A robophysical model for limbless locomotion in a heterogeneous environment

Meeting Abstract 84-7  Saturday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 11:45  A robophysical model for limbless locomotion in a heterogeneous environment RIESER, JM*; SCHIEBEL, PE; GODDARD, Z; GOLDMAN, DI; Georgia Tech jennifer.rieser@physics.gatech.edu Snakes move gracefully through varied terrain, negotiating obstacles such as twigs, rocks, and grasses. Despite the seeming simplicity of this movement, the continuous interaction with the ground […]

Transcriptomics in Conservation Biology A Case Study with Freshwater Mussels

Meeting Abstract 84-4  Saturday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00  Transcriptomics in Conservation Biology: A Case Study with Freshwater Mussels ROZNERE, I*; SINN, BT; WATTERS, GT; The Ohio State University; West Virginia University; The Ohio State University roznere.1@osu.edu Recent advances in RNA-Seq technology and our ability to functionally annotate and study expression of thousands of genes in non-model […]

Present-Day Species Distributions of Pocket Gophers in Texas

Meeting Abstract 84-7  Saturday, Jan. 6 09:30 – 09:45  Present-Day Species Distributions of Pocket Gophers in Texas HALSEY, MK*; RAY, DA; BRADLEY, RD; STEVENS, RD; Texas Tech University; Texas Tech University; Texas Tech University; Texas Tech University michaela.halsey@ttu.edu Technological advances, such as the development of geographic information systems, have provided the study of biogeography with unprecedented levels […]

Landscape Genetics of California Tiger Salamanders Inferences from multiple methods

Meeting Abstract 84-2  Saturday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  Landscape Genetics of California Tiger Salamanders: Inferences from multiple methods THOMAS, S.G.*; JOHNSON, J.; Western Kentucky University; Western Kentucky University samantha.thomas019@topper.wku.edu Landscape genetics is a rapidly growing field of study that compares patterns of gene flow among populations with habitat heterogeneity across a landscape to infer the interaction […]

Estimating aquatic reptile density under field conditions using environmental DNA in Iowa, United States of America

Meeting Abstract 84-1  Saturday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15  Estimating aquatic reptile density under field conditions using environmental DNA in Iowa, United States of America. ADAMS, CIM*; HOEKSTRA, LA; MUELL, MR; JANZEN, FJ; University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ; Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa turdlez@gmail.com Density monitoring is […]

Conservation Genomics of an Alpine Stonefly Threatened by Climate Change

Meeting Abstract 84-6  Saturday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  Conservation Genomics of an Alpine Stonefly Threatened by Climate Change HOTALING, S*; GIERSCH, JJ; FINN, DS; TRONSTAD, LM; MUHLFELD, CC; WEISROCK, DW; Washington State University; USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center; Missouri State University; University of Wyoming; USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center; University of Kentucky scott.hotaling@uky.edu Climate […]

Applying ‘next generation’ genomic tools for investigating aquatic invasive species

Meeting Abstract 84-5  Saturday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:45  Applying ‘next generation’ genomic tools for investigating aquatic invasive species MAHON, AR*; RESH, CA; GALASKA, MP; Central Michigan University; Central Michigan University; Lehigh University mahon2a@cmich.edu Detection of rare species in systems, whether they are threatened and endangered or invasive, relies upon the ability to detect and monitor low […]

What’s going on during diapause Investigating the insulin pathway in overwintering Megachile rotundata

Meeting Abstract 84-7  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:45 – 12:00  What’s going on during diapause? Investigating the insulin pathway in overwintering Megachile rotundata CAMBRON, LD*; YOCUM, G; GREENLEE, KJ; North Dakota State University, Fargo; USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND ; North Dakota State University, USDA-ARS, Fargo liz.cambron@ndus.edu Many insects go through diapause, a stage similar to hibernation, to survive winter […]

The Complex Drivers of Thermal Acclimation and Breadth in Ectotherms

Meeting Abstract   84-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  The Complex Drivers of Thermal Acclimation and Breadth in Ectotherms ROHR, JR*; CIVITELLO, DJ; COHEN, JM; ROZNIK, EA; SINERVO, B; DELL, AI; University of South Florida; Emory University; University of South Florida; Memphis Zoo; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; National Great Rivers Research and Education Center jasonrohr@gmail.com […]

Nutritional physiology and ecology of South American locusts Schistocerca cancellata during a 60-year upsurge and roughly 7-fold range expansion

Meeting Abstract 84-2  Sunday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Nutritional physiology and ecology of South American locusts Schistocerca cancellata during a 60-year upsurge and roughly 7-fold range expansion CEASE, AJ*; TRUMPER, EV; OVERSON, RP; Arizona State University; National Agricultural Technology Institute, Argentina; Arizona State University acease@asu.edu https://cease.lab.asu.edu/ How physiological and ecological factors determine species’ population levels across […]

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