Unraveling the complexities of variation in female mate preference for vertical bars

Meeting Abstract 82.4  Thursday, Jan. 7  Unraveling the complexities of variation in female mate preference for vertical bars ROBINSON, D. M.*; MORRIS, M. R.; Ohio University; Ohio University dr647706@ohio.edu Female preferences differ not only in response to changes in the environment, but also due to differences across females in the nature of these responses. Comparative, multivariate studies […]

Naive mate preference modified by early experience in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana

Meeting Abstract 82.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Naive mate preference modified by early experience in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana WESTERMAN, E.L.*; HODGINS-DAVIS, A.; MONTEIRO, A.; Yale University; Yale University; Yale University erica.westerman@yale.edu Female mate preference can either be innate or driven by social experience. While there are a variety of vertebrate models demonstrating the importance of mate preference […]

Males can not lie Females use honest cues to assess fitness

Meeting Abstract 82.5  Thursday, Jan. 7  Males can not lie: Females use honest cues to assess fitness. LONGPRE, KRISTY M.*; KATZ, L. S.; Rutgers University, New Brunswick; Rutgers University, New Brunswick kristylongpre@gmail.com In a promiscuous species like Capra hircus, in which maternal investment is greater than paternal investment, a female may mate selectively with a more fit […]

Male mate choice in black widows chemical and physical cues allow males to avoid sexual cannibalism by poor-condition females

Meeting Abstract 82.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  Male mate choice in black widows: chemical and physical cues allow males to avoid sexual cannibalism by poor-condition females JOHNSON, JC*; TRUBL, P; BLACKMORE, V; Arizona State University West Campus jchadwick@asu.edu Extensions of Bateman’s rule predict male mate choice should evolve as male investment in mating increases. Spiders use chemical cues […]

Mechanical optimization and skull form in New World leaf-nosed bats

Meeting Abstract 82.1  Friday, Jan. 7  Mechanical optimization and skull form in New World leaf-nosed bats DUMONT, E.R.*; SAMAVEDAM, K.C.; GROSSE, I.R.; Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst bdumont@bio.umass.edu Links between trophic specialization and skull form are a common theme in comparative studies of mammals. While correlations between […]

Limitations for walking speeds – how accurate are predictions based on a reductionist inverted pendulum model

Meeting Abstract 82.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Limitations for walking speeds – how accurate are predictions based on a reductionist inverted pendulum model HUBEL, TY*; USHERWOOD, J; Royal Veterinary College, UK; Royal Veterinary College, UK thubel@rvc.ac.uk Reductionist inverted pendulum models of walking predict that maximum walking speed depends on step length, leg length, and gravity. Maximum walking speed […]

Free body analysis, beam mechanics, and finite element modeling of the mandible of Alligator mississippiensis

Meeting Abstract 82.2  Friday, Jan. 7  Free body analysis, beam mechanics, and finite element modeling of the mandible of Alligator mississippiensis ROSS, C.F.*; PORRO, L.B.; HOLLIDAY, C.M.; ANAPOL, F.; OLIVEROS, L.C.; OLIVEROS, L.T.; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia; University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; University of Wisconsin, […]

Do skeletal levers have a trade-off between speed and force

Meeting Abstract 82.5  Friday, Jan. 7  Do skeletal levers have a trade-off between speed and force? MCHENRY, MJ*; STROTHER, JA; UC Irvine mmchenry@uci.edu The mechanical advantage, MA, determines how much force may be generated by a skeletal lever system. MA is the distance from input force to a joint, divided by the distance from the joint to […]

Comparing elastic energy structures in mantis shrimp using finite element analysis

Meeting Abstract 82.3  Friday, Jan. 7  Comparing elastic energy structures in mantis shrimp using finite element analysis ROSARIO, M.V.*; PATEK, S.N.; DUMONT, E.R.; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst mrosario@bio.umass.edu Extremely fast movements that cannot be accounted for by muscle alone require stored elastic energy. However little is known about variation […]

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