Meeting Abstract 82.2 Monday, Jan. 6 10:45 Thermal response of prey-capture kinematics in teleost fishes departs from physiological expectations SLOAN, T.J.*; TURINGAN, R.G.; Florida Institute of Technology As poikilotherms, the physiological performance of fishes is expected to reach optimum levels at a narrow temperature range. As a consequence of the direct effects of environmental temperature on […]
sessions: Session 82
Modeled predator accuracy predicts capture success in three centrarchids
Meeting Abstract 82.4 Monday, Jan. 6 11:15 Modeled predator accuracy predicts capture success in three centrarchids KANE, E.A.*; HIGHAM, T.E.; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside Prey capture is critical for survival and reproduction, and for suction feeding fishes, success likely depends on the ability to correctly position and time the strike (accuracy). Despite […]
Hunting with damaged wings How does the location of dragonfly wing damage affect flight biomechanics and predation success
Meeting Abstract 82.6 Monday, Jan. 6 11:45 Hunting with damaged wings: How does the location of dragonfly wing damage affect flight biomechanics and predation success? SALCEDO, M.K.*; IWASAKI, J.M.; RUNDLE, D.E.; COMBES, S.A.; Harvard; Univ. of Otago; Harvard; Harvard Dragonflies perform a diverse array of complex aerial behaviors that entail a challenge for flight control, even […]
Ecological Implications of Hummingbird Feeding Mechanisms
Meeting Abstract 82.5 Monday, Jan. 6 11:30 Ecological Implications of Hummingbird Feeding Mechanisms RICO-GUEVARA, A.*; RUBEGA, M.A.; UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT; UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Our research addresses the overarching question: How do the mechanics of feeding define the limits and adaptive values of feeding behaviors? We study every step of hummingbird nectar capture and transport, in order […]
Coordination of Ventilation and Feeding in Elasmobranchs
Meeting Abstract 82.3 Monday, Jan. 6 11:00 Coordination of Ventilation and Feeding in Elasmobranchs WILGA, C*; DUQUETTE, D; FICARRA, L; Univ. of Rhode Island; Univ. of Rhode Island; Univ. of Rhode Island Ventilation behavior must function independently of and cooperatively with other behaviors that are critical to the life history of the fish, such as swimming, […]
Comparison of cranial and axial muscle power for suction feeding in largemouth bass
Meeting Abstract 82.1 Monday, Jan. 6 10:30 Comparison of cranial and axial muscle power for suction feeding in largemouth bass CAMP, A.L.*; ROBERTS, T.J.; BRAINERD, E.L.; Brown University, Providence RI; Brown University, Providence RI; Brown University, Providence RI Suction feeding relies on substantial muscle power to expand the mouth cavity so that volume increases, pressure decreases, […]
Tinkering and the origin of a new fin skeleton
Meeting Abstract 82.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:45 Tinkering and the origin of a new fin skeleton STEWART, TA; Univ. of Chicago Phenotypes can evolve by leaps. One mode of saltation is the translocation of tissues or organs from one part of the body to another. Adipose fins (appendages found on many teleost fishes between […]
Regulation of vertebrate jaw shape and size by planar cell polarity signaling
Meeting Abstract 82.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:15 Regulation of vertebrate jaw shape and size by planar cell polarity signaling LE PABIC, P*; SCHILLING, T; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine The genetic and developmental mechanisms underlying the tremendous morphological diversity of the vertebrate jaw apparatus remain poorly understood. Skeletal progenitors may coordinate their morphogenetic […]
Periodicity and dynamics of tooth replacement from a longitudinal study of leopard geckos
Meeting Abstract 82.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:30 Periodicity and dynamics of tooth replacement from a longitudinal study of leopard geckos GRIECO, T.M.*; WONG, A.C.; RICHMAN, J.M.; University of British Columbia Many reptiles replace their teeth continuously, providing an opportunity to understand the process of tooth renewal. We present preliminary data from a longitudinal study of tooth […]
Identifying the genetic basis of craniofacial variation using threespine stickleback
Meeting Abstract 82.5 Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:15 Identifying the genetic basis of craniofacial variation using threespine stickleback ALLIGOOD, KS*; CURREY, M; LESCAK, E; BASSHAM, S; CATCHEN, J; KIMMEL, C; CRESKO, W; University Of Oregon; University Of Oregon; University of Alaska, Anchorage; University Of Oregon; University Of Oregon; University Of Oregon; University Of Oregon Tremendous change in […]