Effect of season and territorial aggression on hypothalamic gene expression in song sparrows

Meeting Abstract 79.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Effect of season and territorial aggression on hypothalamic gene expression in song sparrows MUKAI, M.*; REPLOGLE, K.; WANG, G.; WACKER, D.; CLAYTON, D. F.; WINGFIELD, J. C.; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Univ. of California, Davis […]

Changes in Reproductive Hormones with Age in the Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)

Meeting Abstract 79.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Changes in Reproductive Hormones with Age in the Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) WILCOXEN, T.E.*; SCHOECH, S.J.; BRIDGE, E.S.; BOUGHTON, R.K.; REYNOLDS, S.J.; University of Memphis; University of Memphis; Oklahoma Biol. Survey; Archbold Biological Station; Univ. of Birmingham, UK twilcoxn@memphis.edu Analysis of fifteen years of data from our study population of Florida […]

The “Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians†Report Opportunity and Challenge

Meeting Abstract 79.2  Wednesday, Jan. 6  The “Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians” Report: Opportunity and Challenge SILVERTHORN, D.U.; Univ. of Texas, Austin silverthorn@mail.utexas.edu In 2007 the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and Howard Hughes Medical Institute convened the Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians Committee (SFFP). The committee, composed of basic and clinical scientists and undergraduate scientist-educators, […]

Species Naming Contest A Year of Science 2009 Effort That Engaged the Public in Science

Meeting Abstract 79.3  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Species Naming Contest: A Year of Science 2009 Effort That Engaged the Public in Science COLLINS, Jennifer A; Consortium for Ocean Leadership jen@paleobio.org At last year’s SICB meeting in Boston, Ira Flatow kicked off the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS) 2009 Year of Science (YoS) celebration. Each month […]

Naming the Bonaire banded box jelly, the dynamic science side of a public species-naming contest

Meeting Abstract 79.6  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Naming the Bonaire banded box jelly, the dynamic science side of a public species-naming contest COLLINS, Allen G.*; BENTLAGE, Bastian; GILLAN, William; LYNN, Tara H.; MARQUES, Antonio C.; MORANDINI, Andre C.; National Systematics Lab of NOAA’s Fisheries Service; University of Kansas; Boynton Beach Community High School; Systematics Lab of NOAA’s Fisheries […]

Evolution Education Resources From The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center

Meeting Abstract 79.4  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Evolution Education Resources From The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center WEINTRAUB, J.P.*; JENKINS, K.P.; SMITH, R.A.; WIEGMANN, B.M.; NESCent (National Evolutionary Synthesis Center); NESCent (National Evolutionary Synthesis Center); NESCent (National Evolutionary Synthesis Center); NESCent (National Evolutionary Synthesis Center) jory@nescent.org Teaching evolution has myriad challenges, not the least of which is sorting through […]

Advancing Interest in Graduate Research through UndergraduateScientist Partnerships The Tioga Learning Community

Meeting Abstract 79.5  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Advancing Interest in Graduate Research through Undergraduate/Scientist Partnerships: The Tioga Learning Community BLANK, L.M.*; VALEN, A.; University of Montana, Missoula; University of Montana, Missoula lisa.blank@mso.umt.edu Creating dynamic learning communities for undergraduate science students that motivate and support their interest in pursuing graduate research opportunities and develop their ability and commitment to […]

A Proposal for a National Variable Atmosphere Laboratory (VAL) for Climate Change Research

Meeting Abstract 79.1  Wednesday, Jan. 6  A Proposal for a National Variable Atmosphere Laboratory (VAL) for Climate Change Research HARRISON, J.F.*; VANDENBROOKS, J.M.; Arizona State University, Tempe; Arizona State University, Tempe j.harrison@asu.edu Many aspects of the Earth’s climate and atmosphere are changing rapidly today in response to industrialization. Over the planet’s history, these changes have been even […]

The distribution of Acanthamoeba spp in marine and estuarine sediments from the coast of France

Meeting Abstract 79.1  Friday, Jan. 7  The distribution of Acanthamoeba spp. in marine and estuarine sediments from the coast of France MUNSON, D.A.; Washington College, Chestertown, MD dmunson2@washcoll.edu A previous study (Munson et al., Oceanis, 37, 2007) illustrated the impact of pollution on the incidence of Acanthamoeba in North Sea coastal sediments. Acanthamoeba is a ubiquitous soil […]

Reproductive Strategy, Larval Behavior and Recruitment among Caribbean Octocorals

Meeting Abstract 79.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Reproductive Strategy, Larval Behavior and Recruitment among Caribbean Octocorals LASKER, H.R.; University at Buffalo hlasker@buffalo.edu Caribbean octocorals have reproductive strategies which include broadcast spawning, surface brooding and brooding. In the genus Pseudopterogorgia differences in the timing of development, release and behavior of propagules combine to generate different patterns of dispersal and […]

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