Taking learning to the extremes The natural history of Chile as a biological case study

Meeting Abstract 73.4  Thursday, Jan. 6  Taking learning to the extremes: The natural history of Chile as a biological case study. FURIMSKY, M.; Westminster College – Pennsylvania furimsmm@westminster.edu In an effort to promote experiential learning in the biological sciences, faculty are devising new hands-on and practical ways to complement the material published in textbooks, as well as […]

Rethinking College General Education Science Courses

Meeting Abstract 73.6  Thursday, Jan. 6  Rethinking College General Education Science Courses ROWE, M.P.*; GILLESPIE, M.B.; ROSE, L.A.; Sam Houston State; Sam Houston State; Sam Houston State rowe@shsu.edu Research shows that a majority of Americans, including college graduates, are scientifically illiterate. A recent Carnegie study, for example, indicates that 93% of American adults, including a startling 78% […]

Microtomy and Histology in the High School Biology Classroom

Meeting Abstract 73.3  Thursday, Jan. 6  Microtomy and Histology in the High School Biology Classroom WHEELER, Maxwell D*; BARBANO, Duane L; NELSON, Russel L; UYENO, Theodore A; Northern Arizona University; NAU; NAU; NAU mdw62@nau.edu The purpose of the Open-tome project is to develop economical microtomy (thin-sectioning) and histology (micro-anatomy) for use in high school biology classes. The […]

Impacting Science Teacher Candidate Practices through Authentic Research Experience

Meeting Abstract 73.5  Thursday, Jan. 6  Impacting Science Teacher Candidate Practices through Authentic Research Experience MOORHEAD, Luke*; BREUNER, Creagh; BLANK, Lisa; University of Montana; University of Montana; University of Montana senorluke@gmail.com Colburn (2000) has shown that the teacher is a key element in implementing an inquiry-based classroom. Research experience in science settings has also shown to positively […]

Evolution Education Resources from The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center

Meeting Abstract 73.1  Thursday, Jan. 6  Evolution Education Resources from The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center WEINTRAUB, J.P.; National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) jory@nescent.org Teaching evolution has myriad challenges, not the least of which is sorting through all of the existing modules, podcasts, videos, links and other resources available, to distinguish between the good, the bad and the […]

21st century learning in biology examples and lessons learned from five digital learning projects

Meeting Abstract 73.2  Thursday, Jan. 6  21st century learning in biology: examples and lessons learned from five digital learning projects ARONOWSKY, A*; SANZENBACHER, B; VILLANOSA, K; THOMPSON, J; ANGIELCZYK, KD; DREW, JA; The Field Museum; The Field Museum; The Field Museum; The Field Museum; The Field Museum; The Field Museum aaronowsky@fieldmuseum.org Virtual worlds, video games, and digital […]

Heliconius mimicry rings in a new Light

Meeting Abstract 73.1  Friday, Jan. 6  Heliconius mimicry rings in a new Light SEYMOURE, Brett*; MCMILLAN, W. Owen; MCGRAW, Kevin; RUTOWSKI, Ron; Arizona State University; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Arizona State University; Arizona State University brett.seymoure@gmail.com Mullerian mimicry theory states that two or more aposematic individuals (unprofitable individuals that exhibit a warning signal) will converge on a […]

Chemical Ecology of the Red-spotted Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus

Meeting Abstract 73.4  Friday, Jan. 6  Chemical Ecology of the Red-spotted Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus UHRIG, E.J.*; LEMASTER, M.P.; MASON, R.T.; Oregon State University, Corvallis; Western Oregon University, Monmouth; Oregon State University, Corvallis uhrige@science.oregonstate.edu To date, most studies of garter snake chemical ecology have focused on the female sexual attractiveness pheromone of the red-sided garter snake […]

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