Meeting Abstract 78.4 Friday, Jan. 7 CSI Freshwater Mussels: Using DNA Barcoding to Identify Microscopic Animals BOYER, Sarah L.*; HOWE, Alexander A.; JUERGENS, Nathan W.; HOVE, Mark C.; Macalester College; Macalester College; Macalester College; Macalester College, University of Minnesota Mussels in the family Unionidae have a unique life cycle in which they are obliged to parasite […]
sessions: Session 78
Survival under pressure lethal and sublethal effects of an invasive predator, the red imported fire ant, on a spiny lizard
Meeting Abstract 78.2 Friday, Jan. 6 Survival under pressure: lethal and sublethal effects of an invasive predator, the red imported fire ant, on a spiny lizard THAWLEY, C.J.*; ROBBINS, T.R.; LANGKILDE, T.; Pennsylvania State University Environmental interactions play a major role in structuring communities and determining the life histories of species. Anthropogenic impacts, such as climate […]
Sponsorship required for permanent residency in sediment
Meeting Abstract 78.9 Friday, Jan. 6 Sponsorship required for permanent residency in sediment LI, Jingchun; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The importance of biotic associations in the evolution of marine taxa is implicitly understood. However, relative to terrestrial systems, meaningful hypotheses and tests of specific mechanisms are underdeveloped. The marine bivalve superfamily Galeommatoidea represents an ideal […]
Island life and innate immunity combining comparative and experimental approaches to better understand avian immune system evolution
Meeting Abstract 78.6 Friday, Jan. 6 Island life and innate immunity: combining comparative and experimental approaches to better understand avian immune system evolution MATSON, K.D.*; MAUCK, R.A.; LYNN, S.E.; TIELEMAN, B.I.; University of Groningen; Kenyon College; The College of Wooster; University of Groningen Continents and isolated islands may present their avian residents with different disease-related selection […]
Fine tuning anti-predator responses are the costs of inducible predator defences proportional to the magnitude of the responses
Meeting Abstract 78.1 Friday, Jan. 6 Fine tuning anti-predator responses: are the costs of inducible predator defences proportional to the magnitude of the responses? HEINIGER, J*; VAN UITREGT, V; WILSON, R S; University of Queensland; University of Queensland; University of Queensland The threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis predicts the magnitude of inducible defensive responses should reflect the […]
Evidence of parasite-mediated selection favoring evolution of more effective immune defenses more immune constituents in eggs of avian brood parasites
Meeting Abstract 78.7 Friday, Jan. 6 Evidence of parasite-mediated selection favoring evolution of more effective immune defenses: more immune constituents in eggs of avian brood parasites HAHN, D. Caldwell*; IGL, Lawrence; BURNETT, James; ERF, Gisela; US Geological Survey – Patuxent WRC; US Geological Survey – No. Prairie WRC; University of Arkansas; University of Arkansas Parasite-mediated selection […]
Ecological opportunity and competition predict widespread disruptive selection in the wild
Meeting Abstract 78.3 Friday, Jan. 6 Ecological opportunity and competition predict widespread disruptive selection in the wild MARTIN, R.A.*; PFENNIG, D.W.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Disruptive selection occurs in a population when two or more modal phenotypes have higher fitness than the intermediate phenotypes between them. Such selection […]
Ecological causes of the joint evolution of life history and morphology during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi)
Meeting Abstract 78.4 Friday, Jan. 6 Ecological causes of the joint evolution of life history and morphology during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) RIESCH, Rüdiger*; MARTIN, Ryan A; LANGERHANS, R Brian; NC State University, Raleigh; NC State University, Raleigh; NC State University, Raleigh Predation is a well-known driver for morphological and life-history evolution […]
Do changes in parasite prevalence facilitate range expansion of Kenyan house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Meeting Abstract 78.8 Friday, Jan. 6 Do changes in parasite prevalence facilitate range expansion of Kenyan house sparrows (Passer domesticus)? COON, CAC*; MARTIN, LB; University of South Florida; University of South Florida The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) posits that invaders are less affected by parasites and predators in their new range, either due to life history […]
Broad patterns in the diversity of eukaryotic microbes
Meeting Abstract 78.5 Friday, Jan. 6 Broad patterns in the diversity of eukaryotic microbes WEGENER PARFREY, Laura*; KNIGHT, Rob; University of Colorado; University of Colorado, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Microbial organisms make up the majority of organismal diversity on our planet and play a major role in biogeochemical cycling. Here we use high-throughput sequencing technology to […]