Making heads and tails of xenoestrogens in planarian regeneration

Meeting Abstract 85.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:00  Making heads and tails of xenoestrogens in planarian regeneration MILLER, H; MLYNARSKA, I; MINICOZZI, M; MASS, S*; SUNY New Paltz; SUNY New Paltz; Northern Arizona University; SUNY New Paltz Environmental endocrine disruptors such as BPA and BPS, used in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics, thermal printing systems, epoxy […]

In vitro myotubes derived from zebrafish myogenic precursor cells upregulate Pax-3 and -7 following starvation

Meeting Abstract 85.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:15  In vitro myotubes derived from zebrafish myogenic precursor cells upregulate Pax-3 and -7 following starvation. BIGA, PR*; FROEHLICH, JM; GABILLARD, JC; SEILIEZ, I; Univ. Alabama at Birmingham ; Univ. Alabama at Birmingham ; INRA, Rennes; INRA, St-Pee The zebrafish (Danio rerio) remains the teleost fish of choice for biological […]

Do vertebrate eggs contain maternally derived steroidogenic enzymes that are susceptible to inhibition by endocrine disruptors

Meeting Abstract 85.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:30  Do vertebrate eggs contain maternally derived steroidogenic enzymes that are susceptible to inhibition by endocrine disruptors? PAITZ, RT*; BOWDEN, RM; Illinois State University; Illinois State University Developing ovarian follicles are a primary site for steroid production in vertebrates and result in eggs that contain numerous maternally derived steroids. Embryonic […]

Visual acuity in fish the effects of eye morphology, environment, and ecology

Meeting Abstract 85-3  Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:45  Visual acuity in fish: the effects of eye morphology, environment, and ecology CAVES, EM*; BRANDLEY, NC; JOHNSEN, S; Duke University; Colorado College; Duke University Fish use their visual systems for a variety of tasks (capturing prey, detecting predators, schooling, and courtship) that require them to resolve an image; however, […]

The perks of being cock-eyed Orientation and visual characteristics of histioteuthid squids

Meeting Abstract 85-1  Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:15  The perks of being cock-eyed: Orientation and visual characteristics of histioteuthid squids THOMAS, K.N.*; ROBISON, B.H.; JOHNSEN, S.; Duke University, Durham, NC; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA; Duke University, Durham, NC The Histioteuthidae are a family of deep-sea oegopsid squids with a striking morphological feature: their […]

The limits of an invisibility cloak transparent shrimp become opaque after multiple tail-flipping escapes

Meeting Abstract 85-6  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:30  The limits of an invisibility cloak: transparent shrimp become opaque after multiple tail-flipping escapes BAGGE, LE*; KINSEY, ST; JOHNSEN, S; Duke Univ.; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington; Duke Univ. Whole-body transparency, an apparently effective camouflage strategy in many aquatic species, can be disrupted by environmental/physiological stressors. In this study, […]

Origins of Polydispersity In Cephalopod Photonic Systems – Are Squids Masters of RNA Editing

Meeting Abstract 85-5  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:15  Origins of Polydispersity In Cephalopod Photonic Systems – Are Squids Masters of RNA Editing? DODSON, T*; SWEENEY, AM; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania Over the evolutionary span of ~450 million years, cephalopods have radiated into various ecological niches; this radiation is correlated with the structural divergence of tissues […]

Light guides and open water camouflage in Galiteuthis

Meeting Abstract 85-2  Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:30  Light guides and open water camouflage in Galiteuthis HOLT, A.L.*; SWEENEY, A.M.; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania The midwater squid Galiteuthis has prominent photophores on the ventral surfaces of its eyes. These photophores presumably function in counter-illumination, a common strategy for camouflage from predators looking up for shadows […]

Another beautiful hypothesis slain by an ugly fact Polarization vision does not increase the sighting distance of silvery fish

Meeting Abstract 85-4  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:00  Another beautiful hypothesis slain by an ugly fact: Polarization vision does not increase the sighting distance of silvery fish JOHNSEN, S.*; GAGNON, Y.L.; MARSHALL, N.J.; CRONIN, T.W.; Duke Univ.; Univ. of Queensland; Univ. of Queensland; Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore Although the function of polarization vision in terrestrial and […]

The Effect of Maternal Stress on Maternal Behavior and Offspring Morphology in Sceloporus undulatus

Meeting Abstract 85-4  Saturday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:15  The Effect of Maternal Stress on Maternal Behavior and Offspring Morphology in Sceloporus undulatus ENSMINGER, D*; LANGKILDE, T; OWEN, D; MACLEOD, K; SHERIFF, M; Pennsylvania State University; Pennsylvania State University; Pennsylvania State University; Pennsylvania State University; Pennsylvania State University The physiological impact of stress and its adaptive […]

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