Targeted dietary supplementation in free-living Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) use of a novel “SmartFeeder” design

Meeting Abstract 84.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Targeted dietary supplementation in free-living Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens): use of a novel “SmartFeeder” design SMALL, TW*; BRIDGE, E; SCHOECH, SJ; University of Memphis; University of Oklahoma; University of Memphis Food supplemented Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) advance the timing of reproduction and have offspring that are recruited into the breeding […]

Decoupling Intrinsic and Behavioral Maternal Effects on Phenotypic Variation in Hatchling Turtles Insights from a Cross-fostering Experiment in the Field

Meeting Abstract 84.3  Friday, Jan. 7  Decoupling Intrinsic and Behavioral Maternal Effects on Phenotypic Variation in Hatchling Turtles: Insights from a Cross-fostering Experiment in the Field WARNER, D.A.*; MITCHELL, T.S.; JANZEN, F.J.; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University Identifying the relative contributions of genetic, maternal and environmental factors to generating phenotypic variation is […]

Avian family dynamics and the evolution of virulence in parasitized nests

Meeting Abstract 84.1  Friday, Jan. 7  Avian family dynamics and the evolution of virulence in parasitized nests HAUBER, ME; Hunter College of the City University of New York Obligate avian brood parasites exploit the parental investment of unrelated hosts, thereby reducing both the fitness value of current reproductive attempts and the future reproductive potential of foster […]

Visual ecology of bi-lobed eyes in an Antarctic euphausiid

Meeting Abstract 84.3  Friday, Jan. 6  Visual ecology of bi-lobed eyes in an Antarctic euphausiid COHEN, J.H.; Univ. of Delaware Big-eye krill, Thysanoessa macrura, are common luminescent Antarctic euphausiids with a circumpolar distribution extending from coastal waters into the subantarctic. They are omnivores often occurring in dense aggregations in the upper 400 m, and are prey […]

Ultraviolet vision in mantis shrimp

Meeting Abstract 84.2  Friday, Jan. 6  Ultraviolet vision in mantis shrimp BOK, M.J.*; PORTER, M.L.; CRONIN, T.W.; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; University of Maryland, Baltimore County Stomatopod crustaceans, or mantis shrimp, possess some of the most notable visual systems known to biology. Their visual ecology has been characterized in great […]

The influence of sensory feedback delays on the yaw dynamics of insect flight

Meeting Abstract 84.6  Friday, Jan. 6  The influence of sensory feedback delays on the yaw dynamics of insect flight ELZINGA, M.J.*; DICKSON, W.B.; DICKINSON, M.H.; Caltech; IO Rodeo; Univ. of Washington In closed loop systems, even modest sensor feedback delays may have potentially disastrous implications for performance and stability. Flies have evolved multiple specializations to reduce […]

Odor-gated rheotaxis and sensory integration by the rhinophores during navigation in the nudibranch, Tritonia diomedea

Meeting Abstract 84.4  Friday, Jan. 6  Odor-gated rheotaxis and sensory integration by the rhinophores during navigation in the nudibranch, Tritonia diomedea MCCULLAGH, Gregory*; BISHOP, Cory; WYETH, Russell; St. Francis Xavier Univ. Neuroethological studies of navigational behaviors have progressed in the mollusc, Tritonia diomedea, due to their easily observable behaviors, and accessible nervous system. T. diomedea navigates […]

Comparing Sensory Abilities Olfactory Bulb Size and Olfactory Sensitivity in Phyllostomid Bats

Meeting Abstract 84.5  Friday, Jan. 6  Comparing Sensory Abilities: Olfactory Bulb Size and Olfactory Sensitivity in Phyllostomid Bats EITING, T*; SMITH, T; FORGER, N; DUMONT, E; UMass Amherst; Slippery Rock Univ; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst When comparing olfactory abilities across species, the relative size of the olfactory bulb (OB) is often used to represent olfactory sensitivity […]

Auditory Brainstem Response in Sea Ducks and Diving Ducks

Meeting Abstract 84.1  Friday, Jan. 6  Auditory Brainstem Response in Sea Ducks and Diving Ducks THERRIEN, Sara*; CARR, Catherine; WELLS-BERLIN, Alicia; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park; U.S. Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center The Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) is a valuable physiological technique used to describe an animal’s auditory sensitivity in […]

Turning up the Heat Investigating the Physiological Effects of Climate Change on Mammalian Herbivores

Meeting Abstract 84.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Turning up the Heat: Investigating the Physiological Effects of Climate Change on Mammalian Herbivores KURNATH, P.*; DEARING, M.D.; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City Climate change is causing range shifts and population declines in many animal populations, particularly mammalian herbivores. One hypothesis to explain […]

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