The genetic components of extended life expectancy in chilled, post-diapause quiescent alfalfa feafcutting bees, Megachile rotundata

Meeting Abstract 75.2  Monday, Jan. 6 08:15  The genetic components of extended life expectancy in chilled, post-diapause quiescent alfalfa feafcutting bees, Megachile rotundata TORSON, A.S.*; YOCUM, G.D.; RINEHART, J.P.; KEMP, W.P.; BOWSHER, J.H.; North Dakota State University; USDA-ARS; USDA-ARS; USDA-ARS; North Dakota State University The alfalfa leafcutting bee (Megachile rotundata) a solitary bee native to Eurasia, […]

The consequences of thermal stress on early embryonic development from cells to the whole-organism

Meeting Abstract 75.3  Monday, Jan. 6 08:30  The consequences of thermal stress on early embryonic development: from cells to the whole-organism LOCKWOOD, B.L.*; MONTOOTH, K.L.; Indiana University; Indiana University For ectothermic organisms like Drosophila, changes in environmental temperature alter cellular processes. During early development, a rapid series of mitotic divisions bring an embryo from having a […]

Reproductive physiology of a euryhaline teleost consuming low levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids

Meeting Abstract 75.1  Monday, Jan. 6 08:00  Reproductive physiology of a euryhaline teleost consuming low levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids PATTERSON, J.T.*; WALKER, F.L.; GREEN, C.G.; Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural Center; Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural Center; Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural Center Relative activities of fatty acid (FA) elongases and desaturases are highly variable in fishes. […]

Repeated anoxia exposures during the immature stages have hormetic effects that extend into adulthood

Meeting Abstract 75.4  Monday, Jan. 6 08:45  Repeated anoxia exposures during the immature stages have hormetic effects that extend into adulthood LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, G*; WILLIAMS, CM; VISSER, B; HAHN , DA; New Mexico State University; University of Florida; Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte; University of Florida Organisms experience multiple environmental stressors in their habitat […]

Phylogenetic diversity and transcription dynamics of heat shock proteins in the estuarine cnidarian Nematostella vectensis

Meeting Abstract 75.6  Monday, Jan. 6 09:15  Phylogenetic diversity and transcription dynamics of heat shock proteins in the estuarine cnidarian Nematostella vectensis REITZEL, A.M.*; TARRANT, A.M.; University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Individuals living in estuarine habitats routinely experience dynamic abiotic conditions requiring the inducible expression of gene batteries for maintaining homeostasis. Heat […]

Development of larval salinity tolerance in two populations of alligator gar Atractosteus spatula

Meeting Abstract 75.7  Monday, Jan. 6 09:30  Development of larval salinity tolerance in two populations of alligator gar Atractosteus spatula GREEN, C*; LUNDBERG, N; FERRARA, A; FONTENOT, Q; Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; Nicholls State University Adult alligator gar Atractosteus spatula are euryhaline, but it is unclear when larvae or juveniles develop salinity tolerance. Larval gar […]

DNA damage tolerance and photorepair of ultraviolet-C irradiated Austrofundulus limnaeus embryos unique insight into annual killifish development

Meeting Abstract 75.5  Monday, Jan. 6 09:00  DNA damage tolerance and photorepair of ultraviolet-C irradiated Austrofundulus limnaeus embryos: unique insight into annual killifish development WAGNER, J.T.*; PODRABSKY, J.E.; Portland State Univ.; Portland State Univ. Exposure of cells to ultraviolet radiation has long been known to cause DNA damage, with the most abundant form being cyclobutane pyrimidine […]

The tale of two apicomplexans Are associations between scleractinian corals and apicomplexans (Alveolata) specific

Meeting Abstract 75.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:15  The tale of two apicomplexans: Are associations between scleractinian corals and apicomplexans (Alveolata) specific? KIRK, NL*; SLAPETA, J; LINARES, M; THORNHILL, DJ; KEMP, DW; FITT, WK; SANTOS, SR; Oregon State University; University of Sydney, New South Wales Australia; University of Sydney, New South Wales Australia; Defenders of Wildlife, Washington DC; […]

Octocoral success in degrading reefs A case study in St John, US Virgin Islands

Meeting Abstract 75.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:15  Octocoral success in degrading reefs: A case study in St John, US Virgin Islands TSOUNIS, G*; LASKER, H; EDMUNDS, PJ; California State University Northridge Global declines in cover of reef building scleractinian corals on tropical reefs have occurred over the last few decades, and these losses have been […]

Isolation by distance and dispersal among populations of a Caribbean octocoral

Meeting Abstract 75.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:00  Isolation by distance and dispersal among populations of a Caribbean octocoral LASKER, HR*; PORTO-HANNES, I; University at Buffalo; University at Buffalo Observations of larval behavior and patterns of recruitment of the Caribbean octocoral Antillogorgia elisabethae suggest that its negatively buoyant larvae do not disperse over great distances. Microsatellite analyses […]

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