Meeting Abstract 80.6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Horn possession does not appear to limit natural flight performance in the giant rhinoceros beetle Allomyrina dichotoma MCCULLOUGH, E.L.; University of Montana Sexually selected characters are assumed to be costly to produce and maintain, and individuals are expected to reduce the magnitude of these costs whenever possible through morphological and/or […]
sessions: Session 80
Comparative gliding performance in wingless gliding ants and other arthropods
Meeting Abstract 80.5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Comparative gliding performance in wingless gliding ants and other arthropods MUNK, Y; UC Berkeley Many wingless insects are capable of sophisticated aerodynamic control in the absence of obvious morphological adaptations for aerial behavior. We present comparative data on aerial maneuvers in worker ants, focusing on the genus Cephalotes, and in […]
Comparative aerodynamic performance of hummingbird wings from Colombia
Meeting Abstract 80.4 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Comparative aerodynamic performance of hummingbird wings from Colombia LENTINK, D*; KRUYT, J.W.; QUICAZAN, E.M.Q.R. ; GUSSEKLOO, S.W.S.; ALTSHULER, D.L.; VAN LEEUWEN, J.L.; Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University, 6709PG Wageningen, The Netherlands.; Experimental Zoology Group, Wageningen University, 6709PG Wageningen, The Netherlands.; Department of Biology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA; Experimental […]
Aerodynamic Performance Enhancement by Insect Wing Flexibility
Meeting Abstract 80.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Aerodynamic Performance Enhancement by Insect Wing Flexibility NAKATA, T.*; LIU, H.; Chiba Univ., Japan; Chiba Univ., Japan Insect wings are deformable structures that change shape passively and dynamically due to inertial and aerodynamic forces during flight and the flexibility of insect wings often leads to complex fluid-structure interactions. The effects […]
A Complex Flex Comparative Functional Morphology of Flexible Vein-Joints in Dragonflies and Damselflies
Meeting Abstract 80.3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 A Complex Flex: Comparative Functional Morphology of Flexible Vein-Joints in Dragonflies and Damselflies CRALL, James D*; DONOUGHE, Seth T; MERZ, Rachel A; COMBES, Stacey A; Concord Field Station, Harvard University; University of Pennsylvania; Swarthmore College; Concord Field Station, Harvard University The elastic protein resilin has been shown to play an […]
Prey Processing in Elasmobranchs
Meeting Abstract 80.6 Friday, Jan. 7 Prey Processing in Elasmobranchs STOEHR, A/A*; WILGA, C/D; ALLEN, R/M; Univ. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Univ. of Rhode Island; Ross University Despite many recent studies focusing on capture in fishes, post-capture behavior remains relatively unexplored. It is unknown if the mechanics of prey processing, an integral component of the feeding process, […]
Mechanics, hydrodynamics and energetics of blue whale lunge feeding predatory strategies and efficiency dependence on krill density
Meeting Abstract 80.2 Friday, Jan. 7 Mechanics, hydrodynamics and energetics of blue whale lunge feeding: predatory strategies and efficiency dependence on krill density GOLDBOGEN, Jeremy, A.*; CALAMBOKIDIS, John; MCKENNA, Megan; OLESON, Erin; POTVIN, Jean; PYENSON, Nick; SCHORR, Greg; SHADWICK, Robert; University of California, San Diego; Cascadia Research Collective; University of California, San Diego; NOAA; Saint Louis University; […]
Functional Morphology of the Feeding Apparatus in Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyrnidae) a Phylogenetic Perspective
Meeting Abstract 80.3 Friday, Jan. 7 Functional Morphology of the Feeding Apparatus in Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyrnidae): a Phylogenetic Perspective MARA, KR*; MOTTA, PJ; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Because sphyrnid sharks possess cranial morphologies with extreme variation, they can be used to address questions about the evolution of cranial design and investigate the […]
Feeding kinematics in batoids comparing species with and without cephalic lobes
Meeting Abstract 80.5 Friday, Jan. 7 Feeding kinematics in batoids: comparing species with and without cephalic lobes MULVANY, SM*; MOTTA, PJ; Univ. of S Florida; Univ. of S Florida Many benthic, undulatory batoids utilize their entire body to pin and manipulate prey during feeding. The general feeding behavior consists of forming a tent around the prey […]
Biomechanics of Prey Capture in Elasmobranchs
Meeting Abstract 80.4 Friday, Jan. 7 Biomechanics of Prey Capture in Elasmobranchs WILGA, C/D*; STOEHR, A/A; DUQUETTE, D/C; ALLEN, R/M; University of Rhode Island; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; University of New Hampshire; Ross University The feeding behavior of sharks and skates is compared to investigate suction and bite mechanisms. Suction flow is generated by rapid expansion […]