Using behavioral data to identify potential marine protected areas for the endangered Southern Resident killer whale

Meeting Abstract 82.1  Friday, Jan. 6  Using behavioral data to identify potential marine protected areas for the endangered Southern Resident killer whale NOREN, D.P.*; HAUSER, D.D.W.; NOAA Fisheries; NOAA Fisheries Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) are listed as Endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). Both vessel disturbance and reduced prey availability have been […]

Using a Spatially-Explicit Predator-Prey Model to Investigate Bycatch Risk of Terrapins in Crab Pots

Meeting Abstract 82.5  Friday, Jan. 6  Using a Spatially-Explicit Predator-Prey Model to Investigate Bycatch Risk of Terrapins in Crab Pots HARDEN, L.A.*; WILLIARD, A.S.; UNC Wilmington Trends in diamondback terrapin Malaclemys terrapin abundance and demography suggest that crab pot bycatch mortalities may be contributing to population declines of this estuarine turtle. Designing effective regulations to minimize […]

Using Meteorological Data to Predict Bat Mortality at a Wind Facility in Texas

Meeting Abstract 82.6  Friday, Jan. 6  Using Meteorological Data to Predict Bat Mortality at a Wind Facility in Texas KARSTEN, K.B.*; HALE, A.M.; California Lutheran University; Texas Christian University Bats are an important component to many ecosystems and are under increasing pressure from both White Nose Syndrome and wind facility related mortality. The growth of the […]

Change in Avian Pox prevalence varies by species and land use type in Galápagos finches

Meeting Abstract 82.2  Friday, Jan. 6  Change in Avian Pox prevalence varies by species and land use type in Galápagos finches ZYLBERBERG, M*; LEE, KA; KLASING, KC; HAHN, TP; WIKELSKI, M; UC Davis; UC Davis; UC Davis; UC Davis; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology Introduced disease has been implicated as an important factor in recent extinctions […]

A two-method approach for investigating the underwater hearing capabilities of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta)

Meeting Abstract 82.4  Friday, Jan. 6  A two-method approach for investigating the underwater hearing capabilities of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) LAVENDER, A. L.*; BARTOL, S. M.; BARTOL, I. K.; Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA; Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk; Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA Sea turtles are one group of protected marine animals potentially impacted by […]

Shrimp springs how shape affects strength in energy storage

Meeting Abstract 82.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Shrimp springs: how shape affects strength in energy storage ROSARIO, M.V.*; DUMONT, E.R.; PATEK, S.N.; UMass, Amherst; UMass, Amherst; UMass, Amherst Elastic systems are widespread in nature and vary in morphology across taxonomic groups. A key question in elastic systems is how shape influences strength, thereby affecting how much energy […]

Pulling in two directions biaxial material properties of fascia lata

Meeting Abstract 82.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Pulling in two directions: biaxial material properties of fascia lata ENG, CM*; PANCHERI, FQ; LIEBERMAN, DE; BIEWENER, AA; DORFMANN, A; Harvard University; Tufts University; Tufts University We tested the biaxial material properties of goat fascia lata (FL), a highly organized collagenous tissue that is in intimate connection with the thigh […]

Influence of tendon compliance and activation level on fibre operating lengths of skeletal muscle

Meeting Abstract 82.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Influence of tendon compliance and activation level on fibre operating lengths of skeletal muscle RUBENSON, J.*; SANGHVI, H.; CROMIE, M.J.; EASTON, K.; MARSH, R.L.; DELP, S.L.; Univ. of W. Australia; Linkoping Univ.; Stanford Univ.; Univ. of W. Australia; Northeastern Univ.; Stanford Univ. The region over which skeletal muscles operate on […]

Attachment ability of a clamp-bearing fish gill parasite, Diplozoon paradoxum (Monogenea)

Meeting Abstract 82.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Attachment ability of a clamp-bearing fish gill parasite, Diplozoon paradoxum (Monogenea) WONG, W.L.*; MICHELS, J.; GORB, S.N.; Zoological Institute, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany; Zoological Institute, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany; Zoological Institute, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany An effective attachment system is crucial for the survival of monogeneans, which are mainly fish […]

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