Regressive evolution of the hagfish visual system blind but hopeful monsters

Meeting Abstract 82-1  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15  Regressive evolution of the hagfish visual system: blind but hopeful monsters ALLISON, WT; Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada We study the Pacific Hagfish in an evo-devo framework, with special attention to the first appearance of the vertebrate eye over evolutionary time. Other cyclostomes (lampreys) and all […]

Optic Lobe Metamorphosis in the Stomatopod Crustacean Alima pacifica

Meeting Abstract 82-6  Saturday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30  Optic Lobe Metamorphosis in the Stomatopod Crustacean Alima pacifica LIN, C*; CRONIN, TW; University of Maryland Baltimore County The compound eyes of stomatopod crustaceans have unusual ommatidial rows at the equator called the midband that are typically specialized for color and polarization vision. Beneath the retina, this […]

Future Directions in the Whole Body Eye of Sea Urchins Effects of Phylogeny, Light Intensity, and Spine Density

Meeting Abstract 82-4  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00  Future Directions in the Whole Body Eye of Sea Urchins: Effects of Phylogeny, Light Intensity, and Spine Density NOTAR, JC*; GORDON, MS; Duke University; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Sea urchin behavioral reactions to light are more complex than previously thought. These animals have a diffuse […]

Eyes in their Stars Photoreceptor Anatomy and Visual behaviour in Ophiocoma

Meeting Abstract 82-3  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45  Eyes in their Stars? Photoreceptor Anatomy and Visual behaviour in Ophiocoma SUMNER-ROONEY, LH*; RAHMAN, I; SIGWART, JD; ULLRICH-LÜTER, E; Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin; Oxford University Museum of Natural History; Queen’s University Belfast; Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin Vision and photoreception in echinoderms have perplexed researchers for more than […]

Coarse vision isn’t useless vision cleaner shrimp use monochromatic, low-resolution vision to detect client fish

Meeting Abstract 82-5  Saturday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15  Coarse vision isn’t useless vision: cleaner shrimp use monochromatic, low-resolution vision to detect client fish CAVES, EM*; CHEN, CC; JOHNSEN, S; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University Cleaner shrimp live on coral reefs and provide cleaning services to client fish by removing and eating ectoparasites. However, […]

Certain chitons have hundreds of image-forming eyes, but what are they seeing

Meeting Abstract 82-2  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30  Certain chitons have hundreds of image-forming eyes, but what are they seeing? CHAPPELL, DR*; SPEISER, DI; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia Sensory biology research has mostly focused on paired cephalic sensors that are connected to a relatively complex brain; however, some organisms […]

Promiscuity and Parasites Mating System Predicts the Survival Costs of Parasitism Across Taxa

Meeting Abstract 82-6  Saturday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  Promiscuity and Parasites: Mating System Predicts the Survival Costs of Parasitism Across Taxa WITTMAN, TN*; COX, RM; Univ. of Virginia; Univ. of Virginia Parasites are known to reduce survival, but the extent to which this cost varies between sexes is generally unknown. Males are often assumed to […]

Patterns and Causes of Tropical Montane Life Histories An Observational and Experimental Study Using Birds

Meeting Abstract 82-7  Saturday, Jan. 6 09:30 – 09:45  Patterns and Causes of Tropical Montane Life Histories: An Observational and Experimental Study Using Birds MITCHELL, AE*; MARTIN, TE; MITCHELL, Adam; University of Montana; University of Montana Life history theory describes a slow-fast continuum within and across species. Species and individuals living at higher elevations often have […]

Life-History Shift in Storage across Latitudes in Side-Blotched Lizards Suggests Climate Is Not Limiting at Higher Latitudes

Meeting Abstract 82-3  Saturday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45  Life-History Shift in Storage across Latitudes in Side-Blotched Lizards Suggests Climate Is Not Limiting at Higher Latitudes ZANI, PA*; NELSON, BA; LUO, CH; Univ. Wisconsin–Stevens Point; Univ. Wisconsin–Stevens Point; Univ. Wisconsin–Stevens Point Many ecological studies support the idea that the importance of biotic limits (e.g., predation) decreases […]

Life history trait co-variation patterns within the house mouse (Mus musculus) differ from across species predictions

Meeting Abstract 82-1  Saturday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15  Life history trait co-variation patterns within the house mouse (Mus musculus) differ from across species predictions JOSEFSON, CC*; HOOD, WR; Auburn University; Auburn University The idea that traits which increase fecundity necessarily trade off with other traits is a central tenet of life history theory. Previous work […]

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