Meeting Abstract 78.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Ramming, biting and cracking: the strength of animal and plant shells HU, DL*; SIELERT, K; GORDON, M; Courant Institute, NYU; Courant Institute, NYU; Courant Institute, NYU The thin-shelled dome provides lightweight armor for eggs, skulls, turtles, nuts, gourds and other common structures in the animal and plant kingdoms. In our […]
sessions: Session 78
Biomechanics of impact loading of goat horns (Capra hircus) using CT image based Finite Element Modelling
Meeting Abstract 78.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Biomechanics of impact loading of goat horns (Capra hircus) using CT image based Finite Element Modelling YOO, E.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard University; Harvard University Intrasexual male combat is a critical determinant of social status and reproductive success for male goats (Capra hircus). Horn on horn collisions between male goats at […]
Are the explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi perfect projectiles, and is co-ordinated ejection used to achieve better-than-perfect range
Meeting Abstract 78.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 Are the explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi perfect projectiles, and is co-ordinated ejection used to achieve better-than-perfect range? ROPER, M.*; BRENNER, M.P.; PRINGLE, A.; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University Minimization of drag appears to have left an imprint upon the evolution of bauplans of an enormous variety of […]
Plasticity in chilling survival of Drosophila melanogaster larvae
Meeting Abstract 78.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Plasticity in chilling survival of Drosophila melanogaster larvae SINCLAIR, BJ*; RAJAMOHAN, A; Univ. Western Ontario The majority of insects die of chilling injuries unrelated to ice formation, but the processes and plasticity of these injuries are not well-understood. We have been exploring the roles of genetic background, development, dietary manipulation, […]
Morphological Integration of Moth Wing Patterns Cryptically Mimicking a Dead Leaf
Meeting Abstract 78.5 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Morphological Integration of Moth Wing Patterns Cryptically Mimicking a Dead Leaf SUZUKI, Takao*; KURATANI, Shigeru; RIKEN CDB, Japan; RIKEN CDB, Japan How animal body parts acquire adaptive patterns through changes in developmental program is a fundamental question of phenotypic evolution. Here, we report morphological integration seen in the moth wing […]
Mercury (II) bioaccumulation and antioxidant physiology in four aquatic insects
Meeting Abstract 78.4 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Mercury (II) bioaccumulation and antioxidant physiology in four aquatic insects BUCHWALTER, DB*; FLIPPIN, JL; XIE, L; North Carolina State University; North Carolina State University; North Carolina State University We examined Hg(II) bioaccumulation and compartmentalization patterns in conjunction with antioxidant responses in four aquatic insect species two mayflies (Maccaffertium modestum and […]
Duplicate UV opsins for co-mimicking Heliconius butterflies
Meeting Abstract 78.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Duplicate UV opsins for co-mimicking Heliconius butterflies SISON-MANGUS, M.P.*; ZACCARDI, G.; KELBER, A.; BRISCOE, A.D.; Univ. of California, Irvine; Lund University, Sweden; Lund University, Sweden; Univ. of California, Irvine Heliconius erato has tetrachromatic color vision, with the ability to see from the ultraviolet (UV) to the red part of the […]
Divergence of diapause physiology in a speciating insect do changes in diapause energetics accompany the evolution of seasonal timing in the apple maggot fly
Meeting Abstract 78.6 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Divergence of diapause physiology in a speciating insect: do changes in diapause energetics accompany the evolution of seasonal timing in the apple maggot fly? RAGLAND, GJ*; SIM, S; FEDER, JL; HAHN, DA; University of Florida; University of Notre Dame; University of Notre Dame; University of Florida The recent evolution of […]
Chromosomal inversion effects on aridity tolerance in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae
Meeting Abstract 78.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Chromosomal inversion effects on aridity tolerance in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae GRAY, Emilie M*; ROCCA, Kyle AC; BESANSKY, Nora J; Univ. of Notre Dame The malaria vector Anopheles gambiae is endowed with a large number of chromosomal inversions, apparently allowing the species to inhabit a wide variety of habitats. Inversion […]
The Proboscis of Predatory Conus Sensory Structures and Tissue Regeneration
Meeting Abstract 78.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 The Proboscis of Predatory Conus: Sensory Structures and Tissue Regeneration MARTIN, G.G.; JAMES, D.M.*; SCHULZ, J.; Occidental College, Los Angeles; Occidental College, Los Angeles; Occidental College, Los Angeles Over the last 50 million years members of the Genus Conus have evolved into over 600 species of predatory marine snails, many […]