Meeting Abstract 74.6 Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:15 Stake your claim: foraging archer fish rely on aggression rather than kinematic changes to deter intraspecific theft of prey BURNETTE, M.F.*; ASHLEY-ROSS, M.A.; Wake Forest University; Wake Forest University Archer fishes are social animals that forage for terrestrial insect prey by spitting streams of water from their mouths, causing […]
sessions: Session 74
Remote sensing accelerometers for detecting behaviors in two chipmunk (Tamias) species
Meeting Abstract 74.8 Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:45 Remote sensing accelerometers for detecting behaviors in two chipmunk (Tamias) species HAMMOND, T.T.*; BERG-KIRKPATRICK, T.; SPRINGTHORPE, D.; WALSH, R.E.; LACEY, E.A.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Measuring behavioral activity budgets in small mammals is […]
Ontogeny of a Behavior Decorating in Juvenile and Adult Decorator Crabs (Oregonia gracilis)
Meeting Abstract 74.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:15 Ontogeny of a Behavior: Decorating in Juvenile and Adult Decorator Crabs (Oregonia gracilis) JACOBS, MW*; HEIN, SR; ODIERNO, JA; McDaniel College; Univ. of Texas, Tyler; McDaniel College Adult graceful decorator crabs (Oregonia gracilis) decorate by attaching pieces of algae, sponge, or other items from their habitat onto hooked setae, […]
Determining Maximum Prey Size and Quantifying Prey Manipulation Strategy in the California Moray
Meeting Abstract 74.7 Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:30 Determining Maximum Prey Size and Quantifying Prey Manipulation Strategy in the California Moray DILUZIO, A. R.*; HIGGINS, B. A.; MEHTA, R. S.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Moray eels (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) comprise a large radiation of snake-like marine predators. Morays have a reduced capacity to use suction during prey […]
Ability to Discriminate Between Hosts and Reproductive Performance in Ectoparasites of Small Mammals
Meeting Abstract 74.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:00 Ability to Discriminate Between Hosts and Reproductive Performance in Ectoparasites of Small Mammals KRASNOV, B.R.*; KHOKHLOVA, I.S.; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Selection of an appropriate habitat with necessary and exploitable resources is one of the main tasks for any living organism. If an […]
3D-printed flowers reveal strong sensitivity of animal feeding performance to corolla curvature
Meeting Abstract 74.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:30 3D-printed flowers reveal strong sensitivity of animal feeding performance to corolla curvature CAMPOS, E.O.*; BRADSHAW JR., H.D.; DANIEL, T.L.; University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington, Seattle Flower morphology is an important contributor to a pollinator’s ability to find and exploit the nectar source. Our […]
Spectra analysis of Gq-opsins from four scallop species
Meeting Abstract 74-6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:15 Spectra analysis of Gq-opsins from four scallop species FAGGIONATO, D.*; ARNDORFER, R. J.; SERB, J. M.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA; Iowa State University, Ames, IA; Iowa State University, Ames, IA Recent transcriptome analysis of scallops eyes and mantle from our lab has shown that scallops have a […]
Seeing without eyes Opsins and the evolution of photodetection in basal metazoans
Meeting Abstract 74-1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:00 Seeing without eyes: Opsins and the evolution of photodetection in basal metazoans BABONIS, L.S.*; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; Univ of Florida, Whitney Lab; Univ of Florida, Whitney Lab Opsins are photosensitive proteins that mediate the detection of light in photoreceptive tissues. Although they were originally thought to be restricted to the […]
Organized Water Addressing the Paradoxes of Acellular Bodies in Ctenophores
Meeting Abstract 74-3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:30 Organized Water: Addressing the Paradoxes of Acellular Bodies in Ctenophores TOWNSEND, J.P.*; SWEENEY, A.M.; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania In the genomic era, we know that the earliest-branching animal phyla include ctenophores, sponges, and cnidarians. Intriguingly, these animals all share bodies that are more amorphous, acellular materials by […]
Expression and spectral analysis of two Gq-opsins from the mantle and the eyes of the scallop Placopecten magellanicus
Meeting Abstract 74-5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:00 Expression and spectral analysis of two Gq-opsins from the mantle and the eyes of the scallop Placopecten magellanicus SERB, J.M.*; HARLEY, A.; FAGGIONATO, D.; Iowa State Univ.; Iowa State Univ.; Iowa State Univ. Despite having complex mirror eyes and showing mantle shadow response, the molecular details of scallop light […]