Computational fluid dynamics modeling of pulmonary airflow in monitor lizards (Varanidae)

Meeting Abstract 81-2  Saturday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  Computational fluid dynamics modeling of pulmonary airflow in monitor lizards (Varanidae) CIERI , RL*; FARMER, CG; University of Utah Understanding the biomechanical basis of avian unidirectional pulmonary airflow, a condition where lung gases travel in the same direction through most of the airways and throughout the respiratory […]

Active hemolymph flow in insect wings characterization of uniform, bi-directional and pulsatile flow in a wing network

Meeting Abstract 81-4  Saturday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00  Active hemolymph flow in insect wings: characterization of uniform, bi-directional and pulsatile flow in a wing network SALCEDO, MK*; COMBES, SA; MAHADEVAN, L.; Harvard University; Univ. of California, Davis; Harvard University Hemolymph is pumped throughout an insect’s body and appendages by peristaltic contractions of the dorsal aortic […]

A fully coupled fluid-structure-muscle-electrophysiology model in heart development

Meeting Abstract 81-5  Saturday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15  A fully coupled fluid-structure-muscle-electrophysiology model in heart development BATTISTA, NA*; MILLER, LA; The College of New Jersey; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The vertebrate heart begins to pump when its morphology resembles a simple valveless tube. The tube is composed of an outer layer […]

Tail Rotation Facilitates Active Body Reorientation during Escape Responses in Kangaroo Rats (D deserti)

Meeting Abstract 81-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15  Tail Rotation Facilitates Active Body Reorientation during Escape Responses in Kangaroo Rats (D. deserti) SCHWANER, MJ*; FREYMILLER, GA; WHITFORD, MD; HIGHAM, TE; CLARK, RW; MCGOWAN, CP; University of Idaho, Moscow; San Diego State University, San Diego; San Diego State University, San Diego; University of California, Riverside; San Diego […]

Identifying Control Modules in Complex, Dynamic Behaviors by Using Ground-righting in Geckos

Meeting Abstract 81-2  Sunday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  Identifying Control Modules in Complex, Dynamic Behaviors by Using Ground-righting in Geckos MCINROE, B*; LIBBY, T; KODITSCHEK, DE; FULL, RJ; UC Berkeley; U Washington; U Penn; UC Berkeley Animals can synergistically employ multiple appendages and body segments to perform behaviors. We hypothesize that these controllable components can […]

Gait recovery using proprioceptive feedback in HAMR, a biologically-inspired robotic platform

Meeting Abstract 81-3  Sunday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45  Gait recovery using proprioceptive feedback in HAMR, a biologically-inspired robotic platform JAYARAM, K*; DOSHI, N; WOOD, R; Harvard University Animals rely on local sensory feedback to maintain a variety of complex leg/foot trajectories when navigating natural terrains. The choice of trajectory is determined by a combination […]

Dynamics of turning maneuvers on high and low friction terrain in helmeted guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)

Meeting Abstract 81-4  Sunday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00  Dynamics of turning maneuvers on high and low friction terrain in helmeted guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) GOLDSMITH, H; DALEY, MA*; Royal Veterinary College To move through natural environments, animals must balance many potential performance demands, including speed, economy, agility, stability and injury risk. Speed and stability during […]

Defining acceleration performance during burst locomotion in running animals

Meeting Abstract 81-6  Sunday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  Defining acceleration performance during burst locomotion in running animals MCELROY, EJ*; MCBRAYER, LD; College of Charleston; Georgia Southern U. Maximum speed and peak acceleration are important performance traits for understanding variation in the evolution of morphology, biomechanics, ecology and behavior. Many animals rely on quick bursts of […]

Can learning facilitate perturbation recovery following limb loss in tarantulas

Meeting Abstract 81-1  Sunday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15  Can learning facilitate perturbation recovery following limb loss in tarantulas? QUINN, BL*; XI, SY; HSIEH, ST; Temple University; Harriton High School; Temple University Some vertebrates and many arthropods can voluntarily lose an appendage (i.e., autotomize) during antagonistic encounters. Yet, how animals alter limb use to accommodate the […]

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