Induction of larval settlement in the sea anemone Aiptasia in the laboratory

Meeting Abstract 75.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:30  Induction of larval settlement in the sea anemone Aiptasia in the laboratory TRAN, C.*; PEREZ, S.F.; PRINGLE, J.R.; Stanford University School of Medicine; College of San Mateo; Stanford University School of Medicine Recapitulating the full sexual life cycle of Aiptasia in the laboratory is critical for the further […]

Assessing the effects of parrotfish grazing and macroalgal competition on coral cover in the middle Florida Keys

Meeting Abstract 75.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:45  Assessing the effects of parrotfish grazing and macroalgal competition on coral cover in the middle Florida Keys SMITH, K/M*; CHILDRESS, M/J; Clemson University Coral cover in the Caribbean has drastically decreased over the past several decades. Previous studies have found evidence of competition between macroalgal species and reef […]

5-day linear extension growth rates in corals living a reef with high environmental variability

Meeting Abstract 75.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:30  5-day linear extension growth rates in corals living a reef with high environmental variability RUIZ-JONES, GJ*; PALUMBI, SR; Department of Biology, Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station Coral growth rates are often used as a metric of coral health and have been measured extensively in the lab under controlled conditions […]

The adipose fin of Corydoras aeneus develops from the larval fin fold and is mechanosensitive

Meeting Abstract 75-7  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:30  The adipose fin of Corydoras aeneus develops from the larval fin fold and is mechanosensitive STEWART, TA*; AIELLO, BR; HO, RK; HALE, ME; Yale University; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago How do new fins evolve? A comprehensive answer must integrate multiple kinds of explanations: […]

Neofunctionalization of a lung-gene paralog may facilitate respiration in lungless salamanders

Meeting Abstract 75-6  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:15  Neofunctionalization of a lung-gene paralog may facilitate respiration in lungless salamanders LEWIS, Z.R.*; DORANTES, J.A.; HANKEN, J.; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Most terrestrial vertebrates use lungs to breathe. The few exceptions include lungless amphibians (hundreds of species of salamanders, but […]

Getting a-head Evolution and Development of Dorsal Head Patterning in Horned Beetles

Meeting Abstract 75-2  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:15  Getting a-head: Evolution and Development of Dorsal Head Patterning in Horned Beetles BUSEY , HA*; ZATTARA, EE; MOCZEK, AP; Indiana University, Bloomington ; Indiana University, Bloomington ; Indiana University, Bloomington The evolutionary origin of the insect head has been of longstanding interest in evolutionary biology. Much is known about […]

Exploring the evolutionary history of a novel trait

Meeting Abstract 75-3  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:30  Exploring the evolutionary history of a novel trait MELICHER, D*; MEIER, R; SU, KFY; BOWSHER, JH; North Dakota State University; National University of Singapore; National University of Singapore; North Dakota State University Sepsid flies (Diptera: Sepsidae) have a novel abdominal appendage used for courtship and mating. This appendage is […]

Evolution of the Hox Code Insights from the Model Sea Anemone, Nematostella vectensis

Meeting Abstract 75-8  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:45  Evolution of the Hox Code: Insights from the Model Sea Anemone, Nematostella vectensis STEPHENSON, TQ*; DUBUC, TQ; SIMMONS, DS; MARTINDALE, MQ; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience Hox genes are a set of highly conserved homeobox transcription factors that pattern the anterior posterior axis in bilaterally symmetrical animals. This conserved […]

Bridging pattern and process How do snails grow shell sculpture

Meeting Abstract 75-4  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:45  Bridging pattern and process: How do snails grow shell sculpture? WEBSTER, NB; University of Alberta Mollusc shells are a prime example of “endless forms most beautiful” and exhibit many diverse and complicated patterns. Shells are formed by the mantle, which lines the opening of the shell (aperture), secreting the […]

An Earful of Jaw, Then and Now Insights from Evolutionary Developmental Biology

Meeting Abstract 75-5  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:00  An Earful of Jaw, Then and Now: Insights from Evolutionary Developmental Biology URBAN, D.J.*; ANTHWAL, N.; TUCKER, A.S.; SEARS, K.E.; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; King’s College London; King’s College London; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign During synapsid evolution, postdentary elements in the reptilian jaw transitioned into the middle […]

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