Meeting Abstract 79.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:45 NOVEL SUCTION FEEDING KINEMATICS RESULTS IN AN UNUSUAL FORM OF PREY CAPTURE IN SYNGNATHIFORM FISHES LONGO, SJ*; WAINWRIGHT, PC; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis Suction feeding across the vast diversity of acanthomorph fishes is thought to involve a highly stereotyped sequence of movements. Yet, previous […]
sessions: Session 79
Material properties of hagfish skin with insights into knotting behaviors
Meeting Abstract 79.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:15 Material properties of hagfish skin with insights into knotting behaviors CLARK, AJ*; CRAWFORD, CH; KING, BD; DEMAS, AM; UYENO, TA; College of Charleston; College of Charleston; College of Charleston; College of Charleston; Valdosta State University Hagfish use coordinated head and body knotting movements to dismember large carcasses into ingestible […]
Jaw Adductor Motor Pattern During Rhythmic Mastication in Two Carnivoran Species with Divergent Dietary Specializations
Meeting Abstract 79.7 Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:30 Jaw Adductor Motor Pattern During Rhythmic Mastication in Two Carnivoran Species with Divergent Dietary Specializations DAVIS, JS*; WILLIAMS, SH; High Point University; Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Carnivorans share an evolutionary history specializing on a diet of vertebrate prey. As such, they are characterized by a suite […]
Insights into the underwater behavior, species interactions, and biomechanics of baleen whales using integrated video and inertial sensors
Meeting Abstract 79.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:30 Insights into the underwater behavior, species interactions, and biomechanics of baleen whales using integrated video and inertial sensors GOLDBOGEN, J.A.*; CADE, D.A.; FRIEDLAENDER, A.S.; CALAMBOKIDIS, J.; STIMPERT, A.S.; JENSEN, M.M.; REYES, P.M.; POTVIN, J.; LIEBSCH, N.; Stanford University; Stanford Univ; Oregon State Univ; Cascadia Research Collective; Moss Landing Marine Labratories; […]
How does the intramandibular joint facilitate feeding in Poecilia mexicana
Meeting Abstract 79.5 Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:15 How does the intramandibular joint facilitate feeding in Poecilia mexicana? JONES, A I*; GIBB, A C; Northern Arizona University The intramandibular joint (IMJ) is located in the lower jaw of several substrate-feeding teleosts and is typically found between the dentary and angular-articular. This secondary jaw joint allows an increased […]
Going ballistic an intermediate tongue-projection mechanism in the plethodontid salamander Hemidactylium scutatum
Meeting Abstract 79.4 Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:00 Going ballistic: an intermediate tongue-projection mechanism in the plethodontid salamander Hemidactylium scutatum BLOOM, S.V.*; DEBAN, S.M.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida An elastic-recoil mechanism of tongue projection in plethodontid salamanders provides benefits to terrestrial feeding including high-powered dynamic movements and thermal insensitivity, advantages not found in […]
The mechanosensory lateral line system activates socially relevant brain regions during territorial interactions in an African cichlid fish
Meeting Abstract 79-4 Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:45 The mechanosensory lateral line system activates socially relevant brain regions during territorial interactions in an African cichlid fish BUTLER, J.M.*; MARUSKA, K.P.; Louisiana State University Fish must integrate information from multiple senses during social interactions to make appropriate behavioral decisions. We recently demonstrated that the lateral line system is […]
Sex and seasonal differences in hippocampal volume and neurogenesis in brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater)
Meeting Abstract 79-6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:15 Sex and seasonal differences in hippocampal volume and neurogenesis in brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) GUIGUENO, MF*; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, SA; SHERRY, DF; University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater; hereafter “cowbirds”) show a reversal of sex-typical space use often seen in […]
Photoreceptor Cell Sensitivity and Sexual Dimorphism in the Compound Eye of the Butterfly Heliconius erato
Meeting Abstract 79-2 Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:15 Photoreceptor Cell Sensitivity and Sexual Dimorphism in the Compound Eye of the Butterfly Heliconius erato MCCULLOCH, KJ*; OSORIO, D; BRISCOE, AD; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of Sussex; Univ. of California, Irvine Butterflies are colorful insects with diverse color visual systems. The diversity found in this group relies primarily […]
Molecular organization of Octopus brains First insights into unique memory center signaling
Meeting Abstract 79-5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:00 Molecular organization of Octopus brains: First insights into unique memory center signaling WINTERS, GC*; KOHN, AB; LAUX, R; STERN, N; BOSTWICK, C; DI COSMO, A; HOCHNER, B; MOROZ, LL; Whitney Lab, Dept of Neuroscience U. Florida; Whitney Lab, U. Florida; Humbolt State U.; Hebrew U. Jerusalem; Whitney Lab, Dept of […]