 85-8  Saturday, Jan. 6 11:45 – 12:00  Body vibrations induced by legged locomotion help traverse complex 3-D obstacles THOMS, G; LI, C*; Johns Hopkins University Legged locomotion offers natural advantages in complex terrains. When insects and legged robots encounter complex 3-D terrains such as grass-like beams, a rounded body shape helps them roll […]

Basilisk Lizards Transition Strategies from Land to Water

Meeting Abstract 85-4  Saturday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00  Basilisk Lizards Transition Strategies from Land to Water BAGHERI, H*; JAYANETTI, V; BURCH, HR; MARVI, H; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University Basilisk lizards are renowned for their aptitude to traverse virtually on and between any complex natural medium and […]

Aquatic takeoffs require faster leg muscle contractions than terrestrial takeoffs in mallard ducks

Meeting Abstract 85-5  Saturday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15  Aquatic takeoffs require faster leg muscle contractions than terrestrial takeoffs in mallard ducks TAYLOR-BURT, KR*; GILLESPIE, K; BIEWENER, AA; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University Mallard ducks are capable of nearly vertical takeoffs from both aquatic and terrestrial environments. The leg provides propulsive force for takeoffs in […]

Testing hormonal responses to real and simulated social challenges in a competitive female bird

Meeting Abstract 85-4  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15  Testing hormonal responses to real and simulated social challenges in a competitive female bird GEORGE, EM*; BENTZ, AB; WOLF, SE; ROSVALL, KA; Indiana University Bloomington; Indiana University Bloomington; Indiana University Bloomington; Indiana University Bloomington In many vertebrate species, males respond to competitive interactions by rapidly elevating testosterone […]

Taking a Proximate View of a Female Ornament Do Androgens Mediate Acquisition of the Ornamented Phenotype in female White-shouldered Fairywrens

Meeting Abstract 85-1  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Taking a Proximate View of a Female Ornament: Do Androgens Mediate Acquisition of the Ornamented Phenotype in female White-shouldered Fairywrens? BOERSMA, J.*; ENBODY, E. D.; JONES, J. A.; LOPEZ-CONTRERAS, E.; KARUBIAN, J.; SCHWABL, H.; Washington State University; Tulane University; Tulane University; Washington State University; Tulane University; Washington State […]

Seasonal changes in aggression, testosterone, and gene regulation in a cavity-nesting bird insights on the challenge hypothesis in females

Meeting Abstract 85-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  Seasonal changes in aggression, testosterone, and gene regulation in a cavity-nesting bird: insights on the challenge hypothesis in females ROSVALL, KA*; GEORGE, EM; BENTZ, AB; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington The challenge hypothesis suggests that variation in testosterone (T) secretion is shaped […]

Incubation Behavior is Related to Prolactin and Egg Temperature in a Wild Bird

Meeting Abstract 85-6  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45  Incubation Behavior is Related to Prolactin and Egg Temperature in a Wild Bird HOPE, SF*; DURANT, SE; ANGELIER, F; HALLAGAN, JJ; MOORE, IT; KENNAMER, RA; HOPKINS, WA; Virginia Tech; University of Arkansas; Centre d’Etudes Biologique de Chizé, France; Stockton University, New Jersey; Virginia Tech; University of Georgia; Virginia […]

Experimental inhibition of peripheral androgen receptors dampens ornament expression in a female tropical passerine

Meeting Abstract 85-2  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Experimental inhibition of peripheral androgen receptors dampens ornament expression in a female tropical passerine JONES, JA*; BOERSMA , J; ENBODY, ED; FUXJAGER, MJ; ROSVALL, KA; SCHWABL, H; WEBSTER, MS; KARUBIAN, J; Tulane University; Washington State University; Tulane University; Wake Forest College; Indiana University; Washington State University; Cornell University; […]

Examining the potential role of glucocorticoid signaling in the regulation of seasonal nomadic migration

Meeting Abstract 85-3  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00  Examining the potential role of glucocorticoid signaling in the regulation of seasonal nomadic migration WATTS, HE*; ROBART, AR; ROBY, C; RITTENHOUSE, JL; SEWALL, KB; BOWERS, JM; Washington State University; Washington State University; Virginia Tech; Washington State University; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Most of what is known about […]

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