A small squirrel (Tamiops swinhoei) sheds light on the complex biomechanical adaptations to fast arboreal locomotion

SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING (VAM)January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021 Meeting Abstract 74-4  Sat Jan 2  A small squirrel (Tamiops swinhoei) sheds light on the complex biomechanical adaptations to fast arboreal locomotion Wölfer, J*; Michel, J; Aschenbach, T; Nyakatura, JA; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Humboldt-Universität […]

Using among-year climate conditions and climate indices to predict consequences for multiple trophic levels plants, insects and lizards

Meeting Abstract 74-5  Monday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00  Using among-year climate conditions and climate indices to predict consequences for multiple trophic levels: plants, insects and lizards ANDERSON, RA; Western Washington University Roger.Anderson@wwu.edu http://myweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/rogera/ In the northern extreme of the Great Basin desert scrub, climate variation is exemplified not only by the contrasts of La Nina and […]

Thermoregulatory costs drive responses of mammal and bird communities to climate change in the Mojave Desert

Meeting Abstract 74-4  Monday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45  Thermoregulatory costs drive responses of mammal and bird communities to climate change in the Mojave Desert RIDDELL, EA*; IKNAYAN, KJ; WOLF, BO; BEISSINGER, SR; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley; University of New Mexico; University of California, Berkeley riddell.eric@gmail.com Climate change might dramatically increase extinction risk […]

The Climate Variability Hypothesis Predicts Thermal Plasticity Across Life Stages of Onthophagus taurus Dung Beetles

Meeting Abstract 74-7  Monday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  The Climate Variability Hypothesis Predicts Thermal Plasticity Across Life Stages of Onthophagus taurus Dung Beetles CARTER, AW*; SHELDON, KS; University of Tennessee; University of Tennessee acarte82@utk.edu Most organisms live in thermally variable environments and climate change stands to increase this variation. However, studies often utilize constant temperatures and […]

Let’s Do the Time-lag Again Ecologically Relevant Incubation Temperatures Delay the Response of Sex-determining Genes in a Turtle with TSD

Meeting Abstract 74-6  Monday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15  Let’s Do the Time-lag Again: Ecologically Relevant Incubation Temperatures Delay the Response of Sex-determining Genes in a Turtle with TSD BREITENBACH, AT*; PAITZ, RT; BOWDEN, RM; Illinois State University, Normal; Illinois State University, Normal; Illinois State University, Normal atbreit@ilstu.edu Even though most organisms are exposed to variable bouts […]

Intraspecific Variation in Thermal Tolerance and Water Balance of Amphibians Across Subtropical Elevational Gradients

Meeting Abstract 74-8  Monday, Jan. 6 09:30 – 09:45  Intraspecific Variation in Thermal Tolerance and Water Balance of Amphibians Across Subtropical Elevational Gradients BOVO, RP*; SIMON, MN; PROVETE, DB; NAVAS, CA; ANDRADE, DV; University of Sao Paulo and University of California Santa Cruz; University of Sao Paulo; Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul; University of Sao […]

Diapause plasticity allows insects to cope with drought at high and low elevations

Meeting Abstract 74-3  Monday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  Diapause plasticity allows insects to cope with drought at high and low elevations SRYGLEY, RB; USDA-Agricultural Research Service robert.srygley@ars.usda.gov Semi-arid rangelands of the western US are sensitive to climate change, with droughts projected to increase in frequency and duration in the latter half of the 21st century. These […]

Butterfly Traits Resolve Variation in Range Shift Responses to Recent Climate Change

Meeting Abstract 74-2  Monday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15  Butterfly Traits Resolve Variation in Range Shift Responses to Recent Climate Change Lenard, A*; Diamond, S; Case Western Reserve University axl710@case.edu http://www.diamond-lab.org/ Variation in species geographic ranges is astounding – why some species exist on only a small part of one island while others occupy nearly the entire […]

Striking Developmental Changes in the First Molt of Newborn Scorpions

FARLEY, R.D.: Striking Developmental Changes in the First Molt of Newborn Scorpions The scanning electron microscope is used for the first time to compare structures in the first and second stadia. In the buthid Centruroides vittatus (Mexico, southern U.S.) and all other scorpions, the newborn climb up on their mother’s back and remain there without […]

Placental Ultrastructure of a Predominantly Lecithotrophic Squamate Reptile

STEWART, J.R.*; BRASCH, K.R.: Placental Ultrastructure of a Predominantly Lecithotrophic Squamate Reptile Virginia striatula is a viviparous snake with a complex pattern of embryonic nutrition. Nutrients for embryonic development are provided by large yolked eggs, supplemented by placental transfer. Placentation in this species is surprisingly elaborate for a predominantly lecithotrophic squamate reptile. The embryonic–maternal interface […]

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