Neuropsin and VA-opsin both facilitate photoinduction of avian seasonal breeding

Meeting Abstract 79-3  Monday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45  Neuropsin and VA-opsin both facilitate photoinduction of avian seasonal breeding PEREZ, JH*; TOLLA, E; DUNN, IC; MEDDLE, SL; STEVENSON, TJ; University of Glasgow; University of Glasgow; Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh; Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh; University of Glasgow Avian seasonal breeding has long been tied to […]

Leatherback Turtle Breeding Sex Ratios are 11

Meeting Abstract 79-6  Monday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  Leatherback Turtle Breeding Sex Ratios are 1:1 LASALA, JA*; HUGHES, C; WYNEKEN, J; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University As temperatures increase, marine turtles are at risk of a feminization skew within populations due to temperature dependent sex determination. While hatchling sex ratios can […]

Flexible Expression of Sickness Behavior and Parental Care Across Stages of Avian Reproduction

Meeting Abstract 79-2  Monday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  Flexible Expression of Sickness Behavior and Parental Care Across Stages of Avian Reproduction ALONGE, MM*; DANIELS, DT; SCHOBEL, T; BENTLEY, GE; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley Organisms are often challenged with balancing energy demand between competing […]

Effects of preferred temperature, interspecific interactions, and increased population density on vitellogenesis on intertidal crabs Petrolisthes cinctipes and Petrolisthes manimaculus

Meeting Abstract 79-5  Monday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15  Effects of preferred temperature, interspecific interactions, and increased population density on vitellogenesis on intertidal crabs Petrolisthes cinctipes and Petrolisthes manimaculus SAYAVONG, N*; ESTRADA, M; SALAS, H; GUNDERSON, AR; STILLMAN, JH; TSUKIMURA, B; California State University, Fresno; California State University, Fresno; California State University, Fresno; Tulane University; San Francicso […]

Histamine immunoreactivity in the nervous system of the cnidarian Renilla koellikeri

ANCTIL, M.: Histamine immunoreactivity in the nervous system of the cnidarian Renilla koellikeri Histamine (HA) appears to be present in the nervous system of many animal phyla, including Plathelminths, but has not been reported yet in Cnidaria, the lowest phylum in which nervous systems exist. The recent identification in the sea pansy Renilla koellikeri of […]

Effects of the maternal environment on antibody transmission to eggs and the consequences for offspring growth and immunity

GRINDSTAFF, J.L.; KETTERSON, E.D.: Effects of the maternal environment on antibody transmission to eggs and the consequences for offspring growth and immunity Neonatal vertebrates have little capacity to synthesize antibodies and are, therefore, dependent on the transmission of passive immunity from the female parent for early disease resistance. In birds, immunity is transferred to offspring […]

Effects of Photoperiod and Testosterone on Immunity in Starlings

DUFFY, D.L.*; BALL, G.F.: Effects of Photoperiod and Testosterone on Immunity in Starlings One of the tenets of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH; Folstad & Karter, 1992) is that testosterone (T) is immunosuppressive. A previous report by our laboratory (Duffy et al., 2000) revealed that exogenous T reduced cell-mediated (CMI) and humoral immunity (HI) in […]

Effect of a Dietary Copper on Muskox Calf Growth and Immune Function

SWOR, R.*; BLAKE, J.; BARBOZA, P.: Effect of a Dietary Copper on Muskox Calf Growth and Immune Function There are three critical periods for muskox calf health and survival: gestation, the first week of life, and the transition from being a monogastric to being a ruminant. This study addresses the third time period. Preliminary data […]

Are there immunological costs to carotenoid display in songbirds

NAVARA, K.J.; HILL, G.E.; MENDON�A, M.T.: Are there immunological costs to carotenoid display in songbirds? The recent discovery that carotenoids enhance immune function in mammals has led to the hypothesis that carotenoid pigmentation is an honest signal of immunocompetence in birds. In mammals, carotenoids have been found to increase B and T-lymphocyte proliferation, and also […]

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