Meeting Abstract 75-5 Saturday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15 Stress kills: maternal stress reduces female survival and hatching success, but not hatchling survival, in eastern fence lizards MACLEOD, KJ*; SHERIFF, MJ; OWEN, DAS; ENSMINGER, DC; LANGKILDE, T; PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY; PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY; PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY; PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY; PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY The environment experienced […]
sessions: Session 75
Size structure of the intraguild predation community shapes the adaptive landscape of a larval dragonfly
Meeting Abstract 75-4 Saturday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00 Size structure of the intraguild predation community shapes the adaptive landscape of a larval dragonfly MOORE, MP*; MARTIN, RA; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University Natural selection is driven by the environment, yet how different environments alter relationships between traits and fitness (i.e. adaptive landscapes) […]
Introduction of new prey to a specialist predator diet preferences and reproductive consequences
Meeting Abstract 75-3 Saturday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45 Introduction of new prey to a specialist predator: diet preferences and reproductive consequences CORNELL, A*; GILLESPIE, C; SEROTA, M; WILLIAMS, TD; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University During the early stages of development, diet is known to affect the growth […]
Density dependent and size specific cannibalism among juvenile echinoderms
Meeting Abstract 75-1 Saturday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30 Density dependent and size specific cannibalism among juvenile echinoderms BROCCO FRENCH, KI*; ALLEN, JD; College of William and Mary; College of William and Mary Benthic marine invertebrates recruit unevenly. During dense settlement years, cannibalism may contribute significantly to juvenile mortality but may also function as a constructive […]
Bacterial fortresses the biofilm matrix and microbial community assembly
Meeting Abstract 75-6 Saturday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30 Bacterial fortresses: the biofilm matrix and microbial community assembly NADELL, CD*; RICAURTE, D; DRESCHER, K; WINGREEN, NS; BASSLER, BL; Max Planck Institute of Terrestrial Microbiology; Princeton University; Max Planck Institute of Terrestrial Microbiology; Princeton University; Princeton University Bacteria are highly social organisms that produce surface-bound communities, termed […]
What are the Anatomical Determinants of Body Shape in Cyprinodontiform Fishes
Meeting Abstract 75-3 Saturday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45 What are the Anatomical Determinants of Body Shape in Cyprinodontiform Fishes? MINICOZZI, M*; STUART, F; FINDEN, A; GIBB, AC; Nothern Arizona University Understanding how modifications of the musculoskeletal system generate variation in body shape is key to understanding the evolution of form and function in teleost fishes. […]
The Evolution of the Dicynodont Sacrum, and Constraint on the Axial Column in Crown Mammalia
Meeting Abstract 75-2 Saturday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30 The Evolution of the Dicynodont Sacrum, and Constraint on the Axial Column in Crown Mammalia GRIFFIN, C*; ANGIELCZYK, K; GRIFFIN, Christ; Virginia Tech; Field Museum of Natural History The sacrum—the vertebrae that articulate with the ilium—is the nexus between the axial skeleton and the hindlimb. Reptiles […]
Post-cranial morphology in the Xenarthra Hind limb structure and function
Meeting Abstract 75-1 Saturday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15 Post-cranial morphology in the Xenarthra: Hind limb structure and function MARSHALL, S.K.*; SPAINHOWER, K.B.; BUTCHER, M.T.; Youngstown State Univ.; Youngstown State Univ.; Youngstown State Univ. Anteaters, armadillos, and sloths each have distinctive body plans, yet they are all members of the basal superorder Xenarthra due in part […]
Hit the Ground Running – How Locomotor Mode Affects Post-Cranial Morphology in Carnivorans
Meeting Abstract 75-6 Saturday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30 Hit the Ground Running – How Locomotor Mode Affects Post-Cranial Morphology in Carnivorans MUNTEANU, VD*; HEDRICK, BP; Clemson University; Harvard University Tetrapod limbs, especially joints, are necessarily linked to locomotion and a large amount of work has been done studying the connection between locomotor mode and bony […]
Bony Lesions in Early Tetrapods and the Evolution of Bone Healing
Meeting Abstract 75-5 Saturday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15 Bony Lesions in Early Tetrapods and the Evolution of Bone Healing HERBST, E*; SMITHSON, TR; CLACK, JA; DOUBE, M; HUTCHINSON, JR; Royal Veterinary College; Univ. Museum of Zoology, Cambridge; Univ. Museum of Zoology, Cambridge; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College Some analyses of pathologies in the fossil […]