A common fungicide, Pristine®, impairs olfactory associative learning in honey bees (Apis mellifera)

SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING (VAM)January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021 Meeting Abstract 82-4  Sat Jan 2  A common fungicide, Pristine®, impairs olfactory associative learning in honey bees (Apis mellifera) DesJardins, NS*; Fisher, AL; Harrison, JF; Smith, BH; Arizona State University ndesjard@asu.edu Honey bees are exposed to agrochemicals such as insecticides, fungicides, […]

Thermoregulation and Foraging Behavior of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in a Disturbed Landscape

Meeting Abstract 82-1  Monday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15  Thermoregulation and Foraging Behavior of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in a Disturbed Landscape HOWEY, CAF; University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, 18510 and Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 christopher.howey@scranton.edu http://www.chowey.net Prescribed fire is a landscape disturbance that alters the physical and thermal characteristics of a habitat. Changes […]

The use of remote sensing and models to understand behavioral thermoregulation in dogs

Meeting Abstract 82-5  Monday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15  The use of remote sensing and models to understand behavioral thermoregulation in dogs LARK, R; SHARABI, L; LEVY, O*; Tel Aviv University, Israel; Tel Aviv University, Israel; Tel Aviv University, Israel levyofi@gmail.com Behavioral thermoregulation is crucial for avoiding thermal stress. Hence, understanding when and how animals might utilize […]

The impact of sand moisture on the temperature-sex ratio responses of developing loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles

Meeting Abstract 82-3  Monday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45  The impact of sand moisture on the temperature-sex ratio responses of developing loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles LOLAVAR, A*; WYNEKEN, J; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University alolavar@fau.edu All species of sea turtles exhibit a cooler male/warmer female temperature-sex ratio response. Field and experimental studies on loggerhead sea […]

Out of time and out of room Are montane salamanders vulnerable to extinction due to climate change

Meeting Abstract 82-4  Monday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00  Out of time and out of room: Are montane salamanders vulnerable to extinction due to climate change? FARALLO, VR*; MUÑOZ, MM; Yale University; Yale University vfarallo@gmail.com http://www.vincentfarallo.net In response to global climate change, many terrestrial species are shifting their ranges poleward or upwards in elevation. Montane species with […]

Measuring the Outcome of Reintroduction Efforts for an Endangered Butterfly

Meeting Abstract 82-2  Monday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  Measuring the Outcome of Reintroduction Efforts for an Endangered Butterfly STEELE CABRERA, S*; HUNT, TS; HADDAD, NM; LUCKY, A; DANIELS, JC; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL ssteelecabrera@flmnh.ufl.edu […]

Consequences of pharmacologically induced corticosterone hormone on body temperature and body condition in the banner-tailed kangaroo rat

Meeting Abstract 82-8  Monday, Jan. 6 09:45 – 10:00  Consequences of pharmacologically induced corticosterone hormone on body temperature and body condition in the banner-tailed kangaroo rat. MORALES, OJ*; WALKER, N; WARNE, RW; BOYLES, JG; Southern Illinois University – Carbondale; Southern Illinois University – Carbondale; Southern Illinois University – Carbondale; Southern Illinois University – Carbondale vincere90@gmail.com Anthropogenic environmental […]

Body-Temperature Management by Hovering and Perching Hummingbirds in Cold and Warm Temperatures

Meeting Abstract 82-6  Monday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  Body-Temperature Management by Hovering and Perching Hummingbirds in Cold and Warm Temperatures POWERS, DR*; LAPSANSKY, AB; SHANNON, ES; TOBALSKE, BW; George Fox University; University of Montana; George Fox University; University of Montana dpowers@georgefox.edu http://www.dpowerslab.com Hummingbirds generate large amounts of heat during hovering. When ambient temperatures (Ta) are cool […]

Biophysical ecology and the evolution of methods are they deleterious mutations

Meeting Abstract 82-7  Monday, Jan. 6 09:30 – 09:45  Biophysical ecology and the evolution of methods: are they deleterious mutations? SEARS, MW*; NUSSEAR, KE; SIMANDLE, ET; Clemson University; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno thermalecology@gmail.com http://www.thermalecology.org Ever since Cowles and Bogert demonstrated that reptiles could thermoregulate using behavior, investigators have developed various methods to show […]

Vortex formation in the embryonic heart

Meeting Abstract 82.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Vortex formation in the embryonic heart MILLER, L. A.; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill lam9@email.unc.edu The vertebrate heart first forms as a simple tube that pumps blood at low Reynolds numbers (10-2 – 10-1) without the use of valves. As the heart develops, the atrium and ventricle bulge out from […]

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