Meeting Abstract 84.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 Temperatures of Trekking Turtles: Estimates by Water-filled Models and Hollow Te Thermometers KROCHMAL, A.R.*; BAKKEN, G.S.; Washington College; Indiana State University Aquatic turtles take to land during oviposition or when seeking out new aquatic habitats. Though such overland treks are central to the biology of aquatic turtles, the physiological strain […]
sessions: Session 84
Microclimatic research priorities for predicting the effects of climate change
Meeting Abstract 84.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 Microclimatic research priorities for predicting the effects of climate change POTTER, K. A.*; PINCEBOURDE, S.; WOODS, H. A.; University of Montana; Université François Rabelais; University of Montana Considerable effort now focuses on predicting how species will respond to climate change. Nonetheless, statistical models that predict species’ distributions remain difficult to […]
Heat tolerance of embryos limits the geographic range of Sceloporus undulatus
Meeting Abstract 84.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Heat tolerance of embryos limits the geographic range of Sceloporus undulatus ANGILLETTA, MJ*; LEVY, O; SMITH, C; ZELIC, M; ADRIAN, G; KILBY, D; HURLIMAN, A; BORCHERT, J; BUCKLEY, LB; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona […]
Evolution on Your Porch Physiological Adaptation by Mediterranean House Geckos to their Introduced Niches
Meeting Abstract 84.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 Evolution on Your Porch: Physiological Adaptation by Mediterranean House Geckos to their Introduced Niches DICKSON, M.M.*; ZIMMERMANN, S.A.; LIWANAG, H.E.M.; ESPINOZA, R.E.; California State University, Northridge; California State University, Northridge; California State University, Northridge; Adelphi University; California State University, Northridge Adaptation is essential for organisms to persist in changing environments. […]
Does Size Matter The Interaction of Body Size, Temperature and Nutrition
Meeting Abstract 84.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Does Size Matter? The Interaction of Body Size, Temperature and Nutrition CLARK, X*; SIMPSON, SJ; CLISSOLD, FJ; University of Sydney, NSW, Australia; University of Sydney, NSW, Australia; University of Sydney, NSW, Australia Temperature is a major factor that influences an ectotherms growth and development. Importantly temperature impacts herbivorous ectotherms nutritional […]
Wings wobble when waggled detecting Coriolis forces from bending dynamics
Meeting Abstract 84.5 Monday, Jan. 6 11:30 Wings wobble when waggled: detecting Coriolis forces from bending dynamics EBERLE, AL*; DICKERSON, BH; REINHALL, P; DANIEL, TL; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington Insect wings are flexible structures that are subject to Coriolis forces when they experience rotational motions in an axis […]
The impact of scale on ecomorphology Using the feeding systems of bats and crocodilians as ontogenetic and macroevolutionary models
Meeting Abstract 84.3 Monday, Jan. 6 11:00 The impact of scale on ecomorphology: Using the feeding systems of bats and crocodilians as ontogenetic and macroevolutionary models GIGNAC, PM*; SANTANA, SE; Oklahoma State University, CHS ; University of Washington What links phenotypic stability and instability with morphological diversity? Comparative anatomists tend to approach this question from one […]
Organismal-, ciliary- motion and resulting fluid disturbances of freely swimming veligers
Meeting Abstract 84.2 Monday, Jan. 6 10:45 Organismal-, ciliary- motion and resulting fluid disturbances of freely swimming veligers CHAN, K.Y.K.*; PADILLA, D.K. ; JIANG, H.S. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. ; Stony Brook Univ. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Planktonic larvae of marine invertebrates play significant roles in shaping abundance and distribution of benthic adult populations. […]
Modeling the collective dynamics of metabolic allometry
Meeting Abstract 84.1 Monday, Jan. 6 10:30 Modeling the collective dynamics of metabolic allometry WATERS, J. S.; Princeton University Social insect colonies are model systems to investigate the mechanistic basis for the complex emergence of patterns across levels of biological organization as well as spatial and temporal scales. In the absence of hierarchical control, social insect […]
A robotic model of inertial flight maneuvering in the hawkmoth
Meeting Abstract 84.4 Monday, Jan. 6 11:15 A robotic model of inertial flight maneuvering in the hawkmoth ROMBOKAS, E*; SCHEUER, L; DYHR, JP; DANIEL, TL; University of Washington Recent studies have shown that the hawkmoth Manduca sexta displays a marked abdominal flexion reflex in response to both visual and mechanical cues associated with pitch perturbations. The […]