Do Horseshoe Crabs Benefit from Polyandry

Meeting Abstract 85.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Do Horseshoe Crabs Benefit from Polyandry? JOHNSON, S.L.*; BROCKMANN, H.J.; University of Florida; University of Florida Why females mate with several males when the sperm from a single male is often sufficient to fertilize all their eggs is one of the most perplexing questions in evolutionary biology. Direct benefits (e.g., […]

The purple sea urchin genome suggests local adaptation along a latitudinal gradient despite high gene flow

Meeting Abstract 85.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  The purple sea urchin genome suggests local adaptation along a latitudinal gradient despite high gene flow. PESPENI, M.H.*; PALUMBI, S.R.; Stanford University; Stanford University Identifying adaptive genes is a central challenge in evolutionary biology, especially when high dispersal disrupts the signal of local adaptation. Here we develop a new SNP […]

Potential to adapt Heritability of larval growth in an acidified ocean

Meeting Abstract 85.5  Thursday, Jan. 7  Potential to adapt? Heritability of larval growth in an acidified ocean SUNDAY, Jennifer M.*; CRIM, Ryan; HARLEY, Chris D.G.; HART, Michael W.; Simon Fraser University; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; Simon Fraser University Under future atmospheric CO2 projections and the associated decrease of oceanic pH, the vulnerability […]

Ecological genomics of host plant adaptation and stress in desert Drosophila

Meeting Abstract 85.4  Thursday, Jan. 7  Ecological genomics of host plant adaptation and stress in desert Drosophila GIBBS, A.G.*; DE OLIVEIRA, C.C.; RAJPUROHIT, S.; ETGES, W.J.; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Univ. of Arkansas; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Univ. of Arkansas Geographically isolated populations of the desert fruitfly, Drosophila mojavensis, complete their life cycles on […]

Chlorophyll synthesis by a sea slug (Elysia chlorotica)

Meeting Abstract 85.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Chlorophyll synthesis by a sea slug (Elysia chlorotica) PIERCE, S. K.*; CURTIS, N. E.; SCHWARTZ, J. A.; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida The intracellular chloroplast symbiosis between the sea slug, Elysia chlorotica, and chloroplasts of the chromophytic alga, Vaucheria litorea, is supported by […]

Acclimation of thermal sensitivity in Drosophila melanogaster from high and low latitudes

Meeting Abstract 85.2  Thursday, Jan. 7  Acclimation of thermal sensitivity in Drosophila melanogaster from high and low latitudes COOPER, B.S.*; CZARNOłęSKI, M.; ANGILLETTA, M.J.; Indiana University; Jagiellonian University; Indiana State University Organisms modify their physiological functions in response to changes in their environment, a process referred to as acclimation. Recent studies of acclimation have been influenced […]

The relationship between behavioral syndromes and behavioral plasticity in male song sparrows

Meeting Abstract 85.2  Friday, Jan. 7  The relationship between behavioral syndromes and behavioral plasticity in male song sparrows SEWALL, Kendra B.*; NOWICKI, Stephen; Duke University; Duke University Male songbirds can face a trade-off between providing parental care and seeking additional mates. Individuals may resolve this trade-off differently, with the possibility of there being equally adaptive paternal […]

Stress and Invasion Factors influencing the escape behavior of native fence lizards in response to introduced fire ants

Meeting Abstract 85.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Stress and Invasion: Factors influencing the escape behavior of native fence lizards in response to introduced fire ants ROBBINS, T.R.*; LANGKILDE, T.; The Pennsylvania State University; The Pennsylvania State University Understanding the factors that influence escape responses can provide valuable insight into the processes that structure communities and permit species […]

Persistent population differences in boldness behavior and stress physiology suggest rapid evolution following colonization of a novel environment

Meeting Abstract 85.3  Friday, Jan. 7  Persistent population differences in boldness behavior and stress physiology suggest rapid evolution following colonization of a novel environment ATWELL, Jonathan W.*; CARDOSO, Goncalo C.; WHITTAKER, Danielle J.; KETTERSON, Ellen D.; Indiana University; Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Vairao, Portugal; Indiana University; Indiana University Novel or changing environments […]

Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments

Meeting Abstract 85.5  Friday, Jan. 7  Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments ROTH, Timothy C*; LADAGE, Lara D; PRAVOSUDOV, Vladimir V; Univ. of Nevada, Reno; Univ. of Nevada, Reno; Univ. of Nevada, Reno Previous studies have suggested that the ability to inhabit harsh environments may be linked to advanced learning traits. However, it is not clear […]

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