Meeting Abstract 78.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Will spit for food: role of target height in the spitting force of hunting archer fish. BURNETTE, MF*; ASHLEY-ROSS, MA; Wake Forest University; Wake Forest University Archer fishes (Toxotidae) are famous for their method of hunting terrestrial insects: the fish fires a stream of water from its mouth, which will […]
sessions: Session 78
Invariant feeding kinematics of two trophically distinct nonnative Florida fishes, Belonesox belizanus and Cichlasoma urophthalmus across environmental temperature regimes
Meeting Abstract 78.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Invariant feeding kinematics of two trophically distinct nonnative Florida fishes, Belonesox belizanus and Cichlasoma urophthalmus across environmental temperature regimes SLOAN, T.J.*; TURINGAN, R.G.; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida Institute of Technology Nonnative fishes have the ability to adapt to environmental conditions in the invaded ecosystem and utilize resources that may […]
Hyoid kinematics and hypaxial muscle strain during suction feeding in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Meeting Abstract 78.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 Hyoid kinematics and hypaxial muscle strain during suction feeding in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) CAMP, A.L.*; BRAINERD, E.L.; Brown University, Providence RI; Brown University, Providence RI To capture food, suction feeding fishes use their kinetic skulls to rapidly expand the mouth cavity both laterally and dorsoventrally. Ventrally, mouth volume is […]
How do triggerfish eat The evolution of variable feeding behavior in balistid fishes
Meeting Abstract 78.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 How do triggerfish eat? The evolution of variable feeding behavior in balistid fishes BUXMAN, C.L.*; WESTNEAT, M.W.; University of Chicago; Field Museum of Natural History Muscles in many vertebrates have become repeatedly subdivided, yielding multiple actuators for biomechanical systems. Muscle subdivisions may, with evolutionary change in origin, insertion, or contractile […]
Feeding kinematics in damselfishes (Pomacentridae) ecological diversity and repeated trophic convergence
Meeting Abstract 78.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Feeding kinematics in damselfishes (Pomacentridae): ecological diversity and repeated trophic convergence CARTER, C.B.*; RICE, A.N.; WESTNEAT, M.W.; COOPER, W.J.; Washington State University; Cornell University; The Field Museum of Natural History; Washington State University The damselfishes represent a species-rich lineage that forms a major component of the fish fauna on all […]
Swimming against the tide resilience of a riverine turtle to extreme environmental events
Meeting Abstract 78.6 Monday, Jan. 6 11:30 Swimming against the tide: resilience of a riverine turtle to extreme environmental events JANZEN, F.J.*; JERGENSON, A.M.; MILLER, D.A.W.; NEUMAN-LEE, L.A.; WARNER, D.A.; Iowa State Univ.; Iowa State Univ.; Penn State Univ.; Utah State Univ.; Univ. Alabama-Birmingham Extreme environmental events are likely to exert deleterious effects on populations. From […]
Reproductive phenology of a food-hoarding mast seed consumer resource- and density-dependent benefits of early breeding in red squirrels
Meeting Abstract 78.7 Monday, Jan. 6 11:45 Reproductive phenology of a food-hoarding mast seed consumer: resource- and density-dependent benefits of early breeding in red squirrels WILLIAMS, CT*; LANE, JE; HUMPHRIES, MM; MCADAM, AG; BOUTIN, S; Univ of Alaska Anchorage; Univ of Saskatchewan; McGill Univ; Univ of Guelph; Univ of Alberta The production of offspring by vertebrates […]
Impacts of avian malaria and related parasites on lifetime reproductive success and survivorship of mountain white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha)
Meeting Abstract 78.1 Monday, Jan. 6 10:15 Impacts of avian malaria and related parasites on lifetime reproductive success and survivorship of mountain white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha) ZYLBERBERG, M*; DERRYBERRY, EP; BREUNER, CW; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, EA; CORNELIUS, JM; HAHN, TP; Univ. of California, Davis; Tulane University; University of Montana; University of Western Ontario; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. […]
Home range size and survival of Texas horned lizard as a function of physical environment
Meeting Abstract 78.3 Monday, Jan. 6 10:45 Home range size and survival of Texas horned lizard as a function of physical environment GRANBERG, R.M.*; PERRY, G.; VERBLE, R.M.; Texas Tech University The Texas horned lizard (THL; Phrynosoma cornutum) is a federal Species of Concern and declining across its native range. Current literature describes habitat loss and […]
A mechanism for extinction Recruitment failure in a sky-island population of Sceloporus occidentalis
Meeting Abstract 78.5 Monday, Jan. 6 11:15 A mechanism for extinction: Recruitment failure in a sky-island population of Sceloporus occidentalis ARCHIE, J.W.*; HOOPER, C.; California State Univ., Long Beach; California State Univ., Long Beach Population extinctions are likely common, but seldom observed in the wild. We document the likely extinction of a sky-island population of western […]