Meeting Abstract 78-2 Saturday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45 Contrasting Patterns of Latitudinal Variation in Thermal and Hypoxia Tolerance in Atlantic Killifish HEALY, TM*; BRENNAN, RS; WHITEHEAD, A; SCHULTE, PM; Univ. of British Columbia; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of British Columbia Associations among traits can influence the rates of organismal responses […]
sessions: Session 78
Can we differentiate between the effects of hypoxia and high temperature on animal behavior and physiology
Meeting Abstract 78-5 Saturday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30 Can we differentiate between the effects of hypoxia and high temperature on animal behavior and physiology? VANDENBROOKS, JM*; LE VIN THUY, J; SHIEHZADEGAN, S; CAMACHO, A; TELEMECO, R; SMITH, C; ANGILLETTA, JR., MJ; Midwestern University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Auburn […]
Morphometrics and Functional Morphology of Fungus-growing Ants
Meeting Abstract 78-1 Saturday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15 Morphometrics and Functional Morphology of Fungus-growing Ants LARABEE, FJ*; SCHULTZ, TR; POWELL, S; NMNH, Smithsonian Institution & George Washington University; NMNH, Smithsonian Institution; George Washington University Mandibles are critical to the biology of ants, being the primary structures they use to interact with their environment. To explain […]
Jaw Rule Mammalian Jaw Morphologies Correlate with Diet and Evolve Toward Trait Optima
Meeting Abstract 78-3 Saturday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45 Jaw Rule: Mammalian Jaw Morphologies Correlate with Diet and Evolve Toward Trait Optima GROSSNICKLE, DM; University of Chicago Although studies commonly examine correlations between tooth shape and diet using taxonomically diverse mammalian samples, comparable analyses of jaw morphologies and diet across Mammalia are rare. This is surprising […]
How Big is too Big Using Crustacean-eating Snakes to Test How Anatomy and Behavior Affect Prey Size and Feeding Performance
Meeting Abstract 78-6 Saturday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30 How Big is too Big? Using Crustacean-eating Snakes to Test How Anatomy and Behavior Affect Prey Size and Feeding Performance JAYNE, BC*; VORIS, HK; NG, PKL; University of Cincinnati ; Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; National University of Singapore The evolutionary innovations that allow snakes […]
Head Shape Dimorphism in European Eels … the What, How and Why Story
Meeting Abstract 78-2 Saturday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30 Head Shape Dimorphism in European Eels … the What, How and Why Story DE MEYER, J*; BELPAIRE, C; VAN WASSENBERGH, S; HERREL, A; MAES, GE; DIRKS, RP; BOECKX, P; BERVOETS, L; COVACI, A; MALARVANNAN, G; DHAENE , J; ADRIAENS, D; Univ. of Ghent, Belgium; Institute for Forest and […]
Functional Ecology of the California Moray Eel (Gymnothorax mordax) Dietary Breadth and Bite Force Over Ontogeny
Meeting Abstract 78-5 Saturday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15 Functional Ecology of the California Moray Eel (Gymnothorax mordax): Dietary Breadth and Bite Force Over Ontogeny. HIGGINS, B/A*; LAW, C/J; MEHTA, R/S; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Despite the growing body of data on predatory interactions, […]
Effects of Diet on the Evolution of Bite Force in Adult Musteloids
Meeting Abstract 78-4 Saturday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00 Effects of Diet on the Evolution of Bite Force in Adult Musteloids MEHTA, RS*; LAW, CJ; DURAN, E; RICHARDS, E; SANTILLAN, I; MEHTA, Rita; University of California, Santa Cruz The majority of mammals use biting to ingest prey. Therefore, determining how bite force varies across species […]
Stress, Dispersal, and Immunity Field Comparisons of the Florida Populations of the Cane Toad
Meeting Abstract 78-8 Sunday, Jan. 6 09:45 – 10:00 Stress, Dispersal, and Immunity: Field Comparisons of the Florida Populations of the Cane Toad ASSIS, VR*; GARDNER, S; SMITH, K/M; GOMES, F/R; MENDONçA, M/T; University of Sao Paulo; Auburn University; Auburn University; University of Sao Paulo; Auburn University To understand how stress and immunity in cane toads […]
Phenotypic plasticity of thermal tolerance in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from natural and thermally polluted areas
Meeting Abstract 78-1 Sunday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15 Phenotypic plasticity of thermal tolerance in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from natural and thermally polluted areas MOTTOLA, G*; VASEMÄGI, A; NIKINMAA, M; ANTTILA, K; University of Turku; Swedish University of Agricultural Science; University of Turku; University of Turku Climate change will increase both the average temperature of […]