Meeting Abstract 81.6 Monday, Jan. 6 11:30 Within-species variation and phylogenetic patterns in anti-bacterial activity in egg masses of 16 mollusc species SMOOT, SC*; PLANTE, CJ; PODOLSKY, RD; College of Charleston Gelatinous egg masses are used by several species of marine invertebrates to encapsulate embryos until hatching. The high protein and mucopolysaccharide content of these egg […]
sessions: Session 81
Who makes the settlement cue for larvae of Phestilla sibogae
Meeting Abstract 81.4 Monday, Jan. 6 11:00 Who makes the settlement cue for larvae of Phestilla sibogae? MENINZOR, D.; ASAHINA, A.; HADFIELD, M.G.*; University of Hawaii at Manoa For more than 40 years, researchers in the Hadfield laboratory have made “metamorphic inducer” for larvae of the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae by soaking pieces of the nudibranch’s prey […]
Time series analysis and visualization of midwater zooplankton ecology Automating long-term studies of the VARS dataset
Meeting Abstract 81.1 Monday, Jan. 6 10:15 Time series analysis and visualization of midwater zooplankton ecology: Automating long-term studies of the VARS dataset JAFFE, A.L.*; HADDOCK, S.H.D; Harvard University; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute This study uses multi-decadal time series from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s unique VARS database to illustrate spatio-temporal patterns of abundance […]
Oceanic Sea Star Larvae Host Microbial Community Dominated by Cyanobacteria of the Genus Synechococcus
Meeting Abstract 81.2 Monday, Jan. 6 10:30 Oceanic Sea Star Larvae Host Microbial Community Dominated by Cyanobacteria of the Genus Synechococcus BOSCH, I*; SNYDER, S.M.; GALAC, M.R.; JANIES, D.A; State University of New York, Geneseo; University of South Florida, St. Petersburg; University of North Carolina, Charlotte; University of North Carolina, Charlotte Sea star planktotrophic larvae provisionally […]
Effects of predator odor on photobehavior, visual sensitivity, and morphology of crab larvae
Meeting Abstract 81.3 Monday, Jan. 6 10:45 Effects of predator odor on photobehavior, visual sensitivity, and morphology of crab larvae CHARPENTIER, C.L.*; COHEN, J.H.; University of Delaware; University of Delaware Many zooplankton exhibit specialized behavioral and morphological predator defense strategies that are induced by predator detection. For example, exposure to predator odor enhances photobehavior in the […]
Dietary beta-carotene supplementation in broodstock affects F1 embryonic development and embryonic stress response to UVR in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus
Meeting Abstract 81.7 Monday, Jan. 6 11:45 Dietary beta-carotene supplementation in broodstock affects F1 embryonic development and embryonic stress response to UVR in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus TAYLOR, J.C.*; WILLIAMS, M.B.; KATIYAR, S.K.; WATTS, S.A.; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham; University of Alabama […]
Are Planktotrophic Calyptraeids Pre-adapted for Adelphophagic Development
Meeting Abstract 81.5 Monday, Jan. 6 11:15 Are Planktotrophic Calyptraeids “Pre-adapted” for Adelphophagic Development? THOMSEN, O.; COLLIN, R.*; CARRILLO-BALTODANO, A.; Univ. Oldenburg; Smithsonian Tropical Res. Inst.; Clark Univ. Adelphophagy, development where embryos grow large by consuming morphologically distinct nutritive embryos or their own normal siblings is common in some families of marine gastropods and worms and […]
Wing bone laminarity is not an adaptation for torsional resistance in bats
Meeting Abstract 81.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:45 Wing bone laminarity is not an adaptation for torsional resistance in bats LEE, A.H.*; SIMONS, E.L.R.; Midwestern University Torsional loading is a common feature of skeletal biomechanics during vertebrate flight. The importance of resisting torsional loads is best illustrated by the convergence of wing bone structure (e.g., long with […]
Predicting Weight Support Based on Wake Measurements of a Flying Bird in Still Air
Meeting Abstract 81.7 Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:45 Predicting Weight Support Based on Wake Measurements of a Flying Bird in Still Air GUTIERREZ, E*; LENTINK, D; Stanford University; Stanford University The wake development of a freely flying Pacific Parrotlet (Forpus coelestis) was examined in still air. The bird was trained to fly from perch to perch through […]
Optimization-based study on the aerodynamic performance of flapping wings using a CFD-informed quasi-steady model
Meeting Abstract 81.4 Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:00 Optimization-based study on the aerodynamic performance of flapping wings using a CFD-informed quasi-steady model NAKATA, T.*; LIU, H.; BOMPHREY, R.J.; The Royal Veterinary College; Chiba University; The Royal Veterinary College Insects take to the air and manoeuvre in three-dimensional space by generating aerodynamic force with their flapping wings. The […]