Meeting Abstract 73.1 Monday, Jan. 6 08:15 Closing the loop on abdominal control with free flight pitch perturbations DYHR, JP*; SPONBERG, S; HALL, R; COLMENARES, DJ; CHAUHAN, NS; DANIEL, TL; Univ of Washington; Univ of Washington; Univ of Washington; Carnegie Mellon Univ.; Univ Prep HS; Univ of Washington Flying animals use multiple motor outputs for flight […]
sessions: Session 73
The effect of eye size and habitat on the evolution of scleral thickness in mammals
Meeting Abstract 73.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:30 The effect of eye size and habitat on the evolution of scleral thickness in mammals WANG, S.S.*; SCHMITZ, L; Pomona College; Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges Marine mammals and reptiles are characterized by an array of morphological features that are considered to be adaptations towards secondary aquatic lifestyles. […]
Population genomics of rapid adaptation in Fundulus heteroclitus exposed to power station thermal effluents
Meeting Abstract 73.4 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:45 Population genomics of rapid adaptation in Fundulus heteroclitus exposed to power station thermal effluents DAYAN, D I*; CRAWFORD, D L; OLEKSIAK, M F; University of Miami – Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science; University of Miami – Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science; University of Miami – Rosenstiel […]
Phylogeny of Paedomorphic Fishes of Cypriniformes Using Anchored Phylogenomics
Meeting Abstract 73.7 Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:35 Phylogeny of Paedomorphic Fishes of Cypriniformes Using Anchored Phylogenomics TAN, M.*; STOUT, C.C.; LEMMON, A.R.; LEMMON, E.M.; ARMBRUSTER, J.W.; Auburn University; Auburn University; Florida State University; Florida State University; Auburn University The phylogenetic relationships of certain paedomorphic members of the Cypriniformes (specifically the genera Paedocypris, Danionella, Sundadanio) have been […]
Genome wide analyses reveal population divergence among estuarine microhabitats in Fundulus heteroclitus
Meeting Abstract 73.5 Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:00 Genome wide analyses reveal population divergence among estuarine microhabitats in Fundulus heteroclitus WAGNER, DN*; OLEKSIAK, MF; CRAWFORD, DL; University of Miami; University of Miami; University of Miami Environmental differences affect genetic and phenotypic variation among individuals. For Fundulus heteroclitus there are meaningful environmental differences within a single estuary; […]
Comparative transcriptomic analysis across four divergent ecotypes of an extremophile fish (Poecilia mexicana)
Meeting Abstract 73.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:00 Comparative transcriptomic analysis across four divergent ecotypes of an extremophile fish (Poecilia mexicana) PASSOW, C.N*; KELLEY, J.L; TOBLER, M; Kansas State University, Manhattan; Washington State University, Pullman; Kansas State University, Manhattan Adaptation and speciation are key processes in the evolution of biodiversity. Elucidating the genomic basis of traits involved […]
Characterizing the genetic basis of variation in African cichlid fin morphology
Meeting Abstract 73.6 Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:15 Characterizing the genetic basis of variation in African cichlid fin morphology NAVON, D*; ALBERTSON, RC; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Massachusetts, Amherst Neoteleosts exhibit tremendous diversity in morphology and behavior that often closely matches their adaptation to a particular feeding niche. For instance, benthic fish that pluck or […]
An approach for comparing qPCR data across species, applied to paracellular nutrient absorption
Meeting Abstract 73.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:15 An approach for comparing qPCR data across species, applied to paracellular nutrient absorption PRICE, E.R.*; ROTT, K.H.; CAVIEDES-VIDAL, E.; KARASOV, W.H.; University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of Wisconsin-Madison; Universidad Nacional de San Luis; University of Wisconsin-Madison Bats have a high reliance on the passive, paracellular absorption of glucose. This contrasts […]
Physical and Computational Models of Spider Web Vibrations
Meeting Abstract 73-1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:00 Physical and Computational Models of Spider Web Vibrations OTTO, A.W.; ELIAS, D.O.; HATTON, R.L.*; Oregon State Univ.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Oregon State Univ. Web-building spiders tend to have poor eyesight and rely on web vibrations for situational awareness. Web-borne vibrations are used to determine the location of prey, […]
Modulation of spider glue’s humidity responsive adhesion using surface energy and surface charge density
Meeting Abstract 73-7 Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:30 Modulation of spider glue’s humidity responsive adhesion using surface energy and surface charge density. AMARPURI, G.*; CHEN, Y.; BLACKLEDGE, T.A.; DHINOJWALA, A.; Univ. of Akron, Ohio; Univ. of Akron, Ohio; Univ. of Akron, Ohio; Univ. of Akron, Ohio Modern orb-web spiders use micron sized glue droplet to capture […]